Why Do Feminists Only Generalize Men When They Do Bad Things

Why do feminists make generalizations that MRA is a sexist group?

This is laughable, of the one sided ignorant generalization made by one feminist;

"They have consistently demonstrated an inability to reflect on issues, and show that they understand the other point of view. Instead they like to say all feminists "hate men", "think all sex is rape", "want to castrate little boys", etc. because these are not smart people. They are trolls."

Have this feminist thought about their so called aim? Apparently feminism is the point of achieving equality. Clearly here shes contradicting herself.

To campaign specifically on either side against the other is in itself discriminating. Like with race issues, now that racial equality is largely recognized, the aim is focused on quality between the groups, not a campaign from each race fighting against the others.

By acting together as men AND women there is better chance of achieving feminism's aims. By keeping it as a women vs men strategy seems to be fighting for the sake of fighting rather than getting together and eradicating inequalities.

So clearly she made a fool of herself. So this is what modern feminism is like?

Why is it acceptable for some feminists to make generalisations about men but it's not acceptable for men to do the same about women?

Because historical generalizations made about women (i.e. they are weak, irrational, child-like, etc.) by male theologians, politicians, physicians, scientists, and philosophers were all used as justifications for denying women access to vote, pursue education, publish, work outside of the home (for white women), and most tragically, as reasons to commit acts of violence against them.Feminists who make generalizations about men are talking about patterns of behavior displayed by men and these are not used to deny them anything — unless you consider the denial of access to women’s bodies as offensive. Feminist generalizations about men are most often about the well-documented and historical exercise of power by men over women.In addition, it’s not that the problem is generalizing. Christians make generalizations about men and women all the time (men want to be respected; women want to be loved). We have to be able to generalize in order to understand, but when those generalizations are used to deny access to basic rights or advocate abuse, that’s when they become a problem.

Why do we generalize?

Ok, even I do it.....Some people assume ALL Muslims are terrorists, or ALL Americans are conceited, or ALL Iranians are wife beaters, or MOST blacks are poor, but this is not true! I am an average American white woman, and I have stero-typed Canadians before for their annual "seal hunts". I had to stop myself and remember that not all Canadians are baby seal killers. It is so easy to peg ones country, race, or religion with a name, but it is misleading and untrue. All people of all races and ethninticities commit unspeakable crimes against their brothers....the world would be so much better if we try and remember that we are all indeed Brothers! AND NO, I AM NOT LIVING IN A "SHELTERED WORDLD" FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WILL CRITICIZE THIS (AND I KNOW SOME WILL)...IF MY FAMILY AND I CAN THINK THIS WAY, ANYONE CAN!

Why do all men like to generalize women?

Generalising with a generalisation.

Very nice.

Why do women see the bad things about men and never the good?

These women have been brainwashed by feminists, who are all lesbian at the high level, so they are repeating the bigotry and hatred of these lesbians.

Have you ever seen KKK members talking about the good points of blacks, and there are good points to blacks?

Have you even seen Nazis say anything positive about Jews?

Feminism is a hate group.

What are some of the major things that feminists believe should 'not' be equal between men and women?

Any outcome that does not become equal of its own accord, as a consequence of equal opportunity. For example, in today's world, Silicon Valley has a male majority. This is a symptom of unequal opportunity. Women who try to succeed there face huge and needless obstacles.But say we got rid of those obstacles, and still only 49% of the people in SV were women. Those 49% were represented at all levels, thriving, and fulfilled. There were truly no barriers to their success other than individual ability and individual luck. Then we would be obliged to leave things be. This inequality is not oppression, it is a result of statistics and genetics. If we tried to force equality, we would be adding unfair barriers for men. This would be wrong. Similarly, if we removed the stigma from stay-at-home (SAH) parenting for men, and gradually 51% of SAH parents turned out to be men. As long as there is truly no stigma for either sex, there is nothing we should do.For similar reasons, Navy SEALS may still be predominantly male, and gestational parents may be predominantly female, long after we have a gender-blind society. This is a result of statistics and physiology. So be it.We may find that, with no societal prompting, men statistically have a deep penchant for painting fences, whereas large fractions of the population of women crave opportunities to clean roofs. So be it. In short, equality of outcome was never the goal. Outcome is being used as a diagnostic criterion for opportunity. This is reasonable only because the gaps in outcome are so large - much, much larger than any inherent personality differences between the sexes could be. But as the gap closes, we will need a new diagnostic criterion.

Why do people massively generalise feminism and feminists?

Because 3rd wave feminists are giving bad names to the word ‘feminism’ to the point where calling someone a feminist is an insult. Feminism is meant to be a word of equality but not anymore. They massively generalise them because these ‘assumptions’ are true when it comes to a massive amount of ‘feminists’.3rd Wave, the wave of inequality. It wants to get rid of men, and make women rule the world. #FreeTheNipple! Right? No. That’s disgusting. No one wants to see your pepperoni looking nipple, ok? They think by blocking roads and such they’ll get their way. Nope. In America, they defy the first amendment. They stop people from seeing their families and such because they are selfish bigots who know nothing about politics. To be in politics, you must be thick skinned and must be willing to take insults. They are not. Social Justice Warriors and a lot of feminists are pathetic. Pathetic and they should not be calling themselves advocates for peace. They are disgusting and give politics a bad name. How will we be remembered? History is looking down at America, Britain, even Sweden! Don’t get me started on Sweden, their left attitude is a complete joke. To any bigoted social justice warrior reading this, stay out of politics because you most likely have no good opinions and false facts that can be easy to debunk. I don’t want to go off topic so I’ll stay on topic. People generalise now because you hear about the idiots at UC Berkeley who waste peoples money. People like that red-haired patriarchy woman and the ‘hugh mongus’ woman give real feminists a bad name. How would people like Alexander Hamilton think of this now? They sacrificed lives for this shit? No. They wanted a government where everyone has free speech but now that is becoming more difficult. I’ll keep writing and speaking and arguing until I finally have nothing left to say. I don’t want to be like an old tv show, rerun after rerun. It gets boring. 3rd Wave Feminists are manufactured by fake news and leftist media. I’m not on the right, nor am I on the left because both sides are complete idiots. Extreme right people and extreme leftists need their policies reevaluating by a professional. Just to help.

Why do many feminists criticize the phrase, “not all men”?

A Medical student commits suicide due to examination pressure. Media reports the issue. A crowd of medical students gather around the media house the very next day and shout:- “Not all medical students!”.Stupid? Right. Yep. That’s how you come off when you shout “Not all men”.Women aren't stupid. They know there are more than 3 billion men in this world including their fathers, brothers, male friends and partners. Some men rape. They know. They don’t intend to generalize.The sentence formed is “A man raped a girl”. They have to use the word ‘man’. How is this generalizing that all men rape?Dude, grammar isn't the issue here. Don’t get offended by these petty issues. We are talking about a girl’s life being ruined.God forbid, If same incidence occurs to someone close to you (or to you) and people come to you and say :-“That’s sad but not all men”. How will you react?Put yourself in the victim’s shoe ; Logic won’t evade you then. Think. Everything isn't a conspiracy against you.Its not an issue of feminism, its an acceptance of common sense. Its not the ‘Battle of sexes’. Its a battle against Injustice.“Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too.”― Rachel Grady

Why is it okay for a woman to generalize men, but not vice versa?

I don't normally like to divide men and women more than they already are, but I've noticed something that I want to address.

Earlier today a guy asked why men are better drivers than women. He said he based that observation off of 34 years of driving, and didn't mean to be sexist, but that's what he believed. Of course he got lambasted for it by most of the women. The question is here.;...

Fast forward to tonight when there was a question about women becoming emotionally tougher than men today. She too based that off of her experience, but didn't say anything about not being sexist. Strangely enough, women didn't complain at all, and most even agreed with her! That one is here.;...