Why Do I Have Bone Pain

How do we feel pain in our bones?

The other answer is correct in that the periosteum and bone marrow are sensitive to pain, and that pattern of innervation can explain the initial sharp pain for example of getting kicked in the shin or fracturing a bone. On the other hand, mineralized bone tissue is also innervated by nerve fibers that are sensitive to pain, which may partially help explain the dull, aching type of pain that can also be associated with bone injury/disease. For a nice review, see Mantyh PW. The neurobiology of skeletal pain. Eur J Neurosci. 2014 Feb; 39(3):508–19.

Why do I have bone pain when it's cold?

Have you considered consulting with a doctor? You may have anything from a range of various conditions from arthritis, rheumatism, gout or just simple pains experienced by many while growing taller and bones rapidly developing. You age certainly makes the last possibility highly possible. But no harm asking a qualified medical pro (consult with an orthopedic specialist) rather than ask on Quora!

Why do I have pain in my collar bone area?

The collarbone or clavicle is the relatively straight bone running horizontally from the top of your breastbone to your shoulder. Pain in this region can be the result of injury to the collarbone itself or from injuries or irritation of the structures that surround it. I am a primary care doctor Davenport and from my experience, below I will share some another most common causes of collarbone pain:Thoracic Outlet SyndromeFractureSleeping positionJoint InjuryOsteoarthritisOsteomyelitisDistal Clavicular OsteolysisCancer

Why do I have pain in my tailbone when I walk?

Either you're sitting down too much and need to sit up straight or something struck you really hard and you didn't notice. When this happens, (Sitting down the wrong way) you're sitting on the part of your tailbone that curves downwards towards yourself.

Pelvic bone pain?

I duno if its normal but its been going on for a while and it just got worse today when i 'ran' to the door to keep the ferret from going outside. It feels like my bones arent in the right place and it hurts severly to move and walk. any know of a good site i can read up on?

Middle chest bone pain?

i'm 24 years old male. I've had a mild pain in the middle chest bone for about 6-7 months. Sometimes i would hear a cracking sound when i move. The pain only occurs when i twist my body to a certain position or push into the bones (where they connect into the middle of my chest) I workout at the gym, i do not smoke and also do not drink or take any drugs, eat healthy food. Could it be trauma?

What is causing my Bone pain?

i have been experiencing bone pain for years. people tell me it could be arthritis (sp?) but it was my understanding this affected joints and not the actual bone itself, my joints never hurt, they crack really bad sometimes but thats it. In case it is relevant i am a 20 year old female. I have had cyclic vomiting syndrome since i was 11 and for anyone not familiar with this it is bouts of vomiting that can last up to 10 days then you get better and it reoccurs, its like having a stomach bug.

I am in remission from that now but i was told when sick that constant vomiting can cause osteoperosis. I assumed thats what the pain was but then with osteoperosis they say you dont experience pain unless you get a fracture, which i dont have.

my doctor said it can be a vitamin D deficiency but when i was admitted to hospital and tried to get them to test for it, the doctor refused and said there is no risk factors and im young and it doesnt affect young people. so i never got blood test to see if its possible, when i googled vit D it says you will experience bone and muscle pain and weakness, my muscles are not affected and my bone are not weakening.

Im a dancer and when i dance it can cause my leg bones to hurt for up to two days but sometimes i dont even have to do anything and my bones hurt. If i sit down for 10 minutes or more my lower back, hips and upper leg bones hurt. If i stand too long my legs and hips hurt. The bones in my arms hurt sometimes hurt for no reason wht so ever and same goes for my collar bone/breast bones/upper ribs.

I dont know what it is because everything i have looked into dont fit my problem. the pain i have feels like its inside my bones but im not sure if that is possible.

It is not a weight issue either as i am a healthy weight for my height (towards the lower end).

anyone know what this could be or where i should ho from here? its really affecting my life now and seems to be getting worse.

Stress Pains in Collar Bone?

Stress is one among the three main causes of pain in the collar bone. The best to treat it is with regular massages in the affected which could give good relief too. And if possible try for stretching with cautious.

What doctor should I go to for bone and joint pain?

16 year old bone and joint pain. You should check with your physician / GP. Who would more likely do some bloods to check your thyroid, Vit-D.If anything more he might refer you to orthopaedician. I doubt you would be referred to that level. Unless, some trauma or reporting in investigations, family history etc.would justify a referral.