Why Do All Women Blame Men For Their Fail.ures

Why do women blame men for everything?

Because women cannot accept responsibility for anything. Their convoluted reason (if you can call it reason) is that they are perfect and therefore any shortcoming or failure on their part must be due to either male sexist attitude, outright discrimination, or male stupidity.

It is sad...

Why do women blame nice guys?

Women love jerks aka bad boys. Even when theses men abuse them and use them. Theses guys cause a lot of heart ache. Some women are seriously hurt by theses men emotionally. Women have no one to blame but the selfs for there pain. They knew upfront theses men were no good but they wanted them anyway. When asked why not give good guys a break they act like its all his fault that they don't want him. Seriously? Think about how crazy this is. Is it the good guys fault he respects women and wants to treat them well. Is it his fault that he is faithful and would never hurt you? Is it his fault that he is more mature and stable? Is it his fault that he's smarter than bad boys and has more drive? Is it his fault that he believes women should not be used? Women know that bad boys are like a drug. Drugs are addicted and will destroy your well being. There is nothing good about drugs or bad boys. Still good guys get blamed for the women's poor decisions. You say if we acted more like a bad boy then maybe. Really if we were a bad boy maybe is the truth?

Why do many men blame their singleness on women?

Some men, known as incels, will blame their singleness on women because they believe they are entitled to sex/relationship simply on the basis of them being a man. Elliot Rodger is an infamous example of such people. They refuse to acknowledge any faults of their own and blame others for their failures, and at extreme circumstances, kill people.Other men, however, don’t necessarily blame women per say, but blame the current political climate (Feminism…#metoo, etc.) that makes it harder for men to find good women. Dating for men is basically walking on eggshells to make sure that he isn’t going to get thrown under the bus by laws that are on the women’s side. False rape accusations are what can destroy a man’s life, even if he is proven to be innocent.Men do not put all of their blame at women as much as they do on unfair laws made by…ironically…other men.

If your boyfriend blames you for his failure, what should you do?

Find another boyfriend. This is a bad habit that will not get better. He blames others for his failures, so what happens to his wife every time something goes wrong? And in life, guess what? Things go wrong, ALL THE TIME! Obviously he isn't a problem solver, so will likely repeat his mistakes, and guess what? It's STILL your fault. Unless you want to spend eternity either defending yourself against an unfair accusation or meekly accepting blame when you had nothing to do with it, you should step away and evaluate this relationship. I guarantee happiness with this guy is not very likely.

Why do women always blame men for everything ?

its easier for anyone to blame over taking responsibility...sometimes a woman has such high expectations of a man she almost puts him in a position of God...and looks to him for happiness....dont we all blame God when things dont work out?

the point is woman and men should take responsibilities for there lives and their decisions and neither should point the finger...either work as a team or be on your own and dont ever seek leadership from your partner....only seek companionship

Why do some feminists tend to blame many issues on men?

In any situation where there's a conflict, it's common for some blame to fall on both sides in the conflict. It's really rare for the blame to fall only on one side in a conflict.The alternative to blaming men (partially or entirely) for many issues would be to claim that women themselves carry the entire responsiblity for all the myriad ways they're mistreated and/or discriminated around the world -- and that would be truly bizarre.Furthermore, when there is a power-imbalance, it usually makes sense to put most of the responsibility (not the same as most of the blame) on the more powerful part.If a kid is having a quarrel with an adult, the adult has most of the responsibility for how the quarrel develops and is handled. That's not to say the adult is to blame, but simply that since he/she is the one with most power in that situation, he/she is the one that has the most responsibility.In most countries in the world, men hold a lot more power than women do. It follows that they've got a lot of responsibility for fixing things. The proper word for power without responsibility is tyranny.The outdated gender-roles in culture, in law, in customs are upheld by both men and women, in this sense we share the blame for it. But to the degree men have more power than women, we also have the bigger responsibility for fixing things.Your example from the job-market is extremely far-fetched. A miniscule fraction of jobs today (especially in the first world) have muscle-strength as a dominant factor in productivity, and furthermore the few jobs that do are usually poorly paid anyway.Muscle-strength is not a determining factor for an engineer, or a teacher, or an architect or a musician or a cashier or 95%+ of other common jobs today, nevertheless women tend to earn less than the men do. The reasons for this are varied, but it usually comes down to "culture" in one way or another. (for example that part of culture which makes men spend less time-and-energy taking care of their own children than women do, thus women lose out on years of experience in the job-market and have a slower career as a result)

Why is hypergamy to blame for women not marrying men, despite men making more money than women on average?

