Why Do I Keep Having Similar Dreams About This And What Does It Mean

What does it mean when we get recurring dreams or similar dreams?

Recurring dreams or dreams with similar themes are a sign that your subconscious is trying to impart to you the same message that you just didn't understand the first, second, or fifteenth time. Typically, for normal dreams, I would advise a person to look into the symbolism of their dream symbols, etc., but for recurring dreams, the most important aspect is usually the emotional contribution to the dream. You can come back to looking at the symbolism later as a way of enhancing what you've already