Why Do I Always Feel There Is Something Missing To My Life I Have Depression.

I feel as if I'm missing something in life, but I don't know what it is. Any thoughts on this?

I remember feeling exactly like you not too long ago. For me it felt like I was never quite where I felt I belonged… that there was always some other place, some other time, or some other world I belonged that wasn’t where I was now.It made me feel like I was missing the most essential things in life, since I only knew that this wasn’t it, but I had no idea what was missing!What eventually made me feel differently about it was having something to work towards, something that made me feel like my life mattered!I now know that this feeling of being lost only came from me not having something to work towards, but as soon as I found what it was that I felt I had to do, I felt like I belonged here. Even though nothing else changed, I just felt like everything was coming together step by step, little by little.That being said, I believe what is missing from your life currently is Direction.You may know where it is you want your life to go, but if that is the case then you probably don’t do everything in your power to get there, you are still holding back for some reason. This causes you to only feel partly fulfilled and not as much as you could be.The definition of “feeling fulfilled” cannot coexist with the feeling of missing something in your life. Those two literally cancel each other out. Therefore, right now you are not feeling fulfilled in your life, and most of that feeling comes from doing something that matters.We only feel truly alive when we do something of value, something that makes us feel like there is a reason we were born. You have to find that reason for yourself right now. That should be your biggest task as of this moment forward. Nothing takes priority over this… NOTHING.If you do not find this, then you will continue to feel lost, you will not feel like anything you do matters, and to make things worse, you will always feel that hole inside your heart.Find something that makes you feel valuable, and you will fill that hole.

Why do I always feel like a part of me is missing (I am in depression)?

Why do I always feel like a part of me is missing? I am in depression.What is missing – or in any event appears to be missing, is your I , because it is covered up with, and hidden by, what contemporary people call and in fact is something called personality.Peter is correct that there is more to us than our personality. Our authentic self - what Peter calls our ‘I’ - is often buried under the demands to be our personality. The personality may be the ‘self’ that Jesus said needed to die.When self dies, or goes crash in a ‘nervous breakdown,’ the authentic ‘I’ can emerge.In most cases, in the best cases it can emerge but then there are those for whom the authentic ‘I’ is missing. This may be what you feel when you say that you feel like a part of you is missing. Others may just say, ‘I feel like something is missing in my life.’If the authentic you is really missing in action then a few of these will feel true:You will feel a glass wall between you and others, a separation.You will have trouble developing authentic love relationship and maintaining them.You may have trouble experiencing or sustaining the experience of joy or love - the transcendent feelings.You may have trouble experiencing or sustaining the experience of closeness or communion with God - the transcendent experience of God’s presence.You may have trouble tapping into intuition, creativity, the flow of life.You may feel like an orphan in terms of your bonding with people. You could walk away from a love relationship without much difficulty.You may have difficulty in social relationships or scoring as the most emotionally intelligent one around.Your authentic inner self - your soul or spirit - is not accessible and, in terms of your life, it is not functioning so it seems to be missing. It is hiding, captive or in an inner prison.Does that make sense to you?

Why do I always feel like I am missing something?

Dear Reader,You see, commonly the link that comes to the mind is that I lack something, so I am searching for it. It might be possible that the search itself creates the impression of the need. Maybe it’s the search that convinces us that we lack in something. And what is it that we lack in? That which we are searching for.Maybe it’s not the need that comes first, it’s the search that comes first. May be we are trained to search.The more the search continues, the more the inner feeling of lack continues.At the deepest level, this inner feeling of lack is called God. That is why God is that emptiness within man which can never be filled. It can never be filled because it is not an emptiness in the first place. How can you fill up a hollow that does not exist?To keep searching, we have to convince ourselves we indeed do lack something. This perceived, this totally imaginary sense of deprivation is God.~ Acharya Prashant (आचार्य प्रशान्त)You have this great opportunity to meet the Master and enjoy the real life.~~~~~The new will not come from a distance,The new comes from here.~ Acharya Ji➖➖➖➖➖➖➖A not to be missed opportunity to start the new year with the Master.Vishranti - Hyderabad4th-6th Jan'19~~~~~Come to Rest!Come to Peace!Come to New!Email :- :- 8368675940, 9999102998~~~~~The city of Nizams is eager to welcome youFor the one who is living in Delhi, NCR region, you have this life-time opportunity to meet the master.A two-day spiritual retreat with the Master!Delhi12th - 13th Jan'19~~~~~To know more:Call/WhatsApp:- +91-9555554772Email: to be blessed!~~~~~

Feeling like something is missing?

Hello Chloe,
Having fought this feeling my entire life up to and including my time in the Military and then Iraq and beyond, I know how you feel. I am not a doctor but I work with Vets who are depressed, searching for meaning and purpose in life and are generally wishing to be more positive.
There is no easy answer, BUT I can say this:
Get yourself some Flush Free Niacin and take 3 x 500mg in the morning, then noon, then in the evening, you can up the dosage until you feel better, it is not harmful and works wonders for depression, which is a form of what you are feeling I believe...more about this on my website;

Otherwise there is a direct correlation between how you think and how you feel, then once you think about how you feel, you then start thinking that way as well, it is a negative circle of thoughts, feelings and thoughts, which can easily trap us into a daily routine that is difficult to break.

We are the masters of your own world, we dictate reality through our own belief, belief is not just thinking, it is total absorption of what you wish to believe. This is a conscious effort at first but with time (usually around 21 days) you will find yourself thinking and feeling better. More information on this from Dr. Joe Dizpenza, search for his videos on the web.

I do wish you much strength and positive thoughts! You can break the pattern, fight for it! Feel free to ask more about dealing with such matters, or just check out my website.

All the Best,

Feeling like something's missing?

Lot's of people feel like that at some point of their lives. I have learned from my own experience that possessions will not help with this. However, what usually helps is reading - when I felt like something was missing I read everything that came into my hands, from trashy novels to adventure novels to philosophy books. It helped.
Nevertheless, I eventually realized that I had lots of activities, none of which mattered much to anyone, so I started volunteering a couple of hours a week at a youth centre. That is what really changed my life and gave me a purpose that was for more that just myself. I recommend volunteering to anyone and everyone ever since. I believe it's highly beneficial for everyone.

As for the reason why you feel the way you feel, unfortunately, no one other than yourself can help you with that. Again, I recommend reading because it will broaden your perspective and will help you see things that you don't see at the moment.

Hope you find what's missing.

Why do I always feel that I cannot do something positive in my life?

The only previous answer I saw which I thought had any merit was the one which suggested you may be suffering from depression. If that actually is the case, then all of these people telling you to stop focusing on the negative, or go do some volunteer work, or practice gracefulness and kindness are giving you terrible advice. As someone who suffers from depression, I **KNOW** that the WORST thing you can do is suggest that the depressed person is causing their own problems by “being negative.” It is an INHUMANE thing to say to a person in that state, and it SHOULD NOT EVER be the first thing which pops out of someone’s mouth!So, please hear me when I say this: talk to your doctor about the possibility that you are suffering from depression. Depression is extremely debilitating. It can make you feel as if you don’t have the capacity to do anything right. It can make you feel as if you have no self worth. It can make you feel as if you aren’t deserving of happiness or anything good out of life. If you do have clinical depression, then you have to treat it as a MEDICAL condition, because that is what it is. There are medications which are available to help stabilize your mood, making you better able to cope with the ups and downs of day-to-day living. Don’t be afraid of medication. You will not develop a dependency. There are man types available, so if one doesn’t work for you, something else might. Your doctor will help you find the right one and the right dosage.If the doctor feels that you don’t have depression, and you agree with that, THEN you can go investigate these other options people are suggesting. But please don’t allow the possibility that you may be suffering from depression go any longer without some medical consultation.