Why Do I Feel As If I

Why do I feel as if my life isn't real?

It is very possible and likely that you have Depersonalization-Derealization Syndrome, also known as just Depersonalization Disorder. Seems like you perceive the world as 'Foggy, dreamlike or like a videogame.' These are common and key symptoms of DPD. This can be the cause of Anxiety, panic attacks, self-harm, depression, low self-esteem and even chest pain, nausea, drowsiness, lack of motive/motivation & blurry vision. Attention impairments and hypersomnia are also common symptoms. DDS/DPD is believed to be caused largely by severe traumatic life events. These include;Surviving/Experiencing a Natural disasterHaving had experienced a Severe accident were loss of life and/or chronic injury likely occurred, like a major car accident/pileup or a plane crash. Returning from War or a WarzoneTorture/Severe or cruel punishmentThe result of a bad experience to a drug or multiple drugs. Being traumatically and/or consistantly abused for a relatively significant portion of your childhood by a parent, guardian, sibling, etc.Treatment, as of now, is mostly done by CBT which stands for 'Cognitive Behavioural Therapy'. It is aimed at treating patients by helping them to learn to reinterpret their symptoms in a non-threatning way. This has been largely successful in treating or at least Significantly helping most patients.Treatment may also include medications, though none have been shown to have a significant effect. An SSRI Antidepressant and a Benzodiazepine is sometimes prescribed for those with who often experience anxiety with DPD/DDS. Modafinil has also been shown to be effective in some groups namely those whose most prominant symptoms are hypersomia, feeling of drowsiness, and attention impairment. Some Evidence also supports the medications Naloxone and Naltrexene in treatment.

Why do I feel as if I will never die?

Although I do not have an exact answer to why you, specifically, feel like you will never die, I remember that when I was in my teens that I was very depressed, and at one point I just wished that I would one day die, because the thought of absolute nothingness comforted me. However, (fortunately) I could never bring myself to commit suicide on my own, (which is why I just resorted to just wishing that death would come soon) and because of this I felt as if I was stuck in an endless limbo of wanting to die, but never actually succumbing to suicide. In other words, I felt as if I would never stop living.Of course, in my situation at the time, the feeling of an absolute deathless life, felt like it was a bad thing. To you, depending on YOUR current state of mind, having what feels like a deathless life could be a bad thing, or a good thing. If you believe that feeling this way is a good thing, than, yay for you! Now, just go about your life feeling as if you're invincible, until the realization of death one day settles in. And no, I'm not being sarcastic. However, if you believe feeling this way is a bad thing, than, well… I'm not a doctor or anything, so I'm not sure how to help you. All I can do is give you some advice. And that advice being: to do the exact same thing I said you should do if you believe feeling this way is a good thing. You can't make yourself feel a certain way. You can control emotions, but you can't create them. (At least, not in this situation.) So just go about life, and eventually, I'm sure you'll finally realize that one day you will die.…Hope I helped, in…some way.

Why do I feel like I'm dead?

You may be in a deep depression.You are in a DEEP DEPRESSION.What steps are you taking to get out of it?I was in such a place earlier this year.I had a couple of Nazi knuckleheads in my class giving each other theNazi salute.The same kids wondered why I didn't like them. Haha!!I had a Jewish convert boss who didn’t seem to care,but it had nothing to do with all that crazy high schoolstuff the kids were doing to try me.Young men do these things to male teachers to see how far they can go.It was just that I needed to watch Netflix every night for seven hours.I didn’t want to write songs or listen to rap or listen to pop or listen to classical.I didn’t want to do anything.WHEN CAN YOU GET OUTSIDE HELP OVER THE NEXT 24?Are you doing exercise?Do exercise. Wrote it twice because it’s mad important. Better to be so tired you need to sleep than to be in such a dark place.Walk.Write a gratitude list.Get on your knees and meditate as frequently as possible. I do a mini meditation at least three or four times a day.Pray if you believe.If you don’t believe, read classics of literature or poems. A trick an atheist friend taught me many years ago.Don’t pretend you’re okay.

Why Do I Feel As If I'm Going To Die Young?

I think it is a lack of self esteem, and self confidence. You have to learn to believe in yourself.. I remember, as a teenager, telling a young lady, that I did not think I would live past 30 yrs old. I still remember her reply....."Why are you always putting yourself down?.....You're a nice guy". Ya know what? That little comment encouraged me to take another look at myself. Hell, I have a certain amount of control over that! Find something to look forward to.
By the way........I turned 65 last August. :-)

Why do I feel sick If I don't eat breakfast?

Your body is simply trying to tell you to eat! You've sept all night a hibernation mode. While "hibernating"--and I mean sleeping--doesn't take a lot of work or burn a lot of calories, your body is still using up the nutrients you supplied it with the evening before. But by morning, 5-8 hours later, your stomach is empty. You need to refuel your body. You wake up and then demand so much of your body...walking, running, thinking, laughing with friends, and etc. Your body needs a little get up and go!
YOu do not need a large breakfast. Something small will do. Even though you don't want to you, you still need to. Eventually, you will train your body and that notion in your mind into saying, "Hey! I just woke up, I want some food!" But your not use to that right train it. Breakfast really is the MOST important meal of the day. Try to eat with a half hour of waking up.

Why do I feel as if I could care less if I die or not?

You say you burden people by existing, that means that you are thinking negatively, and probably not being truthful about how you really feel, you sound suicidal. Just incase you need it, there is a suicide hotline to call if you are going to hurt yourself or kill yourself call this number 1800 273 8255. If you are not in the U.S., you might have to find someone else to help besides them. Now, as for living your life, why do you not care? I believe you might not care at the moment, but you are also probably feeling very sorry for yourself at the moment, if I had to guess, I would assume that you are being very negative, and not simply neutral like you are trying to imply. Try being positive about things, because no matter how you feel, you will actually die someday, and it will suck. Your body, and mind, while they are two different things, are connected, and when your body is dying, so is your mind, and the dying experience for the body is not a fun thing, it is scary and sad. I think you should try exhilarating your life and try to find something that makes you excited. Try to find something that gives you a sense of euphoria, just avoid breaking the law, or hurting others, or yourself, and you will be fine. Try not to take yourself so seriously, although life is a very serious thing, it is better to just go with the flow and chill. If you really don't care if you die, than maybe you could start a career in a job field that requires you to be fearless.

Why do I always feel like I'm waiting for something?

Interesting question. Perhaps you are waiting for something.

Waiting is a passive relationship. If you feel like you are waiting you must also feel passive. Passive can mean a lot of different things. It can mean that you have been trained to be entertained and are just waiting for the next thing to entertain you. Or it could mean that you feel helpless, vulnerable, or impotent.

Some of these feelings might come from feeling that your stress level is too high or that the world is too complex for you to deal with it effectively.

Play around with these ideas and see if any of them fit you. If none fit, try looking for other things about yourself that are probably in plain sight and are ignored because they are so common.

Ultimately, only you can answer that question. All the other posts that recommend an easy answer are most certainly false.