Why Do I Feel The Need To Lie

Why do I always feel the NEED to lie down?

It could be your diet. I cut way back on carbs for about a month and was amazed to see how much more energy I had. I slept better, woke up earlier and was much happier overall. I fell back into my old pattern again, but am trying to eat brown foods instead of white, processed ones. I think all the processed foods we put into our bodies has a lot to do with feeling sluggish.

Why do I always feel the need to lie down?

whatever I am doing, I always feel like laying down. At school, I always rest my head on my hands abd at home I always lay down on the couch or my bed. Sometimes if I am standing somewhere like the kitchen I will just lean over on the counter. I just feel like I have to lie down. I'm thirteen. Any answer helps. Thanks!

Why do honest men feel the need to lie?

The objective is important. The following story illustrates the fact. �� one monk was meditating in a forest under a tree, when a girl was chased by some robbers. She ran and took shelter behind the monk. The robbers came and asked the monk in which direction the girl escaped.” What should be the answer.If the monk says the truth the girl will be in danger. So, the monk had shown a different way and the girl was saved. The objective is more important and lie becomes a virtue. Doctors tell a lie to patient to save life. That is also a virtue.

Why do some people feel the need to lie all the time?

Because they haven’t been “ CAUGHT” yet, and so they’re “ arrogant” about it. I mean.. it’s a habit, and so is stealing something, and getting away with it.I mean.. who gives a shit to them, and they don’t care. If I can get it, and I have it.. I’ll lie and have it my way.They lie.. because they feel they can get away with it, and so… that’s the reason. Until one.. day they do get caught, and then it’s oh.. no, I am fucked.It takes a good ass kicking, and lie to get busted, and realize I can’t lie all the time, and I can’t get away with it all the time.Someone’s mind.. that’s “ arrogant” like this.. will get what’s coming to them in time.I believe.. that’s why I don’t lie, and the reason why I don’t lie is someone that’s smarter then me, and sharper then me.. will catch me, and I’ll get caught and “ whoops I’m in trouble’.I know. because my “ blood” related sister is one, and I can’t out smart her. She’s really “ smart”, and knows when someone is lying, and is sharp witted. I mean I’m sharp witted too.. but she’s the suspicious type, and can catch onto things pretty darn quick.So. I would say.. it would depend on the person if they know you’re lying, and can bust you in a lie.That’s my opinion of why people feel they need to lie all the time, and that’s because they think they can get away with it.Love,Angela

Why do virgo men feel the need to lie all the time?

I know for a fact that not ALL Virgo men feel the need to lie all the time.

Just because your ex does that doesn't mean they all do. Stop blaming his sign and start putting the responsibility on the person where it belongs.

Simple truths:

He lies because you let him.
If he lies to you, he doesn't respect you.
A "compulsive" liar is a clinical condition, not just an opinion.
All Virgo men do not lie.

Why does my boyfriend feel the need to lie to me about his ex/baby mamma?

they have a kid together so it goes without saying that they will be in each others lives forever but why does he feel the need to lie to me about her. Yes he knows i can not stand her but he has never attempted to tell the truth about her to me in the year and a half we have been together so how does he know how i will act if he tells me the truth? Someone please help me with this because it has gone far enough. i love this man with all my heart and believe i love him more than myself which i know is not good for me, and i want to trust him and believe him but he continues to lie about her in all ways. No he is not cheating with her but he lies about when they talk and i even found out and caught her at my house without my permission or knowledge and yes i did the childish thing and beat her up...but my thing is if she was coming to talk to him about their child why couldn't one of them have told me? i have tried to befriend her and been nice to her. and she hasn't wanted him in their child's life for the past year and a half why all the sudden is she wanting his help? im very confused and don't know what to do about this. He says he knows he was wrong and should have told her she couldn't come to my house if i wasn't here and should have told me about it too...but how do i believe him when he not only lied to me but disrespected me by bringing her into our home when i have told him she is not allowed here....someone please help me....

Why do adults feel like they need to lie to kids about where babies come from?

Actually, I have no idea. I remember my mother tried to tell me about the birds and bees when I was 16; I laughed. When I had my children -a boy and then a girl- I had read enough psychology to want things to be open. Right away my son knew where his little sister was (in Mommy's uterus) and that what he had was called a penis and what his sister had was a vagina. I will never forget that Thanksgiving meal at my mother's house when my daughter announced (I forget a propos of what) that she had seen her brother's penis (she was about 5). I thought my mother would disappear under the table: "How can you let a little girl use words like that?" she asked. "Because that is the proper name for it," I answered, and that was the end of the discussion. When my children were little, we had pet rabbits in the garden that reproduced, and guppies in an aquarium that did the same very visibly so when they asked what was going on, they got the truth. When my daughter was four, she came running in one day crying: "Mommy, Mommy, what is the boy rabbit doing to the girl rabbit." I looked out the window and said that they were getting married and were going to have babies. A few days later, she came in and very seriously asked me if Daddy and I had gotten married to have her. "Do you mean like the rabbits?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes," I said, "Daddy and I got married like that to have your brother and then again to have you."Telling tall and obviously dumb tales about where babies come from is not only silly, it is dangerous. I learned about human reproduction from a friend at the age of 9, and I learned it wrong ("the man pees in the woman") so it sounded disgusting, but it never occurred to me to ask my mother; children sense when adults don't want to talk about something, and come to the conclusión that there is something equivocal about the subject. Perhaps some adults lie because they have not gotten over their own shame in relation to human sexuality; perhaps because they are afraid that, if they are too explicit, children will want to practice before it is time. But children will practice whether we explain or not, so they might as well have their facts and their vocabulary right.

Why do some people feel the need to lie and break the rules even when it is not necessary?

There will always be those who are pathological liars and who will manipulate the truth to their advantage, just as there are those who take pleasure in breaking the rules, often just for the thrill of it.

Why do pathological liars feel the need to lie?

Liars are liars there is no excuse it is inbuilt coping mechanism to put blame on other's always.They are coward's who have so damaged true self that using ego they justify their lying and make other life miserable at work colleagues are hurt and at home family members are abused and by god grace if it's girlfriend/boyfriend then that's unpredictable personality always at cusp of breakup.