Why Do I Feel Is This Depression

Why do I feel like crying all the time? Depression?

Yes, yes, yes! You fit all of the categories of depression and you should definitely see a doctor ASAP. They can refer you to a mental health professional where you can begin the long and arduous task of recovery - but remember this - there IS hope! Also, reach out to your friends and your family! Tell them about your feelings - feelings are nothing to be ashamed of! Repressing them is the worst thing you can do in this situation. You need to unload! Harnessing your painful feelings into alcohol instead of simply expressing them and calling friends to talk to when you feel unhappy is a bad plan.

Write down / Take this depression quiz and bring it with you when you talk to your doctor - it will speed things up. Also I recommend a mix of both therapy and medication - studies have shown it's the most effective strategy.

Rate how much you have felt the following symptoms in the past week on a scale from 0-4
0-Not at all
3-A lot

1. Feeling sad or down in the dumps
2. Feeling unhappy or blue
3. Crying spells or tearfulness
4. Feeling discouraged
5. Feeling hopeless
6. Low self-esteem
7. Feeling worthless or inadequate
8. Guilt or shame
9. Criticizing yourself or blaming yourself
10. Difficulty making decisions
11. Lost of interest in family, friends, or colleagues
12. Loneliness
13. Spending less time with family or friends
14. Loss of motivation
15. Loss of interest in work or other activities
16. Avoiding work and other activities
17. Loss of pleasure or satisfaction in life
18. Feeling tired
19. Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
20. Decreased or increased appetite
21. Loss of interest in sex
22. Worrying about ur health
23. Any suicidal thoughts****
24. Would you like to end ur life****
25. Plan for harming urself****

****Anybody with suicidal urges should seek immediate help from a mental health professional! ****

Add up your points and use the score scale

Score scale
0-5: no depression
6-10: normal but unhappy
11-25: mild depression
26-50: moderate depression
51-75: severe depression
76-100: extreme depression

Good luck! :)

Why does depression make you feel so tired?

A depression takes a lot out of you, it saps your energy, it saps your will to live. You probably haven’t been eating real well, or getting the sleep that your body needs. Depression hurts more than your brain, it hurts you physically.When you come out of the depression, you have to deal with the fact that you are starting in the hole from the sapped energy and the will to live, then you are further in the hole by the bad self-care. Your body has taken a beating and now you need to give it time to heal. Don’t try to do it all at once.I have just come out of an 8 year depression when my family started dying. I lost it really bad. I’m 60 years old. Now that I am out of it, I’m finding out how badly I have punished my body. I have hydrated myself so badly that my body and a huge weight loss, my body has shut down once now, and I spent two days in the hospital. I had lost 20 pounds (luckily, I had it to lose), 10 of them inside of 3 weeks. My energy still isn’t back. My limit is about half an hour right now. But it has only been since May, so I am just taking it slowly and surely. I push my limits just a little bit every week.Take your time, you are going to be just fine.

Do snakes feel depression?

Any biologist will tell you snake's brains are not developed enough for them to be capable of emotions or advanced thought process. They rely purely on instinct. It is a myth that all animals have feelings. People always want to assume that their pets love them and are human-like, but this just isn't so. There are many possible reasons why your snake isn't feeding, but depression definitely isn't one of them.

What does depression feel like?

Symptoms of Major Depression

Sleep disturbance (insomnia), sleeping too much
“Empty” feeling
Loss of interest in usually enjoyable activities
Difficulty in thinking clearly
Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
Loss of concentration
Lowered self-esteem
Not as talkative as usual
Excessive fatigue
Prolonged sadness
Loss of appetite
Socially withdrawn
Persistent permission
Significant weight loss
Persistent thoughts of death of suicide
Attempted suicide

Why do I feel depressed when I'm sick?

