Why Do I Get Judged Because Of Other People In My School Race Religion Etc .

Why do people feel the need to judge one another regardless of race, religion, and gender? We are all the same inside and out. I hate social division.

Social division is part of existence…technically geography results in social division, in manner, gesture, culture and method, even internally when separated by class there are different material possiblities shaping identity, and EVEN IF you gave the EXACT same to each person taking away whatever remained at the end of the day, and starting that cycle up the next day, people would individuate and be divided on certain notions of financial equality, because our judgement or discernment shapes who we are. Superior notions of self and unfair treatment is what I think you are critiquing and NO we are not all the same inside and out. The baby who is an zygote does not have the same rights the infant with a chronic disease who has a month to live is NOT the same inside and out as you are. Don’t oversimplify things. People are different and that’s not only normal it’s necessarily a part of our humanity and is a beautiful thing. Judging and discerning people helps you to identify and dissociate yourself from authentic threats, reward people who have made great contributions and individuate, qualify and evolve your beliefs….freedom always comes with some responsibility but a well designed imagination always comes with both. Imagine the world as you would like to see it, and build on those improvements, but be fair and just and THOROUGH in your considerations first. The world corrects those who correct it too, development is a two way street.Godspeed.

How can we stop judging people on race, religion, region, caste, country, class, gender, section, language, ethnicity, sex, expression, appearance, color, nationality, weight, size, disability, etc.?

I feel the key lies in proper education..I dont mean just mugging up formulae and theorems and chapters just enough to pass 'tomorrow's exam'..I mean teaching of values,morals,good literature which opens our eyes to the thought processes of great men and most importantly when we are taught respect..respect for another individual irrespective of any other stamp that he has on him…and that respect would only come when we stop believing we are above or beneath somebody..only when we learn to look at an individual as our equal..when we learn to let go of the sense of superiority that we create in our minds by virtue of our position,money,profession..only when we realise that at the end of the day we are as helpless and as susceptible to falling into hard times,as vulnerable to life's unpredictability as the other person..only when we realise that we are judging someone on the basis of our preformed delusions rather than what he actually is..only then can we truly respect him and accept him for what he is as an is the only way which can free us from the dark wells that we have restricted ourselves to and allow us to think,appreciate and accept another individual as just individual..not as a product of any religion,caste,country,ethnicity or gender..

Do you judge a person based on his religion, gender or race?

Depends on what you mean by judge. But if you mean do I make negative judgments about people, I'll admit that sometimes I do. Prejudice is deeply ingrained in all of us.Of the three categories, I'm least likely to make sexist judgments. It tends to come out in subtle ways; for instance, I have been caught out by riddles that play on your assumption that certain jobs will be typically done by men (pilot, surgeon). Embarrassing!I find that when it comes to strangers of other races, my mind is a bit too ready to bring up stereotypes I have learned. I do my best to fight this tendency, and of course I keep it to myself.Religion? That's a different story. Religion is not innate to a person, and we have choices about what we believe. If someone espouses a belief system that seems farcical or nasty to me, you bet I will form judgments about them. But I will not share that with them unless provoked or asked directly.

Why are people judged because of their race, gender, and sexual identities?

This mostly happens because society has taught us that people that are different then you are the villains by shows, movies, books, posters, and well all sorts of media. It was an easy was to get enrollment up for battles/wars when your people thought the enemy was all evil, out to get you, home destroyers instead of mostly people being pressed into service like our own men in arms.There is also the close minded thoughts that religions have had for years where if you are not of it and are not actively helping it you are going to hell or are evil. I hate to use Christianity because it has a huge following that half will want to burn me for this but it's the one I know the most of being raised it. The Bible talks often that if someone does not praise their God they are damned for all eternity. That if they lay spill seed anywhere besides in the womb of their wife they will burn in hell. Now these are general translations and have wording that show they may have been added later on because of societal needs but it still has breed hate and condemning of those that are not the same. The Pope has stated that if you live a good life you enter heaven (mostly to try and pull more people into the church but I digress) and was met by resistance in his hierarchy of the church, including his speech being twisted to the point where he gave a second one stating that the twisting was false and making his wording on the point rock solid.What all that says is if you aren't fitting the mold people are trained since birth to distrust you. But that is before we touch the most disturbing one to me. The judging based of the already accepted genders.The main reason for this is people look at women and for some reasons say they are weaker and more stupid. While there is evidence for the slower growth of muscles it has been proven that this is not universal across women and the age of these studies calls into play the possibility of testing bias. As for intellectual claims, when all those tests where done there was a lot of women were not allowed to get better education. I could be wrong but this all seems to me like your trying to compare the abilities of a child locked in a room and Bill Gates.Finally I'll mention these just in case you don't think of them through everything else. The expanded genders are not accepted nor treated well because media started showing us as freaks, religion claims we are defying God, and people don't accept things they don't understand.

Why do we judge people by their appearances?

I love this question!We are judged by outer appearances because our outer appearances are a good indication of what is going on inside.Now I must say this before I go to far. Judgement has such a negative connotation. Judgement is not, of itself, bad. Judgement, and specifically good judgement is a necessary part of life. It’s what protects us from bad food, going to seedy places, watching unsavory material, or getting into situations we would be sorry about.Judgement can be a good thing.But there is a line and every person needs to draw it for themselves where it is. Society at large will draw lines and then try to impose them on people, but judgement is still not bad unless you’re a jackass about it. The farther from societal lines you get, the more you will be judged (oh yes, judgement is a two way street - for every person offended by the judgement of somebody else, the offended is judging too!).The issue is that Judging, and how to judge kindly is a learned trait. It is the correct and useful application of knowledge which grants Wisdom, and with wisdom comes just judgement. I firmly believe that this is what is actually meant by the “Judge not that ye be not judged…” it just means judge with just and wise judgement for with what judgement you judge you shall also be judged.We cannot stop judging, but we can work to know that our judgments are just, and wise.

Why do people judge me on what i wear?

ohhh it might be the age of the people involved.... or not... but some people just love to Pre-judge others and classify them..which is silly... your tastes are eclectic, and that's exactly what I would tell them next time they say something ! its those people that need to classify you most likely because they also classify themselves , since that makes them feel like they belong to a particular group, whether they can say " I'm a punk", "I'm a skater" , "I'm a goth", , "I'm a thug" etc on and on... they have a need to identify and belong to a certain group, where you are a free thinker just being yourself... and dressing how you like depending on your mood , or the day, occasion etc.... you are totally normal, and not stuck in the same rut they are ! so congratulations!

Should I list my religion & race/ethnicity on my scholarship application?

Yes, if the information is requested.. ..

If he fears persecution, an adherent of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses will sometimes list his religion simply as "Christian". Of course, the goal of many scholarships is both to diversify and to encourage the constituencies of under-represented groups to further their educations.

It would likely be considered fraudulent for a person to represent himself as a Jehovah's Witness merely to increase his chances of financial gain. A Jehovah's Witness is not merely someone who agrees with some of what Jehovah's Witnesses teach, but who joins in their formal preaching work. Admittedly, the fraud would likely be considered a breach of ethics and morals rather than of law.

Is there a word for age, race, religion, gender, etc.?

A programmer would call it an attribute, but demographic is probably a better word.

Why do people judge people with tattoo's so poorly?

anyone who judges another does so because putting someone else down makes them feel better about them self. a person with a tattoo is no different then a person without one. if I was walking down the street with jeans and a t-shirt on you would never know I have a tattoo..but actually I have 5. and I am happily married and in school for a program that gets over 2000 applicants a year and only takes 48 students. and its all based on grades. I consider myself to be a very intelligent person and my tattoos have nothing to do with it. I think what makes people look stupid is judging someone they don't even know. having a tattoo doesn't make you look low class either. I have neat, clean clothing, well styled hair, and always look presentable when I'm out. people can feel free to judge me if they want, but I know its really them with the self-esteem issue.

and I agree its funny that people think professionals dont have tattoos. well I have news for them. when I finish school in less then 1 year I'll be the professional cleaning and caring for their teeth and not one person will know I have tattoos as all are covered. its suprosing what you can hind under your clothing. ignorant, narrow-minded individuals.

Classic famous people who were being judged because of race, religion, etc.?

John F. Kennedy - the fear of putting a Catholic in the White House. For that matter, Al Smith lost the presidential race partly because of that prejudice.
Robert Kennedy - his support of MLK. For that matter Martin Luther King himself.
Mitt Romney - the distrust some people have of putting a Mormon in the white house.
Any of the Jewish refugees who became famous scientists, musicians, etc. after escaping from Nazism.
George Washington Carver.
Elijah McCoy (the real McCoy)
Jackie Robinson
Ernie Banks
Augustus Tolton - who came from the town in which I now live - a slave freed as a boy, taken under the wing of the local Catholic priests and educated in Rome, who became the first black African American priest - but when he came back to Quincy the white congregation didn't want a black priest, so he ended up having to go to a poor parish in Chicago.
Jim Thorpe
Seqoia (I'm not sure if I've spelled his name right - he invented the Cherokee alphabet).
Chief Pontiac.