Why Do I Get Headaches So Often

How often do you get headaches?

Mostly when I'm tired at the end of the day, so quite often...

Why do I get tension headaches so easily and often?

Are you a compulsive daydreamer; that can spend hours each day simply daydreaming (see Maladaptive daydreaming to understand more about this) ??If so, try stopping your compulsive daydreaming habit; and your chronic tension headache would most likely disappear ! !On the other hand, if you aren’t a compulsive daydreamer, there could be some other habit that you formed just prior to the onset of the condition. You may need to cast your mind back and find out what it is; and stop it (if you can).

Why do i get headaches so easily?

i get headaches so often its rediculous. sometimes ill have one for a week straight and sometimes a light headache will come and go through out the day and sometimes ill have a headache that will last for maybe three days. i know two of the reasons why i get headaches like im dehydrated and i dont wear my glasses but ill also get headaches if i wake up too fast in the morning or even if i lay in bed for way too long after i wake up. and if im looking a certain way for a long time it will give me a headache. and if i hang my head over the tub to wash my hair i will get a headache. why does this happen? how can i reduce the other headaches besides wearing my glasses and drinking more water? do you think there could be somethin wrong with my brain? im tired of taking pain meds all the time.

Why do I often get a headache after swimming?

What happens is if you are lacking air, that can be a severe cause of headaches. Sometimes people just get headaches from swimming for too long, which is not too common, but not rare.

How often does a normal person get headaches?

the word normal can't be used here because normal people get headaches.

Normally, a person shouldn't get headaches or at least very rarely. If you get headaches, there's a problem and you should see your chiropractor to diagnose the problem and treat it accordingly.

Best of luck