Why Do Canadians Love Socialism

Why do europeans love Socialism so much?

Why is it that Cambridge is actually the #1 university in the world and not Harvard?
Why is it that you think Europe is socialist?
Why are you so ignorant in politics?
Why do you think America is great when we suck at everything except military power?
Why is America one of the most fundamentalist countries in the world, almost as much as Iran?
Why is it, that health-care is so much better in Europe and Japan when compared to America?
Why do you believe in the Cold War propaganda, when obviously it's false?
Why are most of the points you bring up wrong?
Why don't you know the true meaning of socialism???

Why do Canadians love socialism?

Only two kinds of people think Canada's socialist: Fail trolls and f*ck ups. Which one are you?
Everyone else knows how to use a dictionary:


a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

That's not true of Canada. At all. Period:

'Canada: Richer than America and more economically powerful than Europe'
'The most prosperous nation in the Americas, Canada ranks first in personal freedom'
'U.S. falls out of top 10 most prosperous nations, Canada remains number six'
'Canada Trounces U.S. In Best Countries For Business'
'Canada leads North America in economic freedom'
'Canada rises to Top Five in world economic freedom ranking as U.S. plummets to 18th'
'Leader of the West - the progress of Stephen Harper, Canada's Conservative prime minister'
'To Lead America, Follow Canada: What American conservatives can learn from Stephen Harper'
'Canadian Prime Minister named World Statesman of the Year'
'Canadian PM more powerful than a president, U.S. envoy says'
'Canadians getting richer, average net worth tops $400,000'
'Look out, Americans, average Canadian is richer than you are'
'Americans enjoy less economic mobility than their peers in Canada'
'Canadians pay less tax per person than Americans'
'The American Dream is alive and well - in Canada'
'Americans are the latest economic refugees, and they're heading to Canada'

Canada has social programs. That's not socialism. They're two very different things.
If you're a fail troll, you already knew that.
If you're just another f*ck up, you didn't. And now you do.
Either way, run along and quit wasting our time with nonsense about nonexistent socialism.
Fact-based reality is that no nation on Earth is actually socialist, or ever has been.

Are Canadians as opposed to socialism as Americans?

The Canadian government recently spent a lot of money to buy the rights to build a pipeline from Alberta to BC. (https://business.financialpost.c...). There was some criticism that the purchase was unwise, but I didn’t see any criticism that it was socialist. Yet, that’s exactly what socialism is: the people collectively owning the means of production. It could be through co-ops or it could be through the government.Canada has many provincial and federal Crown Corporations. Each province has a single government-owned company offering universal health insurance; my province has a single government-owned company, ICBC, offering car insurance; the passenger rail service, VIA Rail, is a crown corporation. Poultry, eggs, and dairy are managed through government-run marketing boards.I don’t think people say “That’s socialist, so it’s bad.” They’re more likely to see whether something works and criticize it on that basis. If something in the private sector is not working, historically, the government is likely to step in in some way or another, as when it picked up a lot of failing rail lines to create CN Rail, or when it created Air Canada and Petro Canada. Over time, as circumstances change, some of these Crown Corporations are privatized.

Is Canada a socialist country?


It does have some aspects of socialism for needed services. But it has a capitalistic economic system based on free enterprise. Therefore, it is impossible it is socialistic.

Pure socialism is the government controls all aspects of business. There is no free enterprise. No one can own a business nor profit from it. All profits go to the state. It is a system that is wrought with problems, one of them being stagnation, because it takes away all incentive to excel.

The socialism I pointed to in the first paragraph, needed services are things like medical, police, fire, infrastructure (a combination of state and capitalism working side by side), military, schools, etc. All capitalistic countries have such socialism to varying degrees.

The one aspect of socialism that is used in capitalism is controls. Those controls are put in place so as not to allow the rich to take over the lower classes. With things like anti trust laws, monopoly laws, controls of how services are rendered, such as banking, communications, even the big guy buying up all of one type of business thus making a monopoly.

Unfettered capitalism is just as bad as unfettered communism and socialism. In the case of capitalism it will eventually result in a small upper class, no middle class and a vast poor class. That is why places like China, France, Cuba and Tsar Russia went through revolutions and is the biggest reasons all capitalistic countries have government control of capitalism.

Pure free marketers don't seem to understand that greed is a very powerful ally and that human nature, not theory is the denominator that takes over. A good example is Karl Marx, his theories ignored human greed and the lust for power. Another example is today, the decontrol of banking plus the government belief that free enterprise would be responsible helped create the mess we are in. People like Alan Greenspan has since admitted that was a huge error.


Why does socialism work in canada but not america?

Canada has universal healthcare and high taxes, yet it turned out okay-a high life expectancy and decent living conditions. So why do people say it doesn't work in the us?