Why Do Conservatives Hate Twerking

Why do conservatives hate the idea of making the rich pay the same tax rate as the middle class?

Taxing investment income the same as wages doesn't make economic sense.

When tax rates were high, those rich people simply hid their money in tax free shelters, and kept it out of the economy. And international investors found other markets to invest in.

And let's not forget that increasing taxes on investment income hits a lot of people in their pensions and IRAs and 401(k)s.

On actual wages, the "rich" pay at a higher than anybody else. On investment income, they pay at the same rate as everybody else.

This cannot logically or honestly be called "unfair."

The reason jobs are being created overseas is because your idiot Democrat politicians have created so much instability that companies are unwilling to expand here.

As for the military, the issue becomes a question of what will happen in the world without a strong and committed US military? How would Taiwan, Japan and South Korea fare? Georgia? Ukraine? Colombia?

A world without a strong US military presence is a very dangerous and war-filled world.

“Conservative” do not “hate” America.They do, however, have a different view of what America was, is, and should be.Because America is a “Representative Democracy” then “Conservatives” have the right to have their voices heard. If there are more “Conservatives” than there are “non-Conservatives” then the “Conservatives” have the legal and constitutional right to control the government of the United States of America.Equally, “Stupid People” probably have a different view of what American was, is, and should be.And also equally, because America is a “Representative Democracy” then “Stupid People” have the right to have their voices heard. If there are more “Stupid People” than there are “non-Stupid People” then the “Stupid People” have the legal and constitutional right to control the government of the United States of America.PS - “Sending America back to the Dark Ages” wouldn’t be that hard to do since the “AVERAGE American” in the 1900s lived a life hardly much different than the “AVERAGE Roman” in the 900s.PPS - “Russian Stooge” is MUCH too harsh a term to apply to Mr. Trump. A more correct term would be полезные дураки (or polezniye duraki if you prefer). You see, a “stooge” KNOWS that they are a “stooge” whereas a дураки doesn’t know that they are a дураки.

Definition of POLITICAL CORRECTNESSDefinition of politically correct: conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated.The problem with this is that it is not a rational form of argument. There is no need to offer proof that you are offended and no way that your opponent can disprove that you are offended. Once one side claims to be offended, the argument is over, with each side thinking they have won.That would be bad enough if it were applied evenhandedly, but it never is. I spent decades either studying or working at American universities that were infested with Liberal political correctness. The universities would intervene to punish people who gave offense, but only if the offended could be identified as holding leftist ideas or belonging to left-favored groups. There was a complex theology for handling offense between leftists - basically, leftist causes and groups were ranked, and a higher rank could offend a lower rank with impunity. Much effort and strife went into constructing the ranking system, which could never be settled because everyone wanted to be at the highest rank. The prima facie unfairness of all this forced right-wing or libertarian people to withdraw from any potentially “offensive” interaction, which meant anything outside engineering and the hard sciences. The social sciences and humanities were left-wing monocultures complete with thought police, a private language, and secret tribunals.FYI I am describing the University of California, Santa Cruz and the University of Washington, Seattle, but I’m told the problem is pervasive in American higher education.

THIS conservative doesn’t hate the EPA.I am old enough to remember the 1970s. Our family lived in Orange County, California for several years back then. When first we immigrated from Canada, we had no idea that the Chino Hills were even there, just a few miles away. After a few weeks (yes, weeks), some winds arrived and lo and behold!I remember what it was like, and I have no desire to go back to living in hazardous conditions. My 11 year old son does not believe me when I tell him about what “the good old days” were like.The EPA had an impact on air quality that was measurable. It serves a purpose. A valuable purpose.What I think many of us who are conservative dislike about the EPA is it is, as a large, blundering, federal agency, often guilty of significant over-reach.In California (yes; I am still here), while it’s true that our air is remarkably better than it was, and water pollution in the seas, lakes, and rivers here has been significantly reduced, the EPA and, more to the point, federal “environmental” regulations are often used as weapons for people to block development or projects - not because they are environmentally damaging, but because they just don’t like them.If you’re a property owner in Malibu, for example, and you like the fact that your little town has miles and miles of beaches that you don’t want to share with people in the Valley, you just file “environmental impact” suits to block any development.It’s great - no annyoing hoi polloi on your beach, and at the same time, your property values continue to rise to ever-higher levels.As others here have said, a lot of the things that the EPA now get emroiled in (and often going to the “Commerce Clause” arguments) are things that we feel are better left to the states themselves.

