Why Do I Keep Being Indecisive

Why am I so indecisive?

Not to be rude, but it sounds as if you are not sure of yourself. You have total control of your life, don't let others intimidate you. If you can make that first decision, even if it is small, you will feel better. Make that move.


i literally am the most indecisive person. Anything with more than one choice gets me frustrated. Like if I'm at the store and i need to buy something and there's choices,i pick something and when I'm walking to cashier i go back and i think about it or get the other choice. And i also get this feeling in my gut like feeling telling me i actually should of gotten the other thing. And right now I'm trying to decide which wallet i should use(because i have like 5 to choose from) and I'm frustrated RN and i feel like i should change my wallet like once a week?? help i am 16 if that matters

How do you deal with being indecisive?

I am going to generalize here and maybe I will get lucky.  Most people who are indecisive had a disruption in the decide-and-be-rewarded part of being human.  This process of decide-and-be-rewarded usually starts very small.  Example: Mom says to 3-year-old you, "what color shoes are we going to wear today?"  In front of you are two colors, red and green. You take a while and finally pick one color.  Sometimes you need Mom or Dad to act like this is a big deal, exaggerate your choices, and offer simple reasoning. Anyway, you finally pick a color and get a big excited, "Oh, that's a great choice!" call out from Mom.  You have now had your first lesson in decide and be rewarded.  This process gets more profound as the years add up, but the most important piece is that somehow, somewhere, we learn to celebrate our decision making. Then we keep practicing and working up to bigger and bigger decisions.  It is also important that the process of decide-reward-for-deciding does not get blow back at too young an age. In other words, overly critical parenting or siblings can undo or damage the decide-reward-for-deciding part of you.  Good news: never too late to start celebrating your decisions.  Start small, just as if you were beginning this life.  Inside yourself, quietly celebrate all kinds of decisions.  At first it will feel silly, awkward, lame even.  However, if you hang in there celebrating your decisions every day - you will definitely get must faster, stronger, better at trusting yourself to decide.  Eventually, bigger decisions can be celebrated by sharing your accomplishment with others (who you know have your back.) Not every decision is going to be a winner but it will become evident that most decisions are not as important as we usually feel they are.  If you have too much trouble doing what I have just laid out - then I would say go see someone who is really great at making decisions - like a life coach or a compassionate, adult decision making person you know. Ask for help.

What does "indecisive" mean?

Well, I know the answer to this one...Uh hang on, do I?....Yeah that's right, uh no it's not...gee I'm not sure.

Prone to or characterized by indecision; irresolute: an indecisive manager.
Inconclusive: an indecisive contest; an indecisive battle.
Not clearly defined; indefinite: indecisive boundaries running through mountainous terrain

How do I stop being indecisive about my partner?

The way of love , is defined for you at 1 Corinthians 13 : 4–8 and Galatians 5 : 22–23 .Follow the way of love , not the leading of a heart of indecisiveness , find happiness ,either as a single person or a single minded person [one who thinks about only one other person ].Seek and find what you are seeking for .aloha ,MarkPS: Its been about 6 months since I wrote to your question , has my response yielded any good fruit ? Jehovah’s Witnesses—Official Website: give so much to those lost in this world and love can be a very tricky trail to stick to ,if its based solely on lust . Love is a very deep subject to broach ,there are no cheat sheets or short cuts that lead to true happiness . But kindly , Jehovah God does answer our prayer for help and gives very beneficial guide lines for us to follow .Again , Aloha!

What does it mean when a Virgo is indecisive?

I always hear these questions about Virgos. It's just us. It's just that we're kind of fickle, we don't like completely ending something but we like the freedom of knowing we can go back to you with open arms when we feel like talking to you again. And yes, this is very common. When I get bored of someone, tired of someone, annoyed by them, etc etc... i'll just ignore and blow them off until I feel like hanging out or talking to them again. I just can't help it.

Edit: Jen. You didn't answer her question at all. You just described a typical virgo that's rare to find.

Virgo sun
Libra moon
Sagittarius rising

How do I stop being so indecisive about my future?

Someone once told me that worrying is praying for things you don't want to have happen.  You are not alone in your fears regarding the future.  Still, worrying accomplishes nothing. Asking great questions on Quora can accomplish more. You love music.  What ever you decide to do with your life, find as many ways as you can to stay connected to.what you love.Use your passion for music as a starting point for what else you.can do next.  Invest in yourself and keeping researching how to be successful in your future while doing what matters most to you.In other words, don't focus on the negatives. Eliminate the fears and anxieties you have by putting your energy into the solutions that maximize your strengths.There is a book by Tom Rath.called STRENGTHS FINDERS 2.0.  It is a great resource for anyone who wants to discover what else they are good at.You are young, capable, and intelligent. Researching creative answers to your life's questions with confidence and positive enthusiasm might make a difference.There is always an element of uncertainty for earth life.  We can embrace it with fear and angst or faith and gratitude.  The choice is ours.What ever your choices, enjoy the journey.  Enjoy your love for music and keep it alive as you decide what you want to do next.Wishing you the best!