Why Do I Get Stressed Out For The Smallest Things And Think About Something For A Long Time

Why am I feeling stressed even for small things?

Inability to handle daily stress which others are easily handling is sign that your body is not working at optimum. I have studied this aspect in detail and found that it is due to some missing factor…some of common missing factors in such problem are vitamin deficiency, mineral deficiency, not doing physical activity, not consuming fresh fruit and vegetables, too much fast or processed food, hormonal imbalance. for example if someone is suffering from dehydration then meditation yoga, pranayam, costly allopathic medicines, astrology, ayurvedic medicines homeopathic medicines, reiki, surgery, radiation chemotherapy and other things cannot help only water will help. every one has to find out the missing factor.

How can I stop making a big deal out of small things? Why am i so emotional? (10pts best answer, promise)?

I have dealt with feelings like this for a long time. I wish there was a simple solution that I could map out for you here that would take care of it simply, but in all honesty there is no one-and-done solution to this, because I'm pretty sure there is much more to your issues than you may initially realize. That was my case, there were underlying reasons that I was suppressing and ignoring for a long time which led to me acting out in this way. And for a long time I suffered through it, hoping that I would get better and praying the bad times would stay away just a little longer. It ruined several relationships for me, but it doesn't have to keep going through that vicious cycle. I really think you should consider going to a life coach, someone like Tony Robbins. It changed my life because it got to the root of the problems, not just prescribing medicine to deal with the anxiety or things like that. I was able to recognize my personal factors, and that I think can help for you because you will learn specifically what is going on with you and be able to rethink how you have been dealing with your life and instead live it. Good luck with everything dear, it may be difficult now but hold in there and make a stand for yourself and figure it out. You wont have to live in worry or fear any longer. Take care.

Why should I be so stressed about small things?

Have you thought about exercise? This is one of the best ways to deal with stress. You don't have to do anything more than just walking (hopefully at a fast pace) for 30 minutes 3 or 4 times a week. While walking, every time you begin to think about those issues, imagine a "stop" sign and redirect your thinking to something more positive . Think about all the things that make you grateful and see if you can make your list longer each time.Exercise will also help you sleep better. You will notice a difference in about three weeks. You could join a health club and make friends while working out. If you can finance this, it is going to help you with anxiety and "teeth grinding" which you need to stop.You may want to consider some therapy since talking to someone who is a professional will certainly be beneficial. I realize that not everyone can afford this option. You could also go to the library and find some books that may have more information about how to make changes in your life.Do something that makes you happy each day. It can be as simple as getting some ice cream or calling a friend. The more you have to look forward to, the less you are going to worry.My last suggestion is to see if your parents would be willing to get a pet, hopefully a dog that has been rescued. You will be amazed at how much the unconditional love of an animal will help you.

Why does my mum shouts at me for the smallest things?

well I'm 15 and my mum constantly shouts at me for the smallest things ever like the other day my room was messy and she told me to clean it so I did then when she came home from work she walked into my room and it was perfectly spotless and she started shouting at me because there was a pair of socks on my bed! like even if there is nothing to shout about she will still find someone to shout at me about. My sister isn't helpful either I always hear them talking about when I'm upstairs saying how horrible I am and how I have an attitude problem when my sister has anger issues and my mum doesn't even notice her and I'm always looked at as the demon child. My mum doesn't even let me stay at my friends houses and I always have to make excuses up and it's not fair. She always moans I never go out and when I go out maybe once and I want to go out again she'll say that I never stay in the house. I just feel like my family is against me :(

someone please help or suggest something I could do to perhaps make her stop shouting at me for nothing?

Why do girls overreact to the smallest things?

okay i have about 5 answers:
1) not all girls overreact like that.
2) about 1 in 5 girls overreact like that
3)she's probably stressed or has a lot on her plate or something like that
4) she was proabably annoyed too.
5) she doesnt mean what she said. she's probably just really annoyed and like got seriously mad at u. i mean seriously, someone calls and u wanna tell them something too. u call back like ten times after they call u and they dont answer. suspiscious much??? (well, probably not but still)

I am only 19. Why do I keep forgetting things?

Hard to answer without more information, but there are at least 3 reasons that could be behind it.Distraction - not being engaged with what’s going on around you. I know someone who is a great student, intelligent, creative…and forgetful. It all stems from being engaged in his own head, thinking about things all the time and having trouble switching to listening mode. So he’ll, say, be playing a video game…you say his name…he looks at you…you say, “take out the trash”…he says “ok”…and doesn’t do it because he “forgot”. What happened was was still thinking about the game and did not really engage with the request.Stress: One of the many reactions that hit people who are going through stress is forgetting. No organic cause, just completely forgetting things - that can be as worrisome as asking someone a question you already asked them, but have no memory of doing. Weird and scary when you are experiencing, but it clears up as the stress goes away or better methods of coping with it are learned.Organic problems. There are medical conditions and reaction to some medications that can mess with memory, but as a 15 year old those probably don’t apply to you. Talk to your parents about the first two. If none of the above applies to you, you can certainly ease your mind by exploring other possibilities with your family doctor…but I highly doubt that will be needed.