Why Do I Always Feel This Way

Why do I always feel bad about myself?

The answer is very simple, you don’t love yourself.You don’t love yourself hence your confidence lies in other people’s perception of you which with time changes into your reality.You don’t love yourself enough, hence the remote control of your happiness or sadness is in other people’s hands and not yours.You don’t love yourself which is why you believe in others more than you believe in yourself.Change yourself from today, give all the things you seek in others like happiness, worth, appreciation, acceptance to yourself. Love yourself enough to set standards and whoever doesn’t fit those is kicked out of your life.Become a being full of self love and you will become the magnet of love.Being the person who went through the same change, I can affirmatively say that change is hard but not impossible.

Why do I always feel like the second choice?

Sounds like a game-theory tactic.

Instead of targeting the the one they want, guys go for that particular girl's friends. That way that girl feels left out and wondering "why am I being left out." Then the "attraction factor" goes up, which makes you "more susceptible" to flirtation.

According to the "psychology of the female mind," attraction to men increase if those men seem "uninterested."

This is based on a lot of articles, word-of-mouth sources, and empirical evidence.

But... who knows. I'm sorry you feel that way, and frankly I know JUST how you feel (though I'm not sure if I'm "not ugly"--I apologize for the double negatives). Girls always go for my friends and pretend I'm not even there.

But hey! This is the 21st century. There's no rule saying that guys have to exclusively ask out girls. If a guy catches your eye, go for it! A lot of guys these days like girls with initiative. Also, it helps shy folk like me.

Or, go out by yourself more often. Girls are easier to approach when they're not traveling in a pack. Just make sure you have pepper spray or a tazer on hand.

So, chin up! Love isn't easy to find. Anything worthwhile is worth fighting for.

Why do I always feel nasty and gross? ?

So I take showers very often, every other day, sometimes every day. I use shampoo and conditioner and I shave. I always wash my clothes. I wear deoderant and a little perfume. But I always feel gross and sweaty even if I'm not. Ick I just nasty whenever I'm at school and not clean. Why is that? And what do I do to stop feeling like this?

Why do I always feel I'm trapped in a box and can't get out???

If one fears death excessively, it can prevent them from being able to enjoy life. Often associated with hypochondria, morbid death fear can cause unnecessary worry and anxiety and can prevent the sufferer from being able to live life to the full.

To a point the fear of death diminishes when we see it in its natural context – a dying person surrounded by loving friends and family. However most of our images of death in the modern world have been distorted by our culture’s preoccupation with unnatural violent death: daily news stories of shootings, abductions and suicide bombings.

Brutally violent movies and computer games. Also scare mongering news stories regarding types of food once perceived to be healthy, but now putting you at death’s door. These factors can all contribute to a phobia or phobic fear of death.

All this negative focus leads to unhealthy consequences. An exaggerated fear of dying and phobias of growing old leads to a reluctance to make a will or make any plans for those we love whom we know will outlive us and a general ignorance of normal end of life options.

It is ok that you feel this way, but everyone feels this way when they think of death or see someone dying, to a certain extent.

Hope you feel better! If you feel you need a better explanation go to a priest at your church and tell him about it, and he will be able to help you overcome your fear about it.

Why do i always get sad when i see my ex?

It's been a few months over a year...way longer than we were together, but he was my first love and now everytime i see him, i get so sad. i saw him today with his girlfriend and now i feel like crying. i thought i was over him, i always do, and then i see him again, and realize i never will be. he's ruined all other guys for me, because now i will never be able to love someone the way i loved him, it will never be that pure again, it will never be that true again, it will never be that strong sucks to lose your first love, the pain never really goes away : (

why is it so??

Why do i always feel happy and then randomly sad?

It looks to me like you have low self esteem, which you have become quite proficient at hiding from others and putting on a smile, even if you don't feel like it. Try making a list about yourself- everything you're good at, something you like about yourself. I know it will be hard, but if nothing else, try to add one extra thing on to it each day. Then, when you have a list and you're feeling bad, read through it.
Otherwise, resolve that you will do one nice thing for someone else each day (could be something little like holding open a door) but don't tell anyone about the nice thing you have done.
Go sit out in the sunshine for ten minutes as the body produces serotonin (lifts your mood, makes you feel happy ) and do nothing, just relax.
If you feel you can, go talk to a teacher or someone you trust about how you feel. They may be more able to direct you to solutions.

Good Luck


Why do i always feel so unfulfilled after a party?

I have a degree in psychology so I hope this helps:
Your question doesn't allow for any particular answer. You need to provide much more detail and likely need to speak to a therapist OR do some serious soul-searching. I highly doubt it is the parties that leave you feeling this way, but rather that something at these parties is making you subconsciously realize something about your own life you don't like. If these parties are making you feel unfulfilled, then try to think of the exact moments during these parties that you feel this way, then try to think about what triggered it. From there, you need to extrapolate to your whole life why this bothers you.