Why Do Boys Start Talking Later Than Girls

Late Talking two year old?

YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND IT IS MOST LIKELY NORMAL AND OKAY! I have a 2 year old boy (he turned 2 in December), that just now is starting to talk more. From the research I've done and the other mothers I've talked to, MANY boys talk later, especially later than most girls. If he can hear and can understand most of what you say, I wouldn't worry about it at all. If he hits 3 years old and still doesn't improve then it may be an issue, but even then, I have known 3 year olds that weren't big talkers and have turned out fine.

My 2 year old doesn't really say full sentances either, but just a week or so ago he really started talking more and it's like an all of a sudden thing.

That wasn't very appropriate of your half-sister to say that (which you know).

A mother's instinct is usually right on, so if you think he's fine, seriously, he probably is. Don't worry yet. He'll start talking eventually then you won't be able to shut him up, LOL!

Do male babies start talking later than females?

Yes.Normally the girls start speaking earlier. The difference between a 3 year old boy and three year old girl can be very wide. While the girl will start talking in full sentence and will be doing lots of pretend play, the boys wont be speaking as much.However, nothing to worry finally they too start talking fluently. So nothing to worry if development goals are fully met. If the male baby is pointing, giving social smile and has good eye contact, everything is fine.

Why is it that boys usually start first time conversations with girls be it in real life or on social websites? Why don't girls start talking to boys first, especially in India?

There are several occasions when a girl would restrain from messaging first- ofcourse the obvious ones because of her being shy, Introvert, scared which apply some boys as well who are unable to initiate.But then there are reasons like these as well (from personal experience and what I have seen) -  When the guy is a stranger to the girl, she just can't predict how he will interpret a casual chat. This is quite a legitimate confusion because a lot of times guys simply pick it up as a hint that the girl is open to conversation and is quite "frank". Which later gives them the liberty to ask her out. And if she then denys they say stuff like "the girl lead them to this point by talking". See how simple conversations are misread.It is sometimes quite easy to predict or assume what kind of person one is through their social media profiles. If the person is someone they are not interested to be acquainted to they won't take the pain of initiating a chat.They are not used to or comfortable with making friends online.  In few cases, it can be pride as well. Some girls get a lot of unwanted attention. Hence, they are not used to making an effort to start a conversation.  It happens with them everyday. On the other hand there are girls who get fed up of this attention and would prefer peace. They won't self invite the trouble by taking a chance to text someone. And at last... Some are just too busy to drop a text to a stranger online. Even if the other person is a star!!

Do girls always expect boys to start the conversation?

Mostly it’s yes, I’m sorry but if you(boy whoever you are) like her, you show interest and you want to get her attention, the initial step is yours. If you are the object of interest then you’ll get her to start. This is common sense till here. Sometimes they don’t even expect, we just make the move. This could be on real ground, could be online. But don’t always start, once you get to know her well, see if she starts.The big error is starting always, think about it, how would you feel if someone always starts talking to you and you never want to talk first to the person. If they are always expecting you start you are in the wrong friendship, relationship whatever you want to call it.It’s a game where you realize your worth, your value. I was in a terrible relationship where I would always look for her, I always started the talk, I understood one thing from that experience I priced her higher than myself, she had more value, might sound romantic but this is hopeless *laughs*. I moved on and I can tell you, I am better now.Summary, for initial conversation if you like the person who has no interest at the moment, you start. Once you know each other give the other person some space and see if you get texted, talked, signalled(I don’t know what you do). Know your worth, you don’t want to talk to people who don’t make their minimum effort to know you.

Why do girls have it so unfair compared to boys?

Seriously, girls have periods, mood swings, cravings, give birth, go through menopause, etc. We are stuck with sexist boys who constantly take advantage of us. To top it all off, we are considered the "weaker sex", and we are more susceptible to being raped, etc. Also, if a boy and girl have sex, and the girl gets pregnant, the boy can run away from it, but the girl is stuck with life-changing consequences. Why is this?

Why do males start puberty later than females?

I don't think they necessarily start puberty later than females but I think the first signs of puberty for males is less visible than for females. For females the first sign of puberty tends to be breast growth- which usually happens by the age of 10, for males the first sign is testicular growth- which usually happens by age 11. Females also reach their growth spurt at the beginning of puberty whereas boys usually reach their growth spurt (as well as voice deepening and beard growth) at the end of puberty.

When do children start talking?

every1 is different.About 15%-25% of young children have some kind of communication disorder. Boys tend to develop language skills a little later than girls, but in general, kids may be labeled "late-talking children" if they speak less than 10 words by the age of 18 to 20months, or fewer than 50 words by 21 to 30 months of age. So babbling and sounds that may mimic wrds come earlier than this. Talk 2 ur child, it assists. Name stuff around, it’s fun, develops speech ability. HTH, thnx 4 askin me directly.

Do teen guys hate shy girls?

just wondering...because i am a shy girl. but really friendly. im not overly shy though like it seems im rude. if someone starts talking to me i have no problem and im friendly. i like art. just wondering what teenage guys think of this cause i have heard some guys say they dont like when girls are shy. i have never had a boyfriend. im thinking its because i dont act promiscuous and party and im not exactly rich...but im not really ugly or weird looking but i dont dress slutty. but they again a lot of the guys my age...almost all are wannabe ghetto kids living in a rich white suburban area and who even talk ebonic and care just about money drugs and getting laid. help me here.