Why Do I Avoid Eye Contact With Some People

Why do some people avoid eye contact?

For many people, when someone is looking directly into their eyes, it makes them uncomfortable. So they simply avoid it.Someone looking directly at you when you are speaking means (hopefully) they are listening to every word you say, along with tone, inflection, etc. If you are speaking on a topic you are unfamiliar with, or just bsing your way through it, you are fearful that they will see right through you, or ask a follow-up question that you simply can’t answer. As such, you avoid their eyes.The opposite is also true. If someone else is speaking and you are avoiding eye contact with them, this can indicate to them a number of things. You are not confident of your knowledge in what they are discussing, you have poor mastery of the language and do not understand their words, or you lack the knowledge to respond to them in the proper manner.Lack of confidence in yourself/language/knowledge is the issue.Or.. they could just be shy.Or they could just be hiding something they don’t want you to figure out.And... alas… then we have the “human” aspect.There is something about people looking directly into the eyes when you are speaking that turns on the “uncomfortable” switch in lots of people.How much easier would it be if you had to give a speech in front of a large group and all the audience members were sitting there with their eyes closed.

Why do people avoid eye contact with me?

You are maintaining eye contact too long - people interpret this as hostility or disrespect. Look away when you get around 10 feet away if you're white.

There's also this "eyebrow flash" that people do as they recognize you. Make sure you do it back.

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Why do people avoid eye contact?

It really depends on the social situation my friend. Are you intentionally staring at them hoping they make eye contact back? To me sometimes I do not like it when people stare ( who does?) I don't believe its your look -- It may have to do with technology aka smart phones. I feel like people nowadays are mindless drones staring at a screen when they're out in public hoping not to have a single conversation with other people. For me I'm constantly aware of what's going on. Lets say i'm walking down a street and I'm about to pass by a person. I will naturally look at them just incase they need help with something. Most times its usually a nod or a friendly hello. In my opinion people just want to go about their business and avoid eye contact because who knows they might be socially awkward or just want to avoid a confrontation.

Why do people avoid eye contact with each other in the elevator?

because the space is tight. eye contact usually means some other form of contact...and most cultures do not like people in their zone of comfort--for me it's 3 feet, unless it's a female that i'm interested in.

When some people are angry they avoid eye contact, why is that?

That is kind of a broad question. It doesn't say what those people are angry about or if you are the person they are angry at or if they are just angry in general and you have noticed that when they are telling you about it, they avoid your eyes. All of which might hold different answers.If they are angry at you, then I would have to agree with a previous answer and say it is possible that they are feeling hurt and betrayed by you as well as anger. Looking you in the eye might just put them over the edge it your eye might end up black instead of avoided being looked at. It could also mean they feel guilty because they know their anger is misplaced or that they had some part it in and to look you in the eye is putting all the blame on you and that feels dishonest. They are usually protecting something, whether it's you from their wrath or the truth of other feelings. They might be worried that you would see right through the anger they are using as a defense mechanism and feel quite volnurable so it's better to keep their head down and only emmit anger. If that is the case, until they are ready to tell you what is really going on, give them space to figure it out instead of guessing. They will get there…