In my experience there are a few different reasons - or maybe I should say there are a few different kinds of depression - for feeling depressed when you're sick.  First and most obvious is that you feel down because the illness is leaving you low-energy. Second, depending on the illness and your personality, your body is redirecting its resources to deal with the illness. your good mood is lower priority. Third is, possibly, that the illness leaves you in pain and pain makes you grumpy and irritable - irritability is one of the threshold symptoms of clinical depression. Fourth is that pain, illness, being home from work, fever, etc etc all rob you of some of your resilience. Resilience is the opposite of, or antidote to, depression.  And Fifth - the last one I can think of right now - is that after the most acute parts of illness, when you're feeling like you're getting better but you're not better yet, you may have an expectation of feeling better or of doing more than is realistic for you at the moment. You want to be better faster. You want to be back at your "normal" and you're not ready yet. So getting a little better actually leaves you more bummed out than when you were too sick to care. note: I am not a doctor, just someone who's been depressed a lot.

I am dealing with depression, what are some things I can do to feel better?

1. Plan your day. Business may be slow, and you may not have the energy to work anyway, or so you think. Even if your calendar is empty, you need to plan your day. It can be simple: Get up, eat, walk the dog, write your blog, take care of your environment. Simply knowing that you will go about the daily tasks of living can feel good, and when you are running errands or cleaning off your desk, purging files, or just doing the dishes, you won’t have time to feel so down.

2. Get clean. When you don’t have to be anywhere, it’s easy to skip the shower, which isn’t so horrible unless it goes on for more than a day or two. Bathing daily is healthy, it wakes you up, and you always feel better afterward. Keeping clean is a basic thing that some people suffering from depression find very difficult to do. So now you know: bathing is important, and it makes a difference.

3. Feed yourself well. It’s easy enough to live on a diet of fast or frozen food and delivery, but it’s not really nurturing or healthy. Making yourself one good meal a day can seem daunting at first, but in time you will look forward to it, because self-nurturing is still nurturing. And if you don’t cook, at least order good food for yourself.

4. Interact with another real live human being. Depression can cause you to want to avoid other people, and almost nothing could be worse for your condition. Even if it’s someone you know only casually, just saying “Hello. How are you?” will lift your spirits as well as theirs. Having a real conversation and sharing feelings can do even more.

5. Spend ten minutes learning about meditation. The jury is in: meditation works. You may think it’s not for you or not possible for you, but do some research. The practice is so simple, and the rewards are great.

6. Don’t buy into depression think. This is where you allow yourself to be limited by your depression. You don’t have to. Depression is an illness, but it doesn’t have to define who you are. Remember, you don’t have to be a victim of depression, you can fight this! ❤

Can people with depression ever feel happy?

I'm 17 years old. I've been doing research lately on depression because I experience many of the symptoms associated with it and they have been taking a severe toll on life for years now, my school work and my home life are suffering immensely. I just can't sit down and do any work when I know I need to. I feel like I have to escape it and always put it off. I feel sad a lot of the time, lonely, undeserving, ugly. Some nights I get 2 hours of sleep sometimes I'll sleep all day, no matter what I'm always tired. It seems too often I cry myself to sleep. I used to wish I brave enough to end it all. These thoughts thankfully have not been present for about a year and there ARE times I still feel happy,I laugh with my friends,I like going out with my boyfriend. 3months ago I was diagnosed with mono, the symptoms are only getting worse. I don't know whether I'm going through the things that every teenager goes through and being over dramatic or there's really something wrong. Your thoughts?

Why do i get random moods of depression?

a LONG time ago, when i was 12/13 i went through some pretty bad depression issues due to family problems, but that was so long ago and now i consider myself fine again. but sometimes, like tonight, i just feel down and sad. like nothing happened to me, i just feel down? i dont get it. im 18 if that matters and male. i dont want to think im bipolar because i dont think i am but it would explain the random anger i feel sometimes from simple things my mother does, but she is the only one that triggers that. shes an alcoholic so its very frustrating anyway. idk just curious to see what others have to say.