Well people always blame something, but the idea that only women are hypergamous is ridiculous. As a man I can tell you man are hypergamous as well just in a different sense. Men are hypergamous in the sense they are attracted to beauty, fertility and youth. There’s a reason men tend to date younger women and that’s not a coincidence. Men are biologically and evolutionarily conditioned to be attracted to younger women because they are more fertile and can bear many of our children, whereas older women are less fertile. There’s a reason older single women have a hard time in the dating market. Because men their age are searching for women 5 - 10 years younger than them. So being a single 38 year old woman is not easy. You’ll have a limited pool of men. So that’s an example of men being hypergamous. And also, when men cheat on their wives as well it’s usually with the younger, hotter women. So yeah all this shows that it’s not just women who are hypergamous. Women do seek wealth, income and status but men seek youth and women who can bear many of their children. It’s in both of our biology. But both genders have their own versions of hypergamy so I think that this whole thing of blaming hypergamy for the sexual failures of some men and pretending as though only women are hypergamous seems a bit of a dig at women more than anything, to be honest

Why do a lot of women 100% blame the relationship breakup on their ex?

Because they’re all BITCHEZ amirite?Wimmen these days they’re all like Insta-hoeing around with their duck faces and selfie sticks like right little cheeky sluts, but they’ve also got these big ideas about what they’re good for. Me good-for-nuffink ex was no different.After everythin’ I did for her, all those handbags and perfumes I bought her from the money dealin’, she started reading these weird magazines like Elle-eh? What do you mean what’s Elle, Stan? The fuck if I know lad, but I think it’s like Cosmopolitan or Take a Break but for prissy intellectual types, you know the sort-so anyway; an’ they twisted me against her they did.Soon enough she was all like, “no we’re not having sex tonight, Frank, I have to get up early tomorrow to study my Psychology textbook from the library before my shift” an’ “you spend more time staring at my tits than my face, Frank. I don’t feel respected, to be honest.” She got these lofty ideas about wanting to follow her dream career. I was like “babe, what are you worried about? You’re one of the most gorgeous girls I’ve ever laid eyes on!” But nah lads she just kept going oooon and ooon about wanting to go to uni to do her Psychology degree. Before she got corrupted by these snooty mags an’ lent out that textbook, she was always happy running the till at Tesco an’ then cuddling’ up with me of an evening to watch Goggle Box. We’d both grab a pint at the weekend as a treat, of course. Chippy every Friday night.Got to the point where I just had to tell her “shut it, woman, I’m tryin’ to watch telly!” Last thing a man needs after a long hard day in the office is his missus bein’ a proper yappy shrew!I mean Christ almighty lads, if she had just slapped on a tight little dress a little more often then I never would have had to hook up with lovely little Bridget on the sly. How much effort does it take to please your man with a Maxi every now and then?The day she packed her bags, I tell yer fellas, I never felt so betrayed in my life. You think you’ve finally found someone decent and then the next minute they spit in yer face and walk out the door.Fucken cow. Good riddance I say.*gulps down 5th shot of Scotch as bar mates edge away slowly*

Why do men blame feminism for everything?

Isn't this the same victim mentality they claim feminist have? and if it were true (that we are the reason the sun shines), doesn't that just show you how powerful feminists are? If we are truly the reason for everything, we deserve our rightful spot because damn that is hard work.

Why does my wife never take responsibility for anything and blame me for everything that goes undone or wrong?

Because your wife is a wise woman?Just making a guess here, because obviously I have no idea what is going on in your marriage. You may not either.But here’s a suggestion. For the next 10 to 14 days, take it as a given that she is right. Apologize and do what you can to rectify the situation or prevent it from happening again. Don’t argue about it, don’t explain, just accept.And you you do this, consider the validity of her point-of-view. She might not be 100% correct, but does she raise a valid point or two?Work at this really, really hard. Oh, and don’t point out to her that you are doing it. And don’t be condescending about it either. Be polite and respectful.I’m serious with this advice. Good luck!