Why Do Guys Say That Girls Can

Why do guys say that girls don't poop?

to make a long story short we talked about this book called everyone poops but out of nowhere some guys come up to us and say "girls dont poop"

they never said why they think girls dont poop but i still wanna know why they think that
answer!!!! this is a totally serious question

Why do guys say that girls can't play COD?

*sigh* because most of those guys are complete morons. Many of aforementioned morons will feel emasculated when beaten by a girl. So, when they start trash talking a girl gamer, its usually them just worried they might get beaten and their insecurity (and sub-par level intelligence) will force them to lash out.

To recap: Most (not all) guys (primarily those that are younger than 18) are morons.

Can I say "hi guys" to a bunch of girls?

Not in the Southern United States! There, “guy/guys” is still considered a male usage, reserved for addressing a strictly male audience in an informal setting. Using it towards or in reference to a mixed or all-female group will get the speaker some strange looks in return.

Why do guys say girls are confusing?

Human women are hardwired by evolution for something called "sexual crypsis," which means, roughly, "hidden fertility" or "reluctance to expose sexual receptiveness." Whereas men are generally straightforward in sexual matters, women are more convoluted and deceptive: women have to balance both looking attractive and  controlling their attractiveness.The reason for this is that, biologically, making babies is a cheap process for men and an expensive process for women. Having a baby with a substandard man is a biological and social disaster for women, in that it is a hugely expensive waste of her finite and ever-fading reproductive resources. That is why women seem confusing to guys - women, because of their hard-wiring,  deliberately act confusing to protect reproductive resources.  Men do not instinctively grasp the reproductive issues faced by women, and women feel safer when those issues are obscured. If a man were to figure out how women can be manipulated, he would know how to exploit her sexuality in ways that would hurt her offsprings' viability. Sexual crypsis is why feminists insist that women can dress however they want (to maximize men's confusion and minimize men's control), but men must only wear clothing approved by feminists (to maximize women's control over men and minimize men's influence over women's feelings). Philae researcher criticized for shirt covered in scantily clad women

If guys say "drain the lizard" what do girls say when they have to pee?

"drain the lizard", if they're extra cheeky. LoL

Why do guys say nasty stuff to innocent girls?

well if you really ask me why he did it, I think it is because he has had a really troublesome child hood or something like that, maybe he did not have his sex education right.

many people nowadays have a lot of access to pornographic websites, videos and the like , so they do not have the right " form" of sex education.

now the guy you were talking to, maybe he was very heated up at that moment, or he was a pervert ( If he used that language, no doubt he was. UGH!!!)

well I think the best reasons are
1. The lack of parental surveillance over the person when he is in his teens ( the right time to receive sex education)

2. The bad effect of pornographic material

3. The friendship (or) company he keeps

if u have any more doubts, fee free 2 email me or send me a message

Why do guys say "psst" when calling a girl to come over to them?

I just hate it when guys go "psst" when I'm walking by. Do they actually think that works? Why do they insist on calling me over like I'm a cat? Do they really believe that I'm going to be completely charmed and run right up to them when they do that? I just wanna know why they do this?

Why do guys say they like natural girls but go after girls with tons of makeup and plastic surgeries?

Thats unfortunate, but its the same reason why many women say they dont look down on natural women but then they go around preaching how a “woman should wear makeup, as it is feminine.” Because of our “modern” culture that supports fakery, fake looks, etc. And sorry but I do consider makeup (not to mention plastics), fake. I dont wear it and yeah, I meet people trying to persuade me to wear it or calling me “ugly” and “not feminine enough” for not wearing it. Although the very same people who tell me things like that, do have the really ugly faces in comparison to me. While (not out of bragging) I dont think my face is ugly without makeup. I look certainly much better naturally than those people who say I “need it”. Its in our culture, like e.g. in some cultures it is so that women are only considered pretty when they have extremely pale faces, or wear plates in their mouths (in some African tribes), or have long necks (some Asian cultures), etc. None of the mentioned things are natural, just like makeup is not natural as well. But people learn to view these things as “attractive”, because of the culture they live in. Beauty is not really that objective, its highly culturally conditioned as well.

What do guys “never” tell girls?

We also get upset sometimes (not too often) and most of time we are just like “koi ni chohd” but sometimes we really want you to say at least a sorry.We are emotional too but our tolerance level is much higher.Don’t try to check our whatsApp photos, It will always contain so many non-veg pictures.Unlike you, we can’t share so many things about you with our friends. Because we know that they will use those things to make fun of us.Too much make up can be a turn off thing (it applies for me). Your soft lips especially with light shades lipstick can be too much seducing.We respect your individuality and freedom. But If you give someone more attention especially in front of us. Then really it makes us angry a bit.Please don’t ruin our match. We love sports.Don’t say veg biryani a biryani. I hate to say it biryani without meat. You must say it just pulao or rice.We have so many problems to look after, So we expect you to not make it more difficult with senseless arguments and fights.Never assume anything, Please ask us, We will tell you honestly.Yes we stalk your profile regularly on social networking sites.We even save some pictures of you for forever. Even we makes double back up in case of any data lost.You can’t even imagine our loyalty.We even ignore some hot girls around us in front of you. Too avoid jealousy.If we say we care about you. Then we means it. Otherwise we hate to agree on everything.We loves to be sorted in our life and sometimes (not too much) expect the same from you.Yes we do watch porn.We don’t promise everything but we always care about your happiness.I would like to share one thing on the behalf of my friend. His girlfriend broke with him after 10 months by just saying “I don’t feel that way now”. So be sure before committing to us.Don’t hurt us to the extent at which we don’t even want to see your face. Yes of course, we can be so rude.Last One: It can be easy for you to move on. But for me It would be the most difficult thing because I can’t even share my pain with anyone. But If you really want to move on then please let me know. I promise you that I will never see your face again.

What Does it Mean when A Guy Says a Girl smells like a Fish?

It means she either doesn't wash herself down there, or she has a vaginal infection.