Why Do Humans Pee In Toilets

Can you train a dog to pee in the toilet?

Some people can train dachshunds to use a toilet. A young dachshund can be as agile as a cat. I don’t know if I’d want to try. Mine is perfectly happy using the great outdoors. Besides that, using an actual toilet would ruin her potty ritual.I took a screenshot of Owen the dachshund here. He is not my dog.

Will human pee hurt my cat?

My cat gets his head peed on at least twice a week. He is absolutely fascinated by the sound of pee hitting the water in the toilet and sticks his head into the stream every chance he gets. Hasn't affected him yet and he cleans it off himself.

Why do human toilets and cattles shed smell like ammonia?

That smell is decaying urine. If your urine smells as it comes out is likely from an infection or a food like asparagus that breaks down quickly in your gut. Don’t worry about eatting those foods tho because they are generally filled with an excellent amount of vitamins you body uses easily and the fiber content in them cleans out your colon.

Why does my dog cry when he drinks my pee from the toilet?

I can’t tell if this is a sincere question because it’s hard to believe.It’s normal for your dog to seek water from the toilet - it’s at his level & other than when filled with your urine - is a fresh supply of water. There are dangerous things to consider though. Your urine contains ammonia. As it sits in the bowl, the level of ammonia grows. Your dog could be whining because the ammonia is burning his throat & after consistent exposure, could actually have burns throughout his mouth, tongue, gums, esophagus. PLEASE STOP allowing this. Also, if you clean your toilet or even worse, have a toilet freshener that hangs out in there - your dog is getting a steady supply of caustic chemicals in him. Another reason to not permit this behavior.Do you have fresh water options for your dog? Does he have at least one if not several clean bowls with clean water left out for him? If his dishes are clean & his water is clean, he’ll be less likely to seek toilet bowl water.Will your urine alone (no toilet bowl cleaning chemicals added) kill him? Unlikely. But the toilet bowl is a breeding ground for bacteria. More often than not there is black mold under the porcelain edges - you can’t see it - but when you scrub with a brush, it comes down. The water in the toilet runs through this mold. And that’s what you let your dog drink.The toilet bowl also receives your bowel movements. That’s a collection of waste - literal waste, secreted from your body that determined it was useless or toxic & passed it through. And millions of microscopic bits of that are in the toilet that your dog drinks from.Please just keep the toilet lid down & cut off your dog’s supply.

Do guys use toilet paper when they urinate?

It is amazing how culturally inbred this is…As soon as someone exposes you to the fact that ‘last drop always goes on your underwear’ I bet you'll never feel comfortable again without cleaning after urinating. Why should one be walking around with urine in your pants, if you can simply clean it? Some points in favour of cleanliness include:You stay clean! As simple as that.You won't smell! Have you notice how your underwear smells after a day of urine drops? Did you realise that other people might sense it while you walk by them?Shaking does not solve! You might even spread urine droplets across your clothes, the toilet or urinal, the floor, your hands… how good is that?You stay clean! As simple as that.But there are some cultural aspects that add to the problem, and I keep struggling to fight them, especially concerning my son’s education, but still feel I am a lone rower in the ocean…Urinals. Seen as the last great advantageous characteristic of the human male versus the female, allowing to urinate on your feet, they are simply grosse. Urine splashes all over the place and clothes, and they are not designed for paper toilet flushing.Shaking is enough. All around, lazy men say it, and unaware women accept it. Definitely not true.Segregated restrooms. Existing only because of ages of gender segregation in society, there is no fundamental argument in favour of such creepy social norm nowadays. Yet, they are the sole reason why urinals still exist. But why shoul they?Education. Because of the ‘shake is enough’ myth, it is a matter of time to see boys’ restrooms, in schools, becoming deprived of toilet paper, and the use of urinals getting boosted.Education. While urinating in a stall sided by another stall where a women is doing the exact same thing, is apparently offensive (in some kinky way, I would had) so much that people will argue to keep restrooms segregated, doing it in groups of men is wolfpack-culture.And don't get me started on the hand-wash problem!So please:unisex restrooms for everyone,toilet paper and toilet showers everywhere,soap and water every single time, andstop behaving like cavemen!Cheers! (time to take a piss)

Why do people pee on the side of toilet to keep the noise quiet and to wash off the poo stains?

It's a seemingly embarrassing, awkward, insignificant, and certainly difficult question to ask. Surprisingly, in the last ¶, I'm going to relate it and link it to love. First, this: I learned from a mentor that "what" questions (questions phrased starting with or using the word "what") are more accurately answered than "why"questions. "What" questions focus more on fact, while "why" questions easily introduce ego, muddying up the answers."Why" questions tend to be asked when the desired result is drama."What" questions tend to be asked when the desired result is no drama.Next, that some people do do (no pun intended) that, and that you're asking the question tells me there is some value in the fact that they put the effort into doing so. Since urinating to many people is considered a personal and private behavior, many may want to keep the side effects of the process as private as possible: managing the sound created through the process, and doing one's best to keep others from hearing the sound of one's eliminating is one way to accomplish that control of the sound and the goal of keeping the process as private as possible. This includes things like running the faucet throughout the process to mask sounds, or turning on an exhaust fan, lighting a candle for odor control, turning a radio on, opening a window, etc. Then, as the sides of the toilet are going to need to be cleaned anyway, someone that urinates on the sides of a toilet may be being more in-the-moment, or (pun intended) in life's flow, contributing to either the elimination of what will later be cleaned away, or consciously contributing to making someone's job of cleaning the insides of the toilet easier through their moistening of the stool or clearing it away through the effects of their urine stream. There is bit of play, game playing, even consideration and, dare I say, love and even Pay it Forward involved in the process, all of which are good, positive, healthy, and loving behaviors and intent. To that extent, some of those who do exhibit those kinds of behaviors mentioned may be described as being easily embarrassed. Still others may be described as being consciously considerate, while those who don't exhibit those behaviors might still be in a position where they can learn more about how to be more considerate of others.

My dog drank piss from toilet. Do I need to be concerned?

I don't know if he ever did it before or not. All I know is my dog is DUMB! Why would any living being drink piss? I bet even wild animals don't do it... He probably even ate **** out of the toilet for all I know -_- anyway, should I be worried about infections or anything like that or is drinking urine harmless?