Why Do Democrat Pols In Congress Shoot Down Every Major Bill The President Sends Up There

Why haven't the conservatives in congress abolished abortion?

Since 1980, the conservative movement, promised to abolish abortion. However, what has been done about it? Nothing! The vconservative-Republicans now have a majority, and there is a conservative in the White House. What are they affraid of? Why don't they make it illega? And what about the 'Contract With America"? Did the hippocritical conservatives forget about that?

Does the economy grow best under Democratic or Republican presidents?

It can take a few years for any policies put into place to have a direct effect on the economy, but from past history, tax cuts ALWAYS improve the economy.

Those usually happen when republicans get into office.

Look how we went from a recession in 1999 to the most robust economy in our history in 2007. It's taken a down turn so far this year, so maybe we need another tax cut. Not this silly rebate thing, but a real tax reduction.

I'd take a cut in the gasoline taxes for starters.

...wishful thinking :-)

How can we engage more people in the democratic process?

As a parent of 2 teenage daughters, I hear the frustration they share with "rigged class elections, popularity vs. content, etc." within their own peer elections. I worry that our youth is missing the truth and honor of "personal integrity" and need to learn democratic integrity first from their parents and then from public role models such as teachers, community leaders and elected officials.

The democratic process should begin in the home with active parenting; not passive or dictactorship styles. Active parenting provides a forum to share and to hear ideas, solutions, praise, criticism, etc. as well as an understanding that one's ideas should always be heard, considered and respected, but not necessarily always taken. This foundation then naturally expands into school where teachers may mirror this type of democratic atmoshere. Additionally, I feel more demonstrative practice is needed within the school system in order for our youth to understand the democratic process on a personalized local level. Washington is far away; OUR community is right in front of us.

One solution may be to link community leaders with schools and to openly invite ideas, internship-for-a-day programs or other activities that marry "the process" with a reality that children understand. If the democratic process is understood and actively demonstrated locally then a national understanding is more easily comprehended.

Of course all ages need to be engaged with this process. If we educate and engage at a younger age, it is a natural concequence that the democratic process will continue well into young adulthood and beyond. The age of 18 gives our youth the right to vote and to be a legal adult; if their upbringing engaged the democratic process, then our Leaders-of-Tomorrow will continue and expand the democratic process.

If the Democrats win and do well in the mid-terms, what will be the repercussions for Trump and Kavanaugh?

If the GOP looses any part of its majority, Trump will scramble to dismantle Mueller’s investigation and that will slow down his removal from office. He might even skate all the way to November 2020. His greatest talent is getting away with his crimes. The best case scenario is breaking the grip of the GOP zealots and their vile agenda. Democrats and Republicans could actually work together and do the real business of all the American people. Not just the 1% or Trump’s “base”. Trumps just a self serving idiot. If he and Mitch McConnell can be kept in check, a bipartisan Congress could actually fix this country. But if Democrats win a super majority, there will be a lot of political blood. Trump will be impeached and maybe even jailed ( mind you, that’s not a bad thing). There will be extreme policies, divisive votes and perhaps some vetoes. All that. As for Kavanaugh, that issue is pretty much settled because he is in. He might supply enough rope to hand himself but that's along shot. That was Mitch’s plan all along. By hook or by crook. That's how these hypocrites work.