Why do Conservatives hate the environment?

I think Tripp really answered this with his question. He showed that they can't think past one thought so it is about lack of intelligence. I am in no way insulting Tripp I actually feel so good that he actually asked this question. He was once a hopeless type that you could argue with for ever & he just couldn't think past stuck thoughts. So I am complimenting you Tripp for asking the question you have asked & being so reasonable. Please do a web search for "reasons fish are limited".

The reason WE dems. keep you from taking all the fish you wan,t varies. It really is to assure that you can get your fair share. Can you imagine if Haliburton decided to have people take all the fish out of the water so they could make money & you had no fish to get for yourself?

I had a neighbor who was a republican. He actually killed himself after always saying that selfish people were suicide bombers & the mentally ill were faking to get gov. money. He became such a wreck picking up on Rush's energy that he created his own dis-ease & after one problem after another he took his pills to just die. He called liberals tree huggers.

Actually my neighbor & I were diagnosed years ago with diabetes. I have done natural healing & it is amazing that one thing I would do is go sit with my back up against this tree. It felt as if I had no energy or that I was parched & the tree gave me energy. I know that is too far out for many people. but spend a day out in nature & see how you feel.

You have some terrific answers so I will star it to see if anyone else has a view on this but I have learned already from what the contributers have written.

Why do conservatives hate liberals so much?

Every time I tell someone older than me who’s conservative leaning that I’m a liberal they deride me and tell me things like “You must be a real disappointment to your parents” or “You’ll change your mind when you get older.” I haven’t noticed that vitriol or holier than thou attitude from liberals towards conservatives. It just seems like the conservatives I know hate liberals so much that they would feel no sympathy for victims of a school shooting if it was discovered that the kids identified as liberal. I’ve noticed they think that America belongs to them and is their country and believe that all liberals hate America just cause we wanna let non-whites in I guess. I find it ironic that conservatives claim to love America yet they hate half the people in it. They’re so consumed with anger hate and rage towards anyone who thinks differently from them it seems like.

Why do conservatives hate talking about white privilege?

Because they know that white privilege:
1. Is a natural by-product of any nation starting off with a homogenous people.
2. Is now nearly non-existent compared to the US-privilege that ALL US citizens have. We all earned this incredible US-privilege through various types of sacrifice...whites just acknowledge it and love the country for it.
3. Is used as an identity politic tactic that threatens to destroy the country. Thus, like all identity politics, it is rejected. Conversely, conservatives want everyone to have the same level of privilege by raising all boats, instead of lowering all boats.
4. Is nearly non-existent compared to wealth-privilege. Whining about the tiny difference in race-based privilege is pathetic. The fastest growing groups of millionaires are non-whites.

Essentially, "talking" about white privilege is prelude to both an excuse to fail for non-whites and an excuse to destroy the hard-earned privilege for all. No good can come from it.

Why do Conservatives hate being stereotyped as "racist"? Aren't stereotypes based on reality?

I never heard a conservative call a Hispanic or black American stupid, but I hear a lot of liberals saying that conservatives call Hispanics or black Americans stupid. Why is that?

I never hear Christians calling atheists names, but atheists are always so upset that they call Christians hateful names, hmm, again, why is that?

Here are some liberals and their "Actual quotes":

1) "(Obama’s) a nice person, he’s very articulate this is what’s been used against him, but he couldn’t sell watermelons if it, you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic." -- Dan Rather

2) "A few years ago, (Barack Obama) would have been getting us coffee." -- Bill Clinton to Ted Kennedy

3) “You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent.” -- Joe Biden

4) "We got to do something about these Asians coming in and opening up businesses and dirty shops. They ought to go." -- Marion Barry

Why do Conservatives hate intellectualism?

In a simplified explanation, it takes a collective of Conservatives in collaboration to understand a single Intellectual and jealousies arise when individuals within the collective realize they are not as clever as the Intellectual. Almost invariably, Conservatives feel insulted by the Intellectual because the Intellectual will appear to have a considerably higher IQ which is not necessarily the case.

Individual lifestyles play an important part in the process of self education in that a person who for example spends the majority of their youth being social amongst their friends will have a narrow field of understanding within their profession even though they have attained high qualification, whereas an Intellectual will most likely have spent the majority of their youth studying their profession and therefore will have a far broader field of understanding which may cross the borders of several other related disciplines.

In an administrative scenario, a Conservative individual may well feel threatened by the presence of an Intellectual simply because the Intellectual is able to judge their decision making processes.