Why Do House Republicans Continue To Waste American Tax Dollars Trying To Repeal The Affordable

House Republicans waste 50 million trying to repeal Obamacare?

I wholeheartedly agree with you that this 112th Republican Congress, including filibuster-fanatical Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in the Senate who blocks everything no matter how good the bill would be for this nation's workers or its economic recovery, is appallingly inept to the point where they have been voted as the "LEAST PRODUCTIVE Congress since Herbert Hoover [the Great Depression] days" (C-SPAN News and LA Times).

I suggest readers use the and websites sponsored by the Sunlight Foundation to follow reform-resisting insurance lobbyists' donations to the individual GOPers (bribes) to push ongoing efforts to repeal the growing-popular Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) or its supplemental Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (HCERA). And why block everything, absolutely EVERYTHING put forth by President Obama? This has to be founded upon blatant prejudice, because the Obama policies work---they have REVERSED the GOP damages and have put us on a very sound path towards safety, strength, and long-term prosperity. I say the hidden-agenda THEOCRATIC-COUP-seeking right-wing religious-extremist fundamentalists in control of the Republican party and the T-Pers are ruthless in their efforts to denigrate, obstruct, cheat---all for the sake of power-grubbing in order to push their psycho-pseudo version of "christian" fundamentalism. VOTE THEM OUT and get us some Moderates, please! And RE-ELECT our hard-working highly intelligent incredibly patient President Obama in order to keep our slow-but-steady recovery growing.