Why Do Conservatives Support The Genocide Of

Why do so many Christian Conservatives support military intervention and wars when the Bible makes it clear that murder is wrong?

christianity has nothing to do with wars, the leaders of nations makes war ,was is big business for bankers they finance both sidesChristianity is each person responsible for his faith in jesus christ to believe and help him to jesus teachings as per the bible,war is a mans greed for others resources at less costChristianity is a person choice by a person to the person jesus never to any church or institute , the responsibility is also on a person too onlythanks oswald india

Why do Christian conservatives support genocide and witch hangings?

Well, speaking as a Baptist Conservative, from the Bible Belt living in Texas, I feel I'm qualified to answer this question.Well you see, thing is we don't. And haven't since the crusades. And that when Catholics still believed in the infaliblity of the pope and he took advantage of that. But since the reformation, only fringe groups of people who are not Christian no matter how much they tell you they are would support anything remotely related to genocide or witch hangings.

Why do Russian conservatives support Zionism? Shouldn't they support Palestine/Syria, since they are the same Orthodox Christian religion?

The question makes no sense.Who are those “Russian conservatives” supporting Zionism exactly?Zionism is (was?) a political movement targeted on Jewish State to be created around Zion mountain, i.e., modern Israel. Part of this movement is to move ethnic Jews to Israel. Israel is created long time ago so the basic idea of Zionism is achieved already.Not all ethnic Jews in the world want to move to Israel so this part cannot be achieved realistically. So why “Russian conservatives” (who are these people again?) would support the relocation of ethnic Jews? Ethnical cleansing of Russia? That makes them not “conservatives” but effectively nazis.Or is it you understand the term Zionism wrong and equate that to the Israeli State?.. Still the question makes no sense.Also Palestine is mostly Muslim, as well as Syria (though there is a Christian minority in Syria, represented in the Syrian Parliament and I guess there are some Christians live in Palestine)

Why do conservatives support policies that I find to be barbaric?

Do they? There are a lot of examples against this, such as when Reagan let the economy to propserity. Those economic policies weren’t barbaric.Remember, Trump isn’t representative of a typical conservative. He even used to be a Democrat. Conservatives know that a wall won’t work. They only support to earn Trump’s support because they are politicians, and politicians want power. Trump’s immigration ban was not backed by true conservatives.Conservatives mean well. They don’t hate healthcare, they just think competition will create a better healthcare system than the government. They don’t hate refugees, they’re worried about terrorist threats. They don’t love gun deaths, they just think that you have the right to choose. On the other hand, they don’t hate teenage moms, they just think it’s immoral to kill a baby. Democrats could be accused of barbarism by allowing babies to be killed.So what about the death penalty? Most Americans actually support it. It’s also really not bad of an idea, it’s just that it doesn’t work in reality. Its morality isn’t really so clean-cut, either. Once again, most Americans think the death penalty is morally ok. It’s really not much worse than life in prison. point is, conservative policies all have logic behind them. Ususally, the logic is different than the liberal logic. Conservatives think you should have the right to choose things like healthcare and guns.

Why do conservatives hate Palestine?

Don't conservatives realize that Palestine is a MUSLIM and i repeat MUSLIM nation and not a jewish one? Palestine was founded by MUSLIM arabs long time ago, and all religions coexisted together before the Israeli occupation. Palestine was one of the most successful nation in the Middle East until Israel came and performed a genocide on the native Palestinian people. Palestine was founded on the religion of ISLAM and on MUSLIM principles, and never was a JEWISH land! Do conservatives support occupation of a peaceful country? Do conservatives support genocide? Jews need to get back to Europe where they came from and leave Muslim Palestine.

An atheist Liberal

How come Conservatives oppose Abortion and Euthanasia but support The Death Penalty?

Hi, I'm a conservative Christian, and I'm going to ignore your comment about God so that I can answer your question without going all crazy on you (:

Why I believe Abortion is wrong: Jeremiah 1:5 says "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations. (NKJV) Also, Exodus 21:22 says "If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman's husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine." (NKJV)

Why I believe Euthanasia is wrong: The Bible speaks about people getting older and having physical problems. It, however, does not speak of killing them out of mercy, and, as you probably know, one of the ten commandments is "You shall not murder" (Ex. 20:13). God gives us every breath (Josh. 14:10 says "And now, behold, the Lord has kept me alive...") God appoints a time for us to die (Psalms 31:15 says "My times are in Your hand...") Ending our lives because we are old/sick interrupts his plan for us.

Why I believe the Death Penalty is appropriate: The Bible says in Matthew 5: 38 "You have heard that it was says 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'" I think that verse means that if someone kills someone, they should be given the death penalty. It's an equal thing.

Oh, and not all conservatives like killing foreigners in war. Just saying.

Conservatives: small government but want the government to regulate women's bodies? pro-life but pro-death penalty?

If you couldn't tell by the question, I'm quite liberal. Feminist, pro-LGBT, pro-choice, etc. etc. I'm Jewish and a Zionist, but I take more liberal stances on those. I'm theologically atheist and support a two-state solution.

I have some questions for conservatives (I know that not all conservatives think like this):

If you favor a small government, why do you want the government to control women's bodies? (abortion, birth control, etc.)

If you're pro-life, why do you support the death penalty? (on a side note, I'm pro-death penalty in extreme cases)

If you want to ban abortions, why do you restrict access to birth control and sex education?