Why Do Guys Hate On Me

Why Do Guys Seem to Hate Me?

Hey sister...your a rockstar!
You sound like me when I was in high school. I had dreams, goals, and did everything myself. I worked my *** off and instead of getting wasted, I made art and went to museums.

There is NOTHING wrong with you, and I'm actually really impressed and happy that their are still young women like you. Teenagers these days are terrifying and stupid.
Guys your age are absolutley 100% intimidated by you. What do 16 and 17 year old boys want? SEX. It's very easy to get it from girls who party and don't know what else to do with themselves. Why would a horny little boy chase a lioness when he's already got weak gazelles at his doorstep? I know it sucks right now, but you, my dear are going to do amazing things with your life, make a lot of people jealous and one day a MAN will notice how special and driven you are and will desperatley want to be apart of your world. Believe me, your better off. Besides, the guys who look past you now, will most likely bore you lol

In high school I took every advanced art and photography class I could get my hands on. Boys either ignored me, or annoyed me. I was one of the only people in my senior class to actually go to a university other than county. I got into one of the best art schools on the east coast, in NY. I spent my first two college years commuting, kicking *** in school, working, and dating on and off. The guys I did date didn't understand me and didn't have any sort of passion...for anything. And then I met a guy four years older than me, graduated from an art school and had just landed a job as a graphic designer. The first 2 months of our relationship consisted of conversation, day trips to the city, and admiration of eachother. I married him last month :)

So..hang in there, remember who you are, keeping working, get what you want...and someone awesome will fall into your lap and love you for all the right reasons.

Why do guys hate me so much?

It is hard to say. Some guys are mean to girls they have crushes on, some people are mean as a way to protect themselves from someone being mean to them, and some people are just mean out of ignorance or stupidity. Just know they don't hate you. They don't even really know you well enough for that. There is no good reason for anyone to be mean no matter what, so just keep being awesome and nice to everyone-including them- and ignore their unkindness. You never know what kind of problems they have to deal with.

Why do other guys hate me?

guys tend to want to go clubbing with me when they find out im good with chicks. however they dont wanna be friends in any other situation. i text people just to say hi and ask for whats happening the chiks always reply and we talk but none of the guys do unless they hear i have a new gaming console, car etc or im going out clubbing. i dono i feel like im used as either chick bait or for material possesions. but its different with female friends , they actually wanna hang out and talk and stuff.

Why do guys hate me?

I am so confused and frustrated. It seems like every guy I am interested in just ignores me or flirts with me just for the ego boost and doesn't really like me. I don't know why this happens to me. I feel like I just have a natural ability to repel men or something. I've never even been asked out on a date. I am pretty confident about my appearance, but I am modest about it. I would say I'm above average appearance wise, so I don't think that's the issue. I'm funny and nice too. At first I thought maybe I am intimidating to guys because I am very shy and I don't talk much, so I thought maybe that could be misinterpreted as snobby or something... My friend said guys don't talk to me because they're afraid of getting rejected, so I tried to be a little more aggressive and approached the guy and made it blatantly obvious that I'm interested but that got me nowhere. Now I just look stupid and desperate, which I'm not. I am not desperate to have a boyfriend or anything, i just feel like there must be something wrong with me if literally no guy wants anything to do with me? Lol

Why do guys hate being short?

I’m of average height in terms of US statistics. But I’ll weigh in.Guys hate being short mainly because of how many women perceive them. Being tall is something that girls seem to associate with manliness, strength, in other words the ability to protect. Shortness to many of them project the opposite traits. Being short makes you the butt of a lot of jokes as well, I’ll admit I called my coworker today a Christmas elf (He’s like 5′4″). But I’ve seen it both ways. I didn’t get my growth spurt until I was 15, so I also got grief in middle school.In the US, in this day and age, you’ll hear a lot of girls say things like “I won’t even consider dating someone who isn’t at least 6′”. (Are they trying to get dunked on or something?). Ironically enough, they are ruling out a significant chunk of men over ONE single physical characteristic. Imagine a guy saying, “I won’t even consider dating a girl who is over 115 pounds.” The statement is not only shallow, that guy would shortly be lynched by an angry mob of women. But it gives you an idea. Even if a girl is overweight, she can lose that. Short men can’t grow their bones at will, so why hold it against them?Fortunately, this perception isn’t all-encompassing, and many times it’s held by people who are young and immature with unrealistic standards.

Why do guys hate talking on the phone...?

Its not that he doesn;t want to talk to me but he works from 3 to 11 at night and i come home at 3 and he is at work most of the time so he can't really talk other wise he calls me every time he can during his work hours....actually like every 2-3 hours

Why do guys hate pretty boys?

Some are jealous of their appearance.

Some find them shallow and conceited.

Some find them vapid and annoying.

That goes for BOTH straight and gay guys.

Why do guys hate me/seem so annoyed by me?

I'm 22 years old, a mildly attractive female, and ever since I was in high school, guys have pretty much disliked me. I admit I was kind of immature in high school, This one guy refused to be my lab partner in high school, and one time I was just talking and this other guy basically said "Stop talking, your voice is annoying" and some other very cruel things like he hoped that I would die and that it would be a long time if ever that any guy would ever like me or date me. No lie. No provocation at all. I wasn't even talking to him and he said that to me. That was like five years ago, but it still really hurts and sometimes I think he was right. Every guy that I've ever liked has never really liked me back in that way. I always seem to find myself attracted to guys who dislike me or find my friends more interesting. This is going to sound like I have low self-esteem and I do to an extent, but I feel like my friends really are prettier, way smarter, and more extraordinary than I am. I'm kind of ditzy. Lately, and I know this is silly, but I kind of like my professor who is a really young guy (not old) and most of the girls at my college like him. He really is an interesting, smart person (and I know that I'll never date him and don't really want to), honestly I just want him to like me. As per usual, with my last crush in high school, he loves my best friends. Not in a gross, inappropriate way or anything, but I mean, he's really interested in them in that he talks to them and laughs with them, but not with me. He pretty much likes and is friendly with everyone except me. I can see his face change when he looks at me as if I'm annoying or boring. And he keeps his conversations with me as short as possible. I know I shouldn't put too much emphasis on what someone thinks and I don't have any delusions of marriage or anything like that, I just feel as if I grate him or get on his nerves or that I'm boring/unlikeable or something. So I guess I'm asking, how do I change this? What is it inside of me that makes me so ugly and unattractive to men?

Please answer, Why do guys HATE me ?

Please show us a picture of yourself.
If you are pretty and confident the same time,
honestly, most of us are just too shy to talk to you!

And because we´re embarrassed to admit shyness,
we do fake "coolness" and pretend not to be interested :P

Girl, I am hoping myself to meet a pretty, confident, but considerate girl.

As others already mentioned: DON´T TWIST YOURSELF!
Do whatever you do, school, study, work: CONCENTRATE ON THAT!
Become brilliant. And just wait for the perfect guy;
God doesn´t want us to be alone. He´ll provide for you!

:D At least MY GOD, Jehovah, does such for his servants.