Why Do Feminists Complain About Job Equality For Women

Why don't feminists complain about the lack of women in waste disposal or construction work?

First off, before I get those crazies: I see everyone as equal. Women are equal, everyone is equal to me.

Now, what I don't understand is why the cries are only made for "easy" or more glamorous jobs that don't require much physical exertion. Office jobs, entertainment jobs, journalism, etc.

Why, oh why, are there not more demands for the equalization of these less glamorous jobs?

Don't women already have equal rights? Why do feminists complain?

Bitches *****.... it's what they do.


I just had to laugh at the mention of pelosi... what a role model...

btw, Hillary was the first shemale president.

Why do feminists want equality in white collar jobs, when 40+ percent of men are in blue collar work vs only about 8 percent of women?

Feminists wants equality in the kushy jobs, but they neglect the massive inequality in blue collar sectors. They say men have it better, but a large portion of men are working jobs that feminists would never work, themselves. The jobs that keep the lights on, move essential goods in trucks, and basically make the world go round are dirty, dangerous, and undesirable to feminists?

Why do we hear feminists complain about there not being enough female programmers but never about there not being enough female truck drivers, coal miners and garbage collectors?

The existing answers are good ones, but there is a third reason.Although programming and computer science are relatively young fields, historically they have had far more women in them! “Computer” used to refer not to a machine, but to a job description, for a job typically done by women (as illustrated in the recent film and book upon which it was based, Hidden Figures). As those jobs began to be displaced by electronic computers, their operators nevertheless remained mostly women for a while. Many early advances in the field of programming were done by women. Admiral Grace Hopper, the inventor of COBOL, is a particularly notable example, as is Margaret Hamilton, the team leader for development of the Apollo flight computer software.So when you look at the state of the field today, which is dominated by men, it is blatantly obvious that this is not a case of natural gender preferences playing out. Women used to be common in computer science. Now, they are not. There is hardly a more clear-cut cases of women being driven out of a particular field due to ingrained sexism and a toxic masculine environment, which are things we know can be changed because it didn’t used to be this way.


In the 1960s yes they wanted equality.

But today, no they don't (they only want equality when they benefit). Now they are just playing the victim card and pretending things for women are much worse than they really are. This allows them double standards in their favour and special privileges.

Typical feminist rant of today "I learned in women's studies 90% of men are rapists and 95% of men beat their wives wahhhh we need more laws to put men in prison and we need to close women's prisons because women don't commit crime and we need to remove horrible sexist urinals from men's restrooms wahhh the idea of men peeing standing offends me so much wahhhh women have life so bad wahhhh"

@angela, women earn the same for the same hours at the same job as a man. It is illegal for an employer to pay more because of gender. Men earn more as a whole because among other reasons they work more hours. Stop listening to highly emotive and bitter women's studies lessons and listen to logic.

If men peeing standin up is all you have to bit** about, I suggest you get a freakin' clue.

99% of garbagemen are MEN! why dont feminists demand "equality" in this field of employment?

Because feminists only want the cushy, high-paying corporate CEO jobs for women!

They don't want women to do the "menial" dirty, unglamorous jobs like mining or garbage collection...that's what men are for. To become slaves for women.

Why men care so much about feminists?

Before you answer some nonsense...

I always see men on this forum complaining about them. Have they done something to you? Or is that men feel offended by them? Do they scare you?

I dont think there are extreme feminists everywhere. I never met one in my life.

I'd like to know what's the problem, because this is something you can easily ignore. There are girls that like to be treated equal, but that doesnt mean they are feminist and go there castrating guys with scissors.
If I were a man, I'll just pretend they don't exist, but here its like they do type "feminist" in google just to find things to complain about. At least that what it looks like to me.

Please don't get angry, I'm just curious! I don't want to offend anyone.

Why do feminists not want equality in sectors like the army?

I’d say they have better things to do and they are only human themselves.I live in Finland, we have conscription that trains about 70-80% of the male age group annually. Women got the right to participate in army training in 1995 but they do not have the responsibility to do so. So men either go to army, civil training or prison. Women can choose if they want to participate in army training but have no penalties or civil service if they do not.As nordic country, Finland is quite high up if we look at the equality situation world wide, so this is bit peculiar.Usually the arguments against is that army doesn’t need women, we have enough participant through male conscription. This isn’t really that good argument, if women would have the responsibility too, we could pick and choose the best or keep the reserve younger. So while there is no “need”, it would be useful to have women in conscription tooSome feminists argue that they do not approve the conscript army at all, so they rather see the conscript army disbanded than have women conscripted too.Some feminist organization do have the issue in their bullet points when listing problems in Finland, but no organization really tries to argue or drive the issue.I think this is just situation where people pick the fights that get best results instead of driving the equality on even basis. There are still lots of issues women face that can be improved and no one is really complaining a lot about the current system. There just isn’t motivation for anybody, feminists included, to drive the issue forward and demand correction.So to put it short:While some feminists pay lip service to the issue, you don’t really see any real action anywhere in finnish society to correct this, even though it affects a lot of people every year. Many feminists claim that they drive towards equality for all, not just women, in reality, issues like this don’t really fly with that claim. If such issue would be about women having some extra responsibility taking 6–12 months of their lives + additional training later on, i’d say there would be marches and demonstrations many times in a year about it. I don’t see feminism == equality in this issue.