Why Do Depressed/suicidal People Think That They

Is it normal for people with depression to think about suicide every day?

People are people and people are different.I am dysthemic. Always have been.People wonder why, as someone so chronically “meh”/depressed I'm not suicidal.Why not? Because I hate doing things the easy way, and it would not only be easy to kill myself, but to take out a few thousand others in the process.Yeah, I'm “that guy”.Which is why the Army gave me keys to their nukes… because suicidal ideation is not something my mind engages in except to weird out the norms.(I made Phosgene and Chlorine Gas as a pre-teen… because I could. Don't ask me about my Botulinium recipe…)I long ago figured out that my cathartic thoughrs and experiments frightened people, so I limit them to official activities.Or will until I can buy the creepy house on the scary cemetery hill …Mad Science means never having to ask “What's the worst that could happen.”We just build model rockets with odd payloads…

Why do some people feel suicidal / depressed?

Thanks everyone who answered. I see the point everyone is trying to make especially that one can't be happier because some one is in a worse situation than them.

Why do people commit suicide while in a depression?

I think the premise is wrong in this question. Depressed people do not dwell on suicide nor commit suicide. Many depressed people dwell on suicide, and a few chronically depressed commit suicide. That is fact.No one can know why an individual commits suicide, no more than we know why hundreds of millions of people with horrible problems and issues, keep surviving day after day.Most of the people who dwell on committing suicide don’t. A few, like Robin Williams, commit suicide right after getting well.It must be remembered that every human being has a brain that talks to them continually and most of what it tell each of us is a lot of baloney. It tells us a lot of baloney because it is so negative about us and the way we see the world.If we just amp up the positive, take a great big breath of air in the morning, and go outdoors smiling, the world changes into the yellow gold road. Nearly a miracle ordinary people perform every day.

Why aren't people allowed to openly commit suicide?

I understand it's not illegal in most places and I agree if someone is blurred by their emotions then they don't really want it. However people like me who are depressed but aware of our situation if we decided to jump off a bridge one day they'd tackle us to the ground and have us put in a hospital. In my situation I have suicidal thoughts because I sincerely believe that dying is less painful than living in my life. I've attempted it last year and I regretted that but I honestly don't think I'd regret dying. Last year things were better. My point though is, it's our body, people are allowed to mutilate their body with tattoos, piercings, plastic surgery, even smoke and drink but we can't decide we don't want the life we never asked for? I don't understand that, that's like being kidnapped and saying you can't be rescued, why not you didn't ask to be kidnapped so now you just have to get over it? I'm not gonna hurt myself in any way I'm just very confused why this is and I'd like an honest realistic answer please.

Have You Ever Met a Suicidal Depressed Person Before?

What did you do or say?

I did. It was at the psych ward. I saw a woman come in and cry. I held her like a bear hug--this was at a county hospital. I told her to hold onto my hand and not let go. It was so touching. A psychiatrist came in and started asking her questions, and she was sobbing so bad. It's just sad--so cold that even a trained learned professional cannot give a hug--so a person with a heart can.

Have you met someone and what did you do?

NOTE: I also saw a homeless man going crazy and saw him strapped up while paramedics were strolling him in to the ward, and laughing at him.....I cried, the coldness of this world. I just prayed for the guy.......................