Why Do I Always Feel So Exhausted The Whole Day After A Nightmare

You can try listening to this SUBLIMINAL with DOLPHIN SOUND BACKGROUNDThe sounds produced by dolphins have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, and indeed the whole organism. Healing sounds of dolphin therapy contribute to getting rid of psycho emotional and somatic disorders in children and adults, treatment of depressive and post-stress conditions.THERE ARE AFFIRMATIONS INCLUDED IN THE AUDIO (you will not hear these are they are below normal hearing level, however the subconscious will be able to absorb them)Subliminal messages are stimuli that lie below our threshold of conscious awareness. Because they fall below the absolute threshold level (ATL), we can’t perceive a subliminal message, even if we’re looking for it. The powerful hidden suggestions in this audio can easily bypass your conscious resistance and tap into the only level that allows you to create a tremendous change – your subconscious mind. Your subconscious absorbs these messages as absolute truth and obeys accordingly. Once your limiting beliefs are removed, there’s nothing that can stop you. Create the life you deserve fast with minimal effort. Listen to this 10 minute Subliminal Results formula over and over and you will be amazed by the results you will get. Any change you want to make that cannot be formed by awareness MUST be created on the subconscious mind level. The subliminal Affirmations in the audio is short statements that repeat over and over. The reason they are repeated over and over is so that it can penetrate through your conscious mind and access your subconscious, which is part of your mind controlling your beliefs.

Yes, they happen in the same sleep cycle. Usually you shouldn’t be tired even when you have a nightmare. Your mind will not give you a nightmare if it knows that you will not have efficient sleep. Your body and mind is always trying to be optimal if allowed.If you are waking up from nightmares and feel exhausted because of it then you have real life issues that you are not dealing with. The only reason you might have nightmares and be tired as a result is if your survival mode kicks in.The mind ignores almost everything if survival is at stake. The mind forgets about right or wrong if survival is at stake. Normal digestion and activities come to a stop and all energy it thrown into survival. You are tired then suddenly you have tons of energy to run away from the danger.So if you are dealing with something in real life that is creating huge stress for you or feels threatening then your survival mode will kick in and this can result in nightmares that disturb sleep and is unhealthy.This can happen to people with PTSD because they are stuck in survival mode and people that is going or have gone through some type of traumatic event. They are stuck in a state of high stress which is equivalent to survival mode. This is unhealthy.

Why do I wake up so exhausted every morning?

This sounds hormonal......... A stress hormone by the name of cortisol is responsible for waking us up in the morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed, and the saying goes......... that is the high time for cortisol , which then lowers gradually throughout the day until bedtime , at its lowest so we can sleep......... Yours may be just reversed, (the tests for cortisol are 8AM sharp , and 4pm on the same day.....have yours tested, they may be reversed) this reversal could by your natural circadium rhythum or idicate imbalances.
You said it yourself, when you feel stressed it is worse.........that is because you have worn out your cortisol and probably adrenals ,most likely , so now you need , help with all of it.
YOu need stress management and a really good hormone, endocrinologists can test you , but are so busy with diabetes/thyroid and the extreme cases and illness, that they probably wont test you for everything.......and they certainly dont know how to heal anything, not even diabetes..........
the thing guys should do is to call your regular pharmacy and ask who the compounding pharmacy is in your area........then call them and ask them for a list of doctors who test and balance male they will know who they are.
What i am saying is you need an experienced hormone expert. also lists them in her books.
best wishes

eg etc

Why do I always have nightmares when I nap but not when I sleep at night?

I usually get a pretty good bit of sleep at night. Usually 7-8 hours. I was never able to nap as a younger kid.. I couldn't nap until about the age of 12 and I am now 15. And between all of the school things, cheerleading, and dancing I do, I get tired. It is now summer so I won't be napping as much but still.. Whenever I take a nap It always leads to horrible or depressing dreams and I wake up crying or screaming.. But at night, I never have dreams, or if I do, I can never remember them whenever I wake up. I never eat right before I take a nap, my mom said that could cause the dreams? But it's obviously the cause. I know the obvious answer, stop taking naps. But I'm just wondering your thoughts on why I only have terrible nightmares when I take naps?

How you ever felt tired after having nightmares? Like you've really experienced them for real?

i've got taken it for 30 years and, through fact of it, i'm a typical guy or woman. I used to stutter, be terrified of persons, have low self esteem, little or no skill, confusion, hopelessness, helplessness, no comments, no thoughts, suicidal recommendations, issues...too lots to even point out. Now I certainly have none of those issues. You dont' rapidly exchange, that is sluggish. The recommendations is an extremely complicated and mushy element. it may get tousled and be no longer able to offer any or adequate serotonin. that is pronounced as a chemical imbalance it is definitely taken care of, very person-friendly and not something to be embarrassed approximately. the main appropriate anti-depressants maximum appropriate your chemical stability so which you would be able to think of and behave usually.

Nightmares are rooted in our subconscious thoughts, repressed memories, and unexplored emotions If they are happening frequently and intensely enough to cause problems in waking life then they should be taken seriously. You can't look at them as a problem that just needs to go away. They are likely a symptom of a more serioud underlying condition.Many mental illnesses first manufesr in our dreams. Anxiety, depression, PTSD, and others can all be at the root of this. Furthermore, it could be a result of a sleep disorder. Nightmares can also result from certain medications and substance use - even alcohol. Lastly, it could be stress. 18 isn't an easy age these days. Regardless of what the cause turns out to be it is important that you realize neither you, your daughter, nor anyone on the internet can diagnose it. only a doctor and/or mental health professional can do that.Nightmares are normal now and again. But when they're so frequent and intense they disrupt normal daily functioning then you need to seek help.I started having nightmares like this at 19. I tried to ignore them and they got worse. Then I tried to cope with pills and alcohol. Soon I was spending 48–72 hours at a time awake on pills because I was so scared to sleep. I flunked two semesters in a row. I went from a 4.0 honors student to losing all my scholarships and dropping out of college. I spent the next 5 years working through PTSD. I know now those nightmares were the first warning signs. Had I recognized that and sought help my entire life might be different right now. I'm not saying this is what she's going through. I am saying it's nothing to take lightly or ignore. It only takes one semester to derail a bright future. It only takes one desperate moment to start using pills. It happens a lot.If she he gets a diagnosis her school can make accommodations for heR especially around tests. It's worth seeking help just for that.I hope she feels better soon.Best of luck.

I can't sleep because of nightmares?

i changed into having alot of pressure earlier napping and ought to no longer bypass to sleep. Had many many sleepless nights. i changed into basically twiddling with this technique one afternoon and needed to take heed to the �ability Nap� song. next ingredient I knew i changed into waking up! Fell accurate asleep without attempting. After making use of the �Fall Asleep� song, i ought to bypass to sleep straight away. yet i did not comprehend that I should not be making use of that one all nighttime. Switched to finished nighttime and performance been making use of it ever considering the fact that. i am going to bypass to sleep conveniently now. I basically lay and hear the sounds and next ingredient i recognize i'm waking up from a effective sleep. i do not struggle through from lack of sleep anymore. I save an IPod with earbuds next to my mattress and take it continuously even as vacationing. The earbuds help block out ambient noise and the sleep tracks save me napping sound :) Reboot your mind & sleep soundly back?

Why does my hematite cause nightmares when I wear it to bed?

Obviously none of the previous responders are sensitive to energy around them. But lots of people are. Many of them female. And I'm one of them. ( I no longer feel the need to explain myself to these people. It's just who I am. If I didn't acknowledge it and accept it my life would be more difficult.)

(It's also not great to have responders make fun of you -- so guys if you don't even understand the question, why answer? You're the same people who made fun of acupuncture 30 years ago -- an "energy" protocol which is now accepted by western medicine..)

So if you are energy sensitive -- there are "properties" associated with hematite -- wearing itl to bed if you're sensitive could give you reactions in sleeping. I'd stop wearing any crystal to sleep if I were you. Read up on crystal properties.

Curious as to why you're wearing hematite to begin with.

How to go back to sleep after a nightmare ? How do you have less nightmares ?

I only have nightmares when I get a fever in the night (flu) and this is my brains way of waking me up so I can take panadol. I did used to have bad nightmares and this is how I stopped them. When I went to bed I told myself that I would have happy peaceful dreams and I made sure I thought happy things and I was happy to sleep. This did work for me as the mind is a very strong thing. If I did have a nightmare I used to get up out of bed and just tell myself that it was just a dream. Sometimes bad dreams can make you feel bad during the day and you just need to understand that it was just a dream and then you will feel better. I hope this has helped you. Happy sleeping. Oh and do what I do. I love going to sleep as I look forward to all the awesome dreams I have as its like having adventures.


I will give you the way I see the dream might be interpreted by someone like myself. I don't want to lie to you and tell you that you should not worry about that part of your subconscious, because if it bothered you enough to have an effect on your day and your mood, it does indeed have an effect on you that you should worry about.

I will tell you what I believe and be completely honest because I care and because I have done a bit of dream interpretations in the past for my own dreams. I believe that all humans are born with a sin nature, and the desires of the flesh and fantasies are part of every man and woman that has ever lived, except for one. The one who never sinned or had a sin nature was Jesus Christ.

I think this dream might be trying to tell you that there is NOTHING you can do on your own to be in total control of your sin nature. This is why we need to have faith in and trust in Jesus. Having a personal relationship with Jesus helps one to live like Him and to resist our sinful natures.

I have learned and believe with all my heart that if we only desire in our hearts to commit any sin, we are just as guilty as having acted our on those desires.

These images and fantasies may have even been fed to your dreaming mind my an evil entity too, which could be another reason why you dreamed this and all the more reason you need to realize that YOU can never have total control.

I personally think that it is a dangerous thing to play around with the attempt to practice Lucid Dreaming. Such practices may be or be on the verge of practicing witchcraft, and any like practices WILL put a curse on you and your household, including other distant family members. I think you need to be careful.

I may not have said anything to make you feel any better about your dream, but I hope that it makes you think and helps you to reflect on your lifestyles.