Why Do Conservatives Think They Are The Authority On Morality

Why do conservatives think it is important to preserve our traditions ?

Traditions are what this country evolved with. This past decade has seen the emergence of "political correctness" become a dominate issue in our lives, which is "altering" our traditions, customs and identity.
Foot baths at a University entrance for Muslims. Spanish almost a MANDATED second language.
Immigrants who "refuse" to respect our RIGHTS and demand their own customs and traditions to replace ours. Read History about "what" happened to the strongest countries in civilization. They were "destroyed" from the "inside/out" because they allowed various cultures and ethnic groups to "adopt" their customs, rather than be absorbed.

Why do conservative Chicken-hawks who never served in the military feel they have moral authority to mock a gay's military service?

They're known for that kind of cowardly behavior.

Is Batman supposed to be a liberal or a conservative?

I can't in good conscience watch a Batman movie if I think that the movies support right-wing ideals. On one hand, Batman is pro-gun control and anti-death penalty, and that's good, but on the other, he seems like a fascist who thinks he has the moral authority to go around being a vigilante and fighting and stopping people who do small victemless crimes, so he seems like a right-wing nutjob in that regard. He's also a greedy millionaire with selfish tendencies, instead of giving his money to struggling impoverished communities to stop crime, he fights and intimidates the people there, so I wonder if that's right-wing propaganda hidden in the themes of Batman fiction.

Do you think there are hidden fascist right-wing messages in Batman or should it be OK for me to watch it?

Do you think Goerge Bush overstepped his authority legally and/or morally during the Persian Gul War?

Both...and it shows. Look at where we are $4.00 gas.
Utilities are up , Groceries are Up. Clo-things are up.Factories are shutting down. need I go on.... Bush was on t v the other day, and said that he was looking forward to leaving office. Does that sound like a President who cares?