Why Do I Dream About A Guy I See At School Every Day

I keep dreaming about a guy everyday?

This guy and I go to the same high school and have a class together but we don't really talk. He and I see each other everyday in the morning or after school in the hallways. We have a lot of weird things in common like our names (same only difference is gender), race, style of clothing, social status, both look nothing like our families and play the same instrument. I don't know why but in my dreams I can't see peoples faces clearly except for his. Why is that?

Why do I always see random girls from school in my dreams?

Your dreams are based on your subconscious thoughts, meaning what ever you are thinking about that you are not directly aware of. When dreaming about people you will never see a person in your dreams that you haven’t seen somewhere in real life. Although the human mind can play scenarios, and has an imagination it does not have the capability of creating images of people without using the schemas of familiar faces or the faces of strangers you’ve seen before. This could mean that while seeing “random” girls you might have once wondered something about them or noticed a quality about them that stuck with you all day subconsciously and rolled over into your dreaming process as a result of whatever was noticed. For example, if these girls are really pretty you might have consciously been aware of that when seeing them and as the day progress that thought turned into a subconscious one and transferred over in your dream. You may have also saw something strange during your encounter or are curious about something. This doesn’t necessarily tell you anything significant other than maybe you pay more attention to your surroundings more lately than usual. It isn’t too much to be concerned with.

Ok I keep dreaming about a guy I had crush on in middle school but now i'm married.What do u think this means?

btw the way I feel I have these dreams, makes my feel oh so happy but then also at end feeling like I cheated on my husband by having the dream in the first place. So I hope u can see where my problem lays at! All I know is that i've only been in one relatsionship with a guy & that guy is my husband, so u can see that i've not been with really any guy at all since I was allowed to have a bf til my husband & I met. But also their is still the guy I had a crush on that still pops in my mind from time to time but more resently. So I'm left with wondering what it means? My most resent dream left me with him & me kissing but what got me was I could feel the kiss as tho it wheir real & left my heart going crazy & making me wish it wheir true.

Same dream for years...high school locker?

Does the number 188 have any sort of meaning? House number.. classroom number... number of students in your grade? The number could possibly be reappearing because you're often thinking about it. You know, sometimes the last things you think about before you go to sleep are what appear in your dreams. Do you think "I wonder if i will have the 188th locker dream again..."?

There is only one other thing I can think of. Have you only just finished high school? I heard once that you will only remember your dream if you wake up within 15 mins of it finishing. If you're used to getting up for school, then your body clock could trigger the dream, seeing as it has to do with school and is nearly time to get up for school... Just ideas LOL Hopefully helped,,,:)

What does it mean if I dream about someone every night? Do they dream about me?

What does it mean if I dream about someone every night? Do they dream about me?They may not even know you exist.In high-school, I dreamt of this girl Sara nearly every nigh. Sara was a senior when I was a sophomore and had long brown hair she braided in the back and it reached almost the bottom of her buttocks. She was also very athletic and represented our school in both basketball and volleyball. Most importantly, she had these amazing hazel eyes that seemed to change color with changes in the weather and pearl-like bright white and perfectly aligned teeth.It took me almost the entire school year to finally walk up to her, just before the final exams started and I knew that she will not be back the following year. But I did just that, approaching her in the yard and freezing before I even get a chance to say hello. At that moment Sara looked me straight in the eyes for the very first (and last) time and with a tone that was more demanding than friendly said “whaaat??”That's when I knew that despite the many nights I had spent with her, some of them in very romantic and intimate situations, even sharing bodily fluids, she had no idea who I was. That was the most heart-breaking experience of my life up to that point and the pain of it felt so severe I did not know whether I'd be able to go on after that any more.However, as you can tell, I'm still here and have experienced many more heartbreaks since, some even bigger than the one with Sara, plus one divorce when I discovered that you can also sleep next to someone for many years, get intimate and exchange bodily fluids, then realize that you have no idea who this person is.Hope that was helpful.

Why do I keep dreaming of my crush every night?

That’s kinda what crushing is. It’s like a thought you half want to escape but can’t get away from. Because you keep trying to imagine the scenarios in which you’d get to be together again in the ways you’d like to be.OK so at this point you have a choice, do you want to extend the emotion and have it as a consistent reminder day to day? Do you want to feel this crush take over and wash over your waking and dreaming state? It’ll do that if you leave it the way it is.It will remain a crush as long as you don’t do anything about it, to have this feeling over sooner, you have to speak ( or write ) your emotions to the person you are crushing on. You have to let them ( yes, them and no one else ) know how you feel, I’m assuming this is possible and you’re not in some weird stalker identification with some absent person. So I’m assuming you have positive regard with this person you’re crushing on.So it shouldn’t be a logistical problem to tell them that you like them. Just tell them, and if you have already, tell them again. (Sorry the second time is not for them, it’s for you).This will let you get a TRUE read on what that person feels for you, not a faked up story in your head about what it could be.IT COULD BLOW UP. BUT HEY, IT COULD BE GREAT

I have dreams about a boy I've never met?

Luckyyy....i usually have a dream about a cute guy and me together only like once every half year... lol

he's a dude, locked into the deep depths of your subconscious mind. you dream about him a lot, not because (and i don't know if you do) think about him every second of the day/see him a lot (which you don't cause u never personally meant him rite?), but because you have gained a very strong connection with him when the mention of his name (or idk, your friends' description of him) has entered your mind................interesting............

perhaps he is your soul mate because of your strong connection. many people don't have constant dreams about those they think about no matter how much the think about them or have had life experiences with them, unless there is true connection.

or................maybe to put a downer on things, there is no connection and you just think there is just because you have dreams of him. very simply by the glance of someone's name or description we instantly dream of them.

......idk i like talking funnnny. but i really like your description. it's really one for the books lol

btw have you ever seen a pic of him?
more btw, you sure have asked this question a lot lol. just brace for whatever this is:a true connection to a possible future soul mate or just dreams...

if ever get the chance to meet, go. see if it's truly a connection. you don't know if he's ever thought of you or dreamed(dreamt?) of you