Why Do Conservatives Here Question My Character Work Ethic Etc

What major contributions to American society have Conservatives made?

Minimum wage - brought by progressives.
End of slavery - brought by progressive republicans
civil rights - progressives.
equal voting rights for women - progressives
u.s. involvement in world war 2 and world war one - progressives
social security - progressives
medicare - progressive
FDA - progressives
income tax - progressives

Most of these things are viewed positively by the majority of Americans and we all brought by progressives. Conservatism, in my opinion, can be credited for defeating the Soviet Union, protection of the second amendment, and retaining a relatively free market, but not much else.

How can US conservatives be considered Christians if they don't believe in helping the disadvantaged or those that need help?

Just because you don't believe the government should do something doesn't mean you don't believe it should be done. Repeat! Just because you don't believe the government should do something doesn't mean you don't believe it should be done. Just in case you didn't catch my two sentences: Just because you don't believe the government should do something doesn't mean you don't believe it should be done.Let me give an analogy to help wrap your mind around this concept.I believe lawns should be mowed. I like it when all the houses in my neighborhood look nice. I think it's important for the well being of my neighborhood and maintaining housing costs. I mow my own lawns, I will mow someone elses lawn if they pay me, I will even mow someones lawn if they need the help. I just don't think the government needs to offer a lawn mowing service. I think the current system works just fine.Helping the poor is quite similar. I don't think it's the government’s job and I think they screw it up. I do think the poor sometimes need help and I am willing to pitch in. This is how many Christians in the USA feel. Many leftists try to argue we don't care about the poor. This is not the case; we just think helping the poor shouldn't be done through the government.

Republicans hate abortion, but love the death penalty?

What crime did the unborn fetus commit?
What crime did the person on death row choose to commit?

I don't see any irony.

What can "The Walking Dead" teach us about moral relativism?

If you are a fan of the show and haven't seen the latest episode, stop reading now as I WILL SPOIL it for you!
In this extremely popular TV series, we follow survivors of a zombie apocalypse, and explore the shifting morality of a world profoundly changed. In this world, killing the undead is the ONLY way to keep from joining them, and sometimes killing other people is the only way to keep from being raped, or worse.

This week a horrible event occurs in which a very confused, disturbed child murders her sister because she doesn't understand that zombies are really dead, mindless cannibals. She thinks killing her sister will prove this somehow. The only option left for the adults caring for her is to kill this mentally ill child too, since she can no longer be trusted around anyone, in particular, a small baby she was about to kill as well.

The show's main focus is on what such a world would mean for morality. But in many ways, it's a metaphor for OUR world, since religious delusions are really no different when they lead to senseless murders. The concept of "coming back" as a zombie is analogous to immortality (Zombie Jesus!). The tribal divides that lead to war rather than cooperation force these children to develop a warped sense of morality and ethics. And above all, fear and ignorance shapes unrealistic and DANGEROUS worldviews that do not benefit fellow survivors.

What does all this say about human morality? How can morality be absolute/from God then?

Will I be silenced or fired if I express conservative beliefs in Google, Facebook, Microsoft or any other tech company?

I am going Anonymous for obvious reasons.If you are conservative in the bay area you might as well just staple your mouth shut. I currently work full time at Google but did an internship at Facebook and Twitter.This year has probably been the worse for us conservatives in the bay because I have never felt so much pressure in my life. It honestly just feels like I will lose my job if I open my mouth about anything. It just baffles my mind how some of the greatest minds in the world created one of the most powerful technologies on the planet and they have to deal with the bottom of the barrel people. If you ever come to Google and actually spend a few minutes observing the people you work with you will know exactly what I am talking about. Imagine complaining about every single thing while making 6figs in the US, it makes my head spin. The majority of population fight for their lives every day and people at Google complain about “free” meat being too close to the “vegan options”.David makes a valid point, they're a bit more conservatives at Google and Microsoft but as you can tell from what he said, “don't be an asshole” has huge flaws which I am sure he has to say given his status.This “don't be an asshole” thing is where it all comes down. In the bay, the majority get offended for anything you say or do if it goes against what they believe in. I am not even conservative because I hate being labeled and can care less about social policy. Marriage is about two people loving each other so leave your God and politics out of it, Abortion ruins the lives of 2 low IQ people who would have more than likely abuse or abandon their child, LGBTQ don't deserve special treatment, and women have never been more depressed in history so let them keep doing what they are doing.I care about the joke education system we have, laughable infrastructure, and people from 3rd world countries coming with children to a country where if you can’t code, operate, or build before you can read you might as well just end it all. We legit treat people breaking the law better then we treat our own people, but these high IQ sociology and poly sci majors know better.It just bothers me how we got to this point in America, where I fear losing my job because I have a different opinion on something. It's okay though because the universe tends to balance things in an unforgiving way.

What makes Filipino girls attractive to foreign guys?

they are better than foriegn women in many ways. filipina women are kind, sweet, charming, caring, polite, respectful and helpful.. compared to western women who are rude, loud, insulting, demanding, nasty. etc.

currently, in the west, being thin, long hair, are signs of good health, good nutrition, and good lifestyle; as is having a nice, natural tan.-these typical filipina characteristics are considered attractive.

many asians still view big boobs and wide hips, and being on the chubby side as being attractive, as it was in europe centuries ago, as a sign of prosperity, when malnutrition was a real problem.

How do you decide which candidate is best in an election?

For officer positions, a good litmus test is “What have they ever done for you or for anyone you know”? A big part of the role of officers is to help out the people they are elected to serve. And candidates that want to win don’t just turn up for the election (that said if the incumbent just turns up for the election, turf them out).Note that this method has a right wing bias because the right wing approach is “Government, corporations and people are going to inflict problems on people. This will be a problem and we will help the people out.” The left wing approach is “The system should work, damnit! When we find a problem we will try to fix the system so no one else suffers this problem again.” Meaning that the right wing officials generally more obviously help more people even if a good left wing candidate will actually do more with a less personal touch. So you need to unskew it.Another thing to do of course is read the manifestos. And look for anything that obviously disqualifies them in their beliefs.And finally there’s voting for a party if you’re a member of one.