Why Do Email Replies I Send Come To Me Also

Why does yahoo mail send my reply back to me?

That may have something to do with conversations being turned on.
You can turn conversations off.
Go to the Gear icon and select settings.
Click on "viewing email".
Uncheck "enable conversations".

Is Boxbe a spam site? I sent an email and Boxbe replied to me saying that I need to go through some signing up stuff on their redirection site to get my mail delivered.

Yes, Boxbe is a veteran sender of spam. Countless members of the anti-spam community have tried to persuade Boxbe and their ilk to stop their inadvisable activities.If you use Boxbe and other “challenge/response” platforms, you yourself become a spammer, as Amir Lev explains here: Is challenge/response the ultimate anti-spam technique?

How do I respond to an email, which was sent to me by a very senior person with an apology for replying me late?

If you feel like you have to reply to this, say "thanks for replying" or something not overly humble, etc. The other choice is to... treat it like you didn't notice at all. They're feeling guilty (more likely if it was a woman; just google women feeling the need to apologize in email), just spend your time worrying about the content of your response instead of being overly polite. The only time I wouldn't do this would be if you are in a culture/work environment that -is- overly polite. However, if they were, you'd already have significant fodder for what to write in an email, and you probably wouldn't need to google the answer.

Is my husband lying? Can a hacker send emails and reply to Craigslist personal ads?

I have recently found some very questionable emails in my husband's account. In his inbox, sent mail, and trash folder, I found messages that said replied as well. He is claiming that someone hacked into his email and sent these messages out to these girls wanting to meet up and this is his first time and some said his name and number. He said these hackers can find out any information that they want etc. including his work and travel schedule. One of the emails stated where he would be out of town on a particular day. I find it so hard to believe him when the proof was right in my face. I have been researching this and would like some input and accurate up to date answers. The emails all got deleted as soon as I said I seen them. Now he claims the hacker did that too. To me a hacker wants to know and figure out your banking account info and social and or send links in your email to get ppl to click on to get a virus. I can't believe how far he has gone with all of this lying. Every question to him has a clever response as to why a hacker would take the time or do this to him. He says his work schedule is out there somewhere on the Internet. Who in the world would go to all this trouble? Why not just be honest with me? At the same time I want answers and need someone to tell me if this is at all possible? Some of the other emails I can see that they could be taken as spam. But not the sent mail. Don't you have to be on a pornography site to start getting these types of Spam?

Why do so many people use “revert” instead of “reply” in emails in India?

Exactly how this new sense ("sense": a fancy word to mean "meaning") was born is perhaps a case worth some etymological detective's time. It is perhaps a nice example of how language, especially English, evolves under our own noses, as malapropisms and typos. Some of us, including me, like to turn those very noses at such strange mutations, but the fact is that "revert" has somehow managed to worm itself into routine Indian-English. I know some very well-regarded people who use this (perhaps unconsciously), and it routinely appears even in mainstream newspaper articles and columns.My own guess is that somewhere, sometime, someone with a faint understanding of "revert" as "something that returns" and unconsciously swayed by a rough similarity (in syllables and prefix) with "reply" began using this as a substitute. The word spread through the medium of email and other letter-writing, and since others perhaps shared this same feeling about the two words, it never got culled out from culture like most other typos and malapropisms do. I don't ascribe any conscious bias in using it to seem posh; it just seems to make sense to the people who use it and don't question it because they've seen so many others use it.The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary now has an entry for this sense (link: http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdicti...), noting its Indian-English origins.This is most frequently seen in Indian-English; I have also seen occurrences in non-Indian speakers.I doubt this sense will be defeated or even reverted.

When people try to REPLY to my emails, they are going to the WRONG address. I was hacked. HELP!?

1---Wrong Address on replies:
The Hackers changed your "reply to" setting---so---You just have to go in and correct it.
Options>>mail options>>Accounts (from the list on the left)>>then click on "Yahoo Mail".(middle of page under accounts)
You will see a small link under the from line name, that says---change "reply to" setting.
Click that link and erase everything showing on that line----AND leave it blank----(or at least make sure it IS your correct address)--then click "save changes" ( or the +sign) at the top of the page. (whichever is available)
By leaving it blank, you are instructing Yahoo to send ALL replies to your current account address . It's only "necessary" to put an address there if you want replies going to a different address.
#2---Sent Mail not in folder:
You just need to enable (or re-enable) that function.

Options>>mail options>>scroll down to and check the button that says----"Save sent messages in the Sent folder".
Then click "save changes" (or the +sign). Which ever is available.