Why Do I Do Better At Something When I

What is something that women do better than men?

pee while sitting

Why do I always think there is something better?

Responding in the spirit of the "Philosophy of Everyday Life":Because you are a human, and items that you did not select are unknown, so you're left with a sense of "what if" which is far more appealing than what you have.For something to be better, there has to be a measurement; but what is the context of that measurement?  My legs are better at running than my hands, but my hands are better grabbing things.  Which is better on the whole?A huge part of the lack of happiness many people seem to feel these days is caused by social media.  You are seeing the "best" version of all your online "friends", and automatically assume their life is better than yours.  You're seeing their vacations, their nights out, their gorgeous hike.  But you are seeing ONLY these highlights, ONLY images they selected for others to see; you don't see them cleaning their bathrooms, buying groceries, sitting in traffic.  You're comparing their best moments to your  image of everyday life, because you can't edit your experiences for your own brain.  But guess what?  Their life isn't nearly that glamorous (unless you're looking at the Kardashian's profiles, but come on why are you doing that? :D)So unless you're buying a car or a TV, ditch the comparison's of what is "better" and stick to whatever makes you happy.

Name something that women do better than men do?

Pearl diving without SCUBA gear. It's a fact. They have a an extra layer of fat (sorry ladies but it is a medical fact) so they can stay under water in the cold water so the Japanese bays. And on average they can hold their breath for a longer period of time. It has something to do with their ability to oxygenate their blood and hence their lungs.

Oddly enough I (and the class) learned this during or SCUBA certification courses.....the instructors were full of trivia relating to SCUBA. And one was a medical doctor and one time Naval Flight Surgeon who dealt with Navy divers.

Is there something you feel you can do better than anyone? Or have a more interesting perspective about than most?

As for better than anyone, I am not quite sure yet, not to mention there are so many people in the world. I think I am very open-minded and understanding than most. I tend to think on very deep ends of both spectrums and question even my own thoughts and morals (been feeling the dunning-kruger much more lately A lot of people I see or even my own friends and “family” seem to always be stuck on their own ideas or not really wanting to expand their ideas and mind. I can really talk for hours if I’m speaking with someone who is truly interested in certain subjects and wants to hear my viewpoints. I also want to hear others views, especially if they go deep into the complexity of it all; sadly this does not happen often at all or I find their view bleak, boring and/or unchanging because they are vague or have no passion in what they say. Since I understand that people arn’t as open as things as I am at times, it turns me off to talking with people and makes me feel jaded at times; which I hate because I truly want to connect but it seems hard. I also think the many things we call “drugs”- some of which are natural plants and herbs, are sacred and you shouldn’t really blame them or things around you. It’s the person and how they feel about/took it not the drug. I also don’t enjoy movies as much because I’m usually trying to look for a deeper meaning, even if there doesn’t have to be one, and try incorperate it into reality or people’s/ my thoughts. I’m also a critic in a way, which kinda blows because I can tell when a plot is to obvious to me but sadly not to others, and I can tell many times what words they even say next on cue- movies and reality. Last movies I’ve seen was Get out and Logan, both were good but the deeper meaning in both seem to be lost; especially get out, when you don’t watch with an open mind. Alright this getting a bit long rambling but basically I believe I understand people around me well and that scares/brings hate from people. I think many people find the subject and things I find interesting boring… when their viewpoint is so singular that they are the mundane.. but it’s ok I make the seemingly mundane interesting. Their is a difference between the ego and heart and self-respect. Do what you wish, id rather spread love nowadays.

How do you accept that somebody is better than you at something?

Question: How do you accept that somebody is better than you at somethingAnswer: Somebody is always better than you at something. And guess what, somebody else is also always worse than you at something.It is very unlikely in the world of 7 billions people you are the BEST at anything. It is also very unlikely that you are the WORST at anything.That person who is better than you? Someone else is better than him/her, and someone else is better than the person who is better than him or her, ad infinitum until you find the world’s best at that skill/field.A positive way to think about it is that you have room to grow. But a realistic way to accept it is that breaking plateau is always harder than you think.I told myself that if someone is better than you, 99% of the time that means he (or she) has worked for much harder, longer and smarter at the skill than you have.But the reality is that skill does not grow in straight lines. There are a lot of plateau; and what takes you to one plateau can’t take you to the next one (else there won’t be a plateau).Also there is a high likelihood in diminishing return to marginal effort. If some popular books are to be believed, then it will take 20 hours to learn a new skill and 10,000 hours to master it. The higher you go, the harder it is to improve.And at the highest level, the 1% difference in human DNA may make all the difference between record breaking gold medal winner and last athlete in the race.But for anyone in between, getting better is just a matter of working harder, longer and smarter than you had in the past.

What is better: Doing something you are good at but not really interested in OR Something you are interested in but aren't good at?

Usually things you are interested in are those in which you are good. However, I believe that areas in which you take interest must be chosen as career instead of those professions in which you have little inclination or motivation.You become good over a period of time and overcome shortfalls only if you are interested in a particular subject area. The key driving force behind career growth besides other factors is your interest and expertise will come only after spending some quality time.