Why Do Feminists Want Fathers To Become Irrelevant

Where is the feminist campaign helping fathers fight for reproductive rights and how much is going into that campaign?

First off, feminism is not the Borg from Star Trek: we disagree on many things. So here is one feminist’s answer.My feminism recognizes that while most women have uteri and most people with uteri are women, that there are exceptions. Trans men and non binary people with uteri deserve as much access to reproductive health care as cis women. So there’s some fatherhood for you.My feminism recognizes that a decision for sterilization should only be made by the owner of the tubes to be tied. If you don’t want a vasectomy or tubal ligation (whichever matches the set of tubes and gonads you have), your spouse, a judge, or a doctor should not force you into it. If you do want such a thing, no one should try to tell you that you are too young or that you will change your mind.My feminism recognizes that clarity over birth control is an important part of sexual consent. If you promise to use a condom, then don’t, or lie about your birth control pill status, you are morally wrong, and it doesn’t matter which way you go there. Accidents do happen with birth control, but they should be accidents. All partners going into sex should agree on ‘we are trying to get someone pregnant’ versus ‘we are trying to avoid pregnancy’.My feminism recognizes that there are many stages to reproduction and the risks and burden are different for each stage. During pregnancy, while ideally many people are assuming the financial burden, the physical burden is on the person whose uterus is in use, and they should get the final call and veto over issues like medical care (including abortion). Now, if they have a person or people they are co-parenting with, or are surrogates for a person or people who are going to parent the resulting baby, they should take those people’s opinions into account, as well as advice from their obstetrician. But no one can decide how much risk is too much risk but you, and even a healthy pregnancy can still lead to mortality for the pregnant person. (The US rate is 26.4 deaths per 100,000 live births. It’s a small risk, but it is a risk.)

Is feminism dead?/Is it still relevent?

it should be dead, but some will keep pushing it to the extreme, equality is no longer relevant. Women have had the freedom to get any well paying job for a long time now, the justice system favours them, and men are hated now more than ever before.
Many guys now have more caution dealing with women, probably to the point of avoiding them as they might cry rape for receiving an unsolicited compliment.. Honestly, what the hell else could they possibly want?
Nothing much left but hypocrisy, anti male propaganda and hatred. Fine, they can take all that.. take it to the bank and go buy an island and live peacefully in your feminist utopia- goodbye and goodluck

Do feminists support forcing men who don't want a kid to pay child support?

I hope that EVERYONE is in favor of a child's right to be supported (with time money and love) by the two humans who had sex and created it.Sex has risks for both people involved. The woman risks pregnancy - with all the physical emotional and financial burdens that come with it. Once pregnant, she can't force the male to stay, with her, drive her to her doctor appointments, hold the basin while she vomits or pay the bills if she has to quit her job. She can't make him pay for her pregnancy costs, her abortion costs, or her delivery costs. And she can't make him have the abortion for her, or endure 9 months of gestation followed by painful and bloody delivery. If she has the child and keeps it, she can't force him to hold it or raise it or spend even one minute of the next 18 years with it. All thise burdens fall on the female.The risk that falls on the male is: If his partner gets pregnant, he has to accept whatever decision she makes. She can abort against his wishes. Or she can have a child against his wishes. Her body; her burden; her health risk; her choice.If a child is born and kept by the mom, the father is responsible for supporting it financially (that's his legal responsibility) and supporting it with his time and love (that's his moral responsibility. )Hopefully he will do more than send a check every month while cursing the little being that he created by his own free will.But if sending a check each month is all he does, that's a hexkuva lot less than what the child’s guardian is doing. So he has nothing to whine about.

Is his argument irrelevant to our current situation?

Several weeks ago my husband lost his job that he's had for almost a year and money has been tight for us. His unemployment hasn't started yet and today I was thinking that it would start this week and he told me that he spoke to the unemployment office and they told him it could be as must as a month or more before his benefits start. I told him I was frustrated because I am needing help with the bills and plus, we're suppose to go out of town to his daughter's college homecoming and stay a few days with her. He said that if we needed to we could change our reservation from two days down to one. He then told me that I needed to stop slipping my grown son money. He hasn't lived with us in several years because he didn't want to follow the house rules and he and my son really didn't get along because my husband (who isn't his father) said he was going to be the only man in the house. Well, I told him that was irrelevant and he said it was knowing that I was slipping my son money. That money could go to supporting our house instead of him walking the street all day and night. I feel that as his mother I have ever right to give him a few dollars ever now and then but he doesn't see it that way. Is his argument irrelevant to our current situation. And for those who are wondering, yes, he is looking for work.

Do feminists want to do away with the traditional roles expected of a woman (like that of a wife, a mother and a daughter) or they want to expand their roles beyond this?

Here’s the problem as I see it:The traditional female gender roles elevate a certain type of woman, and leave the rest of us wasting our energy trying to reach an unattainable ideal while wasting our talents for what we’re actually good at.I am a disorganized person. I’ll admit it, I’m a total mess. I know a lot of women like to say this, but I want to clarify that I’m not some cutesy “I’m a mess because one of my shirts is on the floor! *cue cute smile*”, but like an actually messy person. My dad’s the same way: papers everywhere, clothes on the ground, minimal cleaning unless maximal pressure is applied. I really should live alone, because no matter how hard I try to be neat, I’m always the messiest in the house (and I’ve lived in 5 houses).In the most unsurprising turn of events ever, I hate rules and authority. I hate structure and planning. It’s a constant source of annoyance for me. Because of this, while I like kids, I know that I’d feel morally obligated to take a hands-off view. This can work well as a babysitter or camp counselor, because the kids are there to have fun, and you don’t have to necessarily instill good values in them. I would feel like a total hypocrite forcing arbitrary rules on my (hypothetical) kids even though I know the data shows it’s good for them.I’m being super self-deprecating here to make a point: I would make a terrible wife and mother. I would suck at cleaning the house, and would loathe every minute of it, resent cooking because of the cleanup process, likely mess up the kids’ schedules, forget to buy birthday gifts, and generally just fuck the whole thing up on an order of magnitude yet unknown to humanity.I want to do away with the role of a wife and mother for me, and so for this feminist, that means doing away with sexist constructs that *expect* all women to want marriage and kids, and that treat women as if they are mothers-in-waiting, and failures if they choose to remain childfree.This means not glorifying a role that many people are not fit for, and do not seek out. It means absolutely glorifying men stepping into this role and doing it well. Modern women are expected to be wives/mothers AND career women who sell themselves short. That’s not an expectation everyone likes, and it’s one we should change.