Why Do I Bite My Cheek At The Back Of My Mouth When I Close My Mouth

Biting my cheek when i eat. why?

I've researched this for my husband and asked the dentist. Nobody seems to know. Swish around warm salt water and slow down your eating. I wonder if it happens because you bite it once by accident and then it swells a tiny bit and gets in the way.

Why do we bite our cheeks or tongue when eating?

Barring dental issues, we bite our cheeks and tongue when eating because of friction. When we bite ourselves accidentally, it’s a sign that parts of our mouth are dry.When your mouth is chewing, your teeth are constantly running against the cheeks because your cheeks are what keeps your food in, and sometimes comes into contact with your tongue because your tongue keeps your food moving. In fact, evolution has developed rather clever methods to keep yourself from damaging these parts: in the slippery gummy surface of your mouth, and in the way you produce saliva inside your mouth. This produces natural lubrication for you to chew on :)However, your body can only do so much before this lubrication is exhausted. In other words, your mouth may have dried up before or during your meal. This may be because moisture has disappeared from the lining your of mouth or something in your food has repelled that very moisture. Dry foods (e.g. bread) are one culprit because they absorb too much moisture, while oily foods (e.g. pizza) are another because they are hydrophobic. If the food is both dry and oily, you will turn your mouth into an arid desert.You can prevent yourself from biting your mouth by drinking water before your meal, and avoiding foods that are too dry or too oily. The water alone should greatly reduce the chance of you biting yourself, and your choice of food should make it non-existent. If you do bite yourself, you should fill your mouth with water to moisten the inside of your mouth, especially pressing the water over the bite to prevent a re-bite.Source: Experience. When I started drinking a glass before every meal, I saw the frequency of my biting myself drop significantly.

Why do I bite my cheek at the back of my mouth when I close my mouth?

I don't have braces, but I'm getting them in July. Every time I close my mouth, my molars bite down on my left cheek and sometimes my right. I'm underweight so It isn't fat, but It really hurts? I recently got my 12 year old molars (almost a year ago). I'm almost 14, and I just went to the dentist. They said I have tissue left from them coming in, so thats a reason I'm getting braces. But anyway, why do i bite my cheek and how can I stop it?

I have this white swell on the inner cheek of my mouth and I’m not sure what it is. I do have a habit of biting my inner cheek though. What could it be?

Look in the mirror, pull your cheek back, and close your teeth together. If the white swelling you see is anywhere near the line where your upper and lower teeth come together, it’s most likely a build up of extra keratin in the lining of your cheek. You may be most familiar with a callous that forms on your hands or feet as a result of repeated friction; if you are chewing repeatedly on the inside of your cheek (which is pretty common), it has caused a callous. When that thick keratin build-up stays wet, it appears white. You could check with your dentist to be sure……………… Note: canker sores form almost exclusively in the fold area where your cheek attaches to your upper or lower gums. They look like small, whitish or yellowish raw (ulcerated) areas, surrounded by a red area, and are painful to touch, and even to move your mouth very much. That doesn’t sound like what you are describing.

Tooth hitting canker sore in the back of my mouth, can't close my jaw/mouth all the way because of it?

your dentist is correct. I have seen this with my job. It will take about another week to 10 days to go away. My suggestion is to go buy the chloraseptic sore throat spray. This spray contains an ingrediant called Phenol that numbs areas of the mouth simular to novicaine. It works better then you could imagine. Go buy this spray and spray it directly on the sore and you will be completely pain free. You will be so relieved to be able to close your mouth without being in pain all the time. Trust me and go get the spray, it works awsome. Let me know how it turns out, I promise you'll be thanking me later.

p.s. It comes in a red cherry flavor, the exact spelling of the product it Chloraseptic then underneath it says phenol/oral anesthetic.

Can't close my mouth after wisdom teeth removal!?

It's been 4 days since I got all four taken out. I have some yellow stuff back there and it seems as though my cheeks or gums are overlapping my back morals to where I can't chew or bite down. Just wondering if this is normal? It's super annoying

Bump inside mouth on cheek?

I have seen a doctor and dentist and they say this is nothing but it hasn't gone away. i have a small, star shaped bump in my mouth on cheek. I think i may have started this by picking back there. It is all the way in the back near where the crease is when your mouth is closed. It is the same color as the rest of my cheek. Seems bigger some days and small on others. It does not hurt. As I said, have seen both doc and dentist and mentioned it, they seem unworried. They are currently helping me quit smoking with the assistance of Chantix. I AM a hypochondriac and will stress about something stupid until i go crazy. Could it be possible that I have traumatized the area looking and poking at it so much? I first noticed it after I was looking and saw a little bump(which i think was a gland) and picked at it. Thanks for all the help you may have.

Mouth pain with first bite?

Between meals you may be pulling in your cheeks or clenching your jaw unknowingly working the cheek muscles. When you eat it stimulates the salivary function and you may feel a tinge in the cheeks most likely from the samivary glands. Ask your dentist to check you teeth for wear and your jaw for any TMJ joint dysfunction. If that is the case he may want to fit you for a night guard (NTI) forcing your cheek muscles to relax and having that wierd feeling go away. In fact I had the same torubles and after I got my night guard (specifically the NTI) it stopped. In the meantime try to conscoiusly stretch your mouth open and close to release the pressure in the cheeks and jaw joint.

After brushing my teeth, the skin of the cheeks inside my mouth starts coming out when I rub my tounge against my cheeks. What could be the reason?

Hey Michael,I read up on this phenom and was going to report back. The dentist had the best most concise answer, so I copied for your easy use.“I have had many patients over the past couple of years coming in with stringy dead skin peeling from their cheeks and inside their mouth. Today a patient was nice enough to allow a picture so that I could share with everyone the reason this is happening.Image The Reason That Cheeks Peel in your mouth?“This picture shows the cheek of a patient that is having an mild allergy to their toothpaste. Some patients have a mild allergy to whitening toothpastes like Rembrant Deeply White, Colgate Optic White, while others are allergic to the Crest Pro Health formula.“If you have used one of these products and experienced this phenomenon you will know exactly what I am describing. If you have not experienced this you are not to worry these are great products that helps a lot of people. What you will see and feel in your mouth is a stringy substance that looks and feels like slimy long pieces of soft white skin. It feels like the skin of your cheeks is peeling a little. This should not hurt but is somewhat annoying.“What you should do is discontinue the use of the toothpaste you are using. After 7-10 days you should notice an improvement in the condition which can be categorized as sloughing of the cheek. Please continue to use a toothpaste with fluoride to help strengthen and protect against cavities. I know a lot of people quickly run toward the organic type toothpastes for fear that this may happen with all over the counter toothpastes. You should not experience this cheek peeling in the mouth from most other toothpaste products.”Dr. Sam Weiszhttp://libertyvilledental.comPS: Some folks report the same issue connected to mouthwashes. If it’s not the tooth paste it may be mouthwash.

Is chewing the inside of my mouth bad for me?

Well, we all bite the inside of our mouth or lip once in a while, much to our chagrin, but I think what you have there is a serious nervous habit, a bit like nail-biting, but with potentially more serious consequences.In my view, smoking qualifies as a nervous habit as well.Were I you, I'd see my physician. The first thing I'd want would be some advice and maybe a prescription for smoking cessation medication. While she's writing that I'd hit her up with the other concern. Do yourself a favour and get help. We all need a little help now and again. Believe me, I know!