Why Do I Have Dreams That Come True

Do dreams really come true? Why?

Very well. To answer this question, we need to understand-What are dreams? Dreams basically refers to a vision that a person saw when he/she fell asleep. It is a situation where a person basically visualises a real/fantasy world when he is asleep. And normally, most of the dreams we see at night are forgotten within 10 sec after waking up.So now, a question may arise-Do Dreams Come True?Yes!There are several incidents came that prove that some dreams may come true. Such dreams are called Prophetic Dreams. In other words, “Prophetic Dreams are those dreams which a person see the real or the similar vision which very soon tends to happen true in his real life”. Such dreams are sometimes referred to as messages from Lord Jesus who want to convey some messages to their child. Several incidents that proved such dreams are:Joseph in the Bible saw the 11 stars of the Zodiac Bow to himself.Albert Einstein visioned about The Theory of Relativity.Joan of Arc envisioned of her own death.Abraham Lincoln deamed of his own death before his own assassination.The defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo was also envisioned.Now, I think that I am clear with the topic. Thanks for Reading… :-)

Why do my dreams come true?

Recently, I've been experiencing deja vu. I have these dreams, which are pretty normal, but small, unimportant details happen in real life. For example, I was in a group talking. And one person asks, "Were you in the attic area?" It was random to the dream, but a few days later, I was at the same place the dream occurred. I was volunteering, so I had to go get something in the attic area. When I was talking about it to my friend that went with me, the same person as in the dream asks "Were you in the attic area?" I instantly had a weird moment. I wasn't sure what happened, but more stuff similar has occurred. They aren't the full dream, just random parts. Does anyone know what this is?

Do dreams come true in real life? Why do most of my dreams actually happen?

I have had many dreams that came true. A few months ago my ex and i broke up and i gound out i was pregnant by him. My family told him i wasnt pregnant to keep him away. I started working at my new job and one night i remember having this dream exactly. And sure enough my ex comes walking in the door. I was showing and there was no way i was going to hide it now. He comes up to the counter ( i was the front cashier) he looked at me and looked at my 5 month belly. We broke up 2 months ago. He started getting pissed off and thats when it really set in i had this as a dream. So i told him it was just for the better for him to stay away. He didnt like that at all! So he ordered and sat in lobby tell we closed. And he sat outside waiting for me. As i got off i was going to walk to where i was staying. He ended up telling me to get in the car and then said we had to run somewhere. Well his mom called i stayed quiet. Then he put her on speaker and she asked if i was there and he said well ya gonna talk. So i did as we were talking aka fighting i noticed where we where going his moms house. We get there and his sister and his mom where awake and they sat there yelling at me cause i lied to them and all this and that. And after it i was done and ready to go home. But it seems like every dream i have its always true either with him or someone else. Our sons 2.5 months old and ive completely moved on but it still happens!

Do very bad dreams come true?

Generally not, but it depends on the dream content, what is possible, plausible and likely to actually occur.Some dreams may be prophetic but that doesn’t mean the dream is the reason something happened.There is no simple answer to this, you cannot say yes very bad dreams come true or no that very bad dreams do not come true, because some do and some don’t, and all for different reasons.So firstly look at the dream content, make some judgements about how possible it is, then look at what steps you can take in real live to avoid such a situation occurring, that’s about all that you can do.Please remember that you can only change what is in your power to actually do, anything else you simply must deal with if and when it happens.Again also remember just because you experienced something in a dream doesn’t necessarily mean it will happen in your waking life, we are only talking about possibilities here, nothing has happened until it actually occurs.I hope this helps some and I wish you good luck in the future along with many Sweet Dreams…

Dreams about death that come true?

This stuff can happen don't be freaked as there is three types of Dream, Good from God, Bad from Satan and the recollections of our mind. The good ones can come at night when sleep or in day. The point is though, only God knows when people are going to die and there was no timestamp on your dream so you are innocent. We know our date of births but not date of departure so really relax.. Birth and Death are both parts of life and so is Ressurection. Don't feel guilty. As for the other one with your friends, only God knows it could be anything as sometimes dreams don't have literal meanings. By the way do you believe in God and if so what religion do you follow?

Why do my dreams sometimes come true?

I have dreams, and they're like completely irrelevant, like sometimes just walking somewhere. It happened to me today at the mall, actually. Here's what happened in my dream, and in real life:

I was in the bathroom with my friend, and we had all our bags in the lounge part, and I was watching them. When she left I told her I was going to set the bags up and make them look 'pretty'. I put them in a set-up sort of look across the chairs and the table, and I set her coffee on top of a pillow.

The deja vu part came when I set her coffee on the pillow, and it was really weird. It doesn't seem to happen to anyone else that I know. I've been researching it and stuff, and it's just been weird. It doesn't make sense, and it's been starting to scare me as it happens more and more often. I'm afraid that my nightmares will come true, and that when I dream, it will make it happen. I'm also bad at controlling my dreams, as I'm too deep of a sleeper. Please can someone explain to me what's wrong with me? No one else can, or seems to believe me for that matter.

Is it true that 75% of (sleep) dreams come true?

pffffft!!! So not. I am sorry to tell you in your case since you want it to be so. I have had tons of bad dreams and more than a few good dreams...but none of them have ever come true...not a single one...and I am fifty years old...I am kind of glad they have not...since the bad dreams have really been bad!

Why do some dreams (prophetic dreams) come true?

These are called precognitive dreams. When our conscious minds are resting as we sleep, our subconscious mind can come to the forefront and show us the probable outcome of future events. Again, this is probable, and based on the current trajectory of things. So basically, if something changes, this can effect the outcome of the future and the dream will no longer be accurate.. We probably have way more precognitive dreams than we realize, but since things can change, they don’t quite come true..You learn about the different types of dreams here.. Kinds of Dreams - Interpreting Your Dreams

Would dreams come true in Heaven?

With God, all things are possible. That being said, I don't know the answer to your question but you might what to read Randy Alcorn's book "Heaven." I wasn't looking for the kind of answers you are when I read it but it changed the way I thought of heaven and it's all backed up by scripture.

Why do my dreams sometimes come true?

I've always had this strange ability. I'll have a dream of a random event in the future. It will usually last 3-5 seconds, or even 5 minutes. I keep a dream journal. Sometime in the near future, the event will happen exactly as my dream predicted it. I'll even check the date on my dream journal. Sometimes I have a dream, and I can change the outcome. For instance, in April I had a dream that I would meet a boy at my summer camp who I would grow to dislike. I never thought much of this dream until I met the boy for the first time two months later. Nearly everything happened just as it did in the dream, except I avoided arguments with him. Because I narrowly dodged these problems, I eventually became very good friends with him and he is one of my best friends to date. He still never believes me when I tell him I saw him in a dream two months before I met him :P.Anyways, I don't know if there is an explanation for this, but I think it is extremely cool. It still happens often, maybe once or twice a week, where I'll be in a situation and think "wait, I was having this same conversation with this person in my dream five nights ago."