Why Do I Have So Much Acne Help Me

Acne :( , help me please?

Sorry to hear that you have such serious problems with acne.

It's not fun. I've been there.

I'm not going to get into your specific questions, because acne needs to be tackled on many fronts. The principle I've lived by is that what's good for my health is also good for my skin.

The good news is that acne is relatively simple to fix - once you know what causes it and how to deal with it.

First you need to understand what causes acne. If you said bacteria and sebum you are 90% wrong. Yes, they are part of the equation, but only a small part. Focusing on them will not get you clear - as I'm sure you know.

Acne is a complicated condition and it doesn't have a single cause. To explain it in detail would take too much space here. So I'll just give you a heavily summarized version.

Your body is in a state of imbalance. These imbalances mess up with your hormone levels and trigger the skin to produce too much sebum. They also weaken the immune system and p.acnes bacteria gets out of control. They interfere with food digestion and abortion. So you don't get the beneficial nutrients from the food you eat.

For more detailed explanation I suggest that you take a look at this page:

To cure acne the only thing you have to do is to bring your body back into balance.

You need to tackle it on many fronts:

- diet
- exercise
- maintain positive mental attitude
- detox and give your body some time to repair the damage

At first blush that may sound like a lot, but it's much easier that you may think now. And once you get to it you'll notice that your acne disappears on its own. No pills or creams required.

For more info on how to do it check here:

Why do I have so much acne and get breakouts?

I am 14 years old and have been struggling with acne since 7th grade. At first, I just got pimples tht blended in with my skin on my forehead. In 8th grade, I started to get more acne. My pimples were red, all over my forehead, and right by my nose and upper cheeks. This year, I have all that I had before, plus huge zits on my cheeks! I get what looks like a chain of pimples beside my lip. Also, on my chin, and those itch. I get acne on the left upper side of my face too. I don't know why I have so much. My sister has perfectly clear skin and my other sister has mild acne. I wash my face with regular soap at night, after using products that didn't work. I exercise daily bc I play soccer. I drink soda and sugar foods often, but I don't think that's the cause. I also wear bare&minerals powder & nutregena concealer. Please help with some tips because I am so embarrassed of my skin and all my acne everywhere on my face. none of my friends have ANY. Thank you :(

Acne! Help I have so much acne?

I'm so ugly I have acne and back acne and I hate myself no guys will ever like me. Please help. How do I get rid of my back acne and face acne? I'm too scared to ask my mom to get me acne medicine or take me to a dermatologist so I need a home remedy or something. Help!

Can someone please help me with my acne?

So I ve had acne for one and a half years. And I just don t know what to do anymore. I ve used so many methods but none of them seem to really work. Every single cleanser gives me acne, blackheads, or don t do anything at all. Even all natural sulfate free cleansers. Even micellar water for some reason gives me black heads. Stupid face masks with yogurt and like tumeric and lemon just gave me acne marks. I ve tried to ph balance my skin, it really didn t seem to work. Clay masks to remove impurities from the layers of my skin does some help, but not much. Green tea to stop sebum production, I ve tried. I always use oil absorbing sheets. Non comedegemic items. Oil cleansing. Korean skin routines. Sunscreen, tea tree oil, whatever. I ve tried so many. I dont get it.

Why won't my acne go away? what do i do?

I'm 15 years old, and for the past 4 years, I've been trying to get rid of my acne. I've tried so many different products like cleansers, serums, spot treatments, etc;, but nothing helps. I do everything that I've ever been told to do, including going to a dermatologist two years ago. All she did was prescribe me a serum that cost me $300 and didn't help my face whatsoever. I've tried curology, buying silk pillowcases, mario badescu, toners, witch hazel, african black soap, neutrogena, aztec clay mask, moisturizers, and other products to try and get rid of the acne but nothing else works. I don't know what else to do. I have oily skin. I wash my face twice a day like I'm supposed to. My diet is healthy.

My peers just think that I don't try. Maybe they think I'm unhygienic too. I hate wearing my hair in a ponytail when I play soccer or softball because it exposes my hairline zits. I can't leave the house without makeup anymore. I'm desperate. I would sacrifice so much to get rid of my pimples. What else can I do?


Ok so I shall start at the begining.
last year when I was 13 I noticed a pimple or 2 on my forhead I thought it would go away so I just covered it up with the long skater hair i had at the time and then about 6-8 months later I thought i should do was too late!
and now for the past 6 months I have been trying to get rid of it but it has not gotten any better here is what I have tried:

Changing diet (lots of apples) and getting lots of exersise an a but loud of water ( by the way I was never fat or even unhealthy) I did that for 2 weeks and the acne stoped getting worse but looked the same

and on top of that I used those circular pad things that you exfoliate with and peroxide cream !

and over the past 3 months I have done the same except the water and not so much the diet. and my acne is not getting any better! it seems to slowly but surly getting worse! and I know that acne can be with you up to your 30's!

Why do my parents judge me so much for having acne?

Because probably they never had one when they were younger. I remember how my parents used to say “ i never had acne, none of your siblings had either… Maybe you are eating too much in fast food… Or too much oil in everything you eat… Or you don't clean your beddings.. Or worse you keep on judging people and that's some witchcraft a person done unto you.” most often they use that as something to describe you when they want to introduce you to people.It is really horrible because they are your parents but surely they would still accept you at least they seem concerned. The next time they judge you tell them that it should be better instead to bring you to the best dermatologist. They would either stop bothering you because they know that it will take a hell amount of money or they will help you and absolutely get over whatever crisis you are in.

Acne problems?! Please help i've had acne since 2nd grade!

if you eat alot of greasy foods that can cause it. i've cut back on pop and it went away