Why Do I Always Feel Too Guilty To Get Revenge When I

They say revenge doesn't make you feel good but why do I always feel good after I get revenge?

I have absolutely no time for those who say: ‘revenge doesn't make you feel good’ - rubbish. ‘Revenge’ is just another word for ‘closure’ and when delivered properly can banish demons from your mind and lift your spirit like a baptism. I waited over two years before I administered revenge on someone who wronged me. In most situations the punishment should reflect the crime. But in other cases, when someone is betrayed or attacked in such an unforgivable way, vengeance is theirs for the taking.‘ If an injury has to be done to a man the attack must be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared’-Niccolo Machiavelli

How do I make a girl feel guilty if she rejects me?

Not that I'm seriously suggesting you do this but if you jumped off a bridge to your death she'd probably have a moment of guilt.
But what's the point. If she doesn't want to go anywhere with you just move on.

Why did I feel so guilty after hurting him intentionally to get revenge on something he did and say and he said 'you couldn't hurt me even if you wanted to, because you're too good and I love you so much I know you didn't mean those words'?

You probably feel guilty because as he said, you’re a good person.But what you might need to consider is what he said and did. If he did something to hurt you then he’s not a nice person.Bad people are attracted to nice ones. Because they know they can get away with a lot and the nice person won’t do anything about it. You just tried but apparently he’s pretty thick skinned.I’d suggest you get out now before he hurts you again and find a nice guy.Oh, and the thing about loving you? Bad guys say that a lot. Take it with a grain of salt.

I want revenge on people who hurt me in the past. When I see them happy it makes me sad and annoyed. Will taking revenge make me feel better?

“Killed my Personality”, “Murdered my Joy of Life..”I have been where you are, no I am where you are. Currently in my social life it's shit. I'm trying my best but ultimately the people trying to hurt me are starting to get into my head. I'm not happy anymore, my old personality is gone and I don't look forward to anything. My weekends I just sit and I don't want to leave my house because I have lost my will to try. I understand your pain. I wanted to hurt them too. You know, get revenge and all. In the end I am only hurting myself because I am just forcing myself back into those horrible moments where they bullied me and im not letting myself move on. You need to move on. Ignore they exist all together, try your best at getting a will to live again. That's what I'm trying to do..It's difficult. I'm not even there yet myself but we can try together? Those horrible people who hurt you and hurt me. They are unhappy in their personal life, they take out their pain on somebody else in hopes of taking our joy and filling themselves with it. It doesn't work, of course. But like an addict they try again and again, they keep hurting because it just might heal their pain. We have to forgive these people, they are broken. Find a place in your heart to forgive what they did, what they are doing and look after yourself. Look after your health, wellbeing and happiness. Once you love yourself again, you will grow to ignore them, and to not be hurt by their attempts anymore. Be happy, I wish you luckLove yourself first, then forgive

Why does it feel good to get revenge, but depressing to just let it go?

when someone does you wrong, it kinda feels good to get revenge..but often times if u let it's just depressing bc that person got away with whatever harm they made. so what do you think, whats best in your opinion?

How do I make someone feel guilty for what they have done?

I'm assuming this question wants a solid answer to accomplish this. Aside from the questionable ethics of trying to manipulate, I'll give it to you straight. If the person lacks the ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes, you can't do it. If they are indifferent to others feelings, you can't do it. This is also true if they don't have feelings for you.If the person cares about you or is attached to you in some way, make them aware of what they done and how it affected you. Then cut them off and don't talk no more about it. Do not have any dealings with them again until you feel they are prepared to make it up to you. This will give them time and space to think about their actions. When they start to miss you, to the point they feel they could lose you, they will begin to feel regret, if you are important to them to begin with.

Have you ever felt so guilty about having an affair with a married person even though you were one of many that he cheated with, that you wanted to tell the spouse just to relieve your guilty conscience?

First and foremost, it is a serious mistake to tell someones spouse about an affair, particularly when they don’t know that it is happening. It doesn’t matter if you are a party to the affair, a close friend or the most casual of acquaintances with the spouse. Insinuating oneself into a marriage is almost always a mistake and it rarely ends well. If you are a party to the affair, it doesn’t matter if you are the one and only or the last in a long parade of participants. Telling the wife of your indiscretion with her husband ranks right up there as one of the worst things that you can possibly do. Obviously the worst thing was having the trist with a married man.The fact that you feel guilty is probably the sole positive aspect of the entire affair. It suggests that your moral compass is still intact. It is now up to you whether this turns out to be a lesson learned or the first mistake of many.I have never cheated on my wife and she has never cheated on me. You may ask how I can be certain that she never had an affair? For me it comes down to trust. I trust her. I’m one of those people where trust is huge and it is earned. Trust can certainly be abused and lost. However, my wife has done neither. We still love each other after 3 years of dating and 43 years of marriage.Your post mentions telling the spouse because you feel guilty.If you tell the spouse, do you think the news that you have been having an affair with her husband will hurt her? It doesn’t matter that he has had many affairs. Do you think that telling the truth about your sexual indiscretion will cause her pain? If you think she will be hurt by the news of the affair, then this brings up another question. Do you think that you have the right to hurt her by telling her about the affair, just to relieve your guilty conscience? Is it okay to hurt a person, just so that you can feel a little less guilt over your inappropriate behavior?If you think that she will be hurt, then the best thing might be to say nothing to her. Remain silent and live with your guilt, knowing that you have done the right thing by not hurting his wife by telling her about her husband and yourself.If you feel compelled to talk about it, then talk to a counselor or see a priest. I don’t handle guilt well so I chose a priest. It has worked out well for me.I wish you all the best no matter what choices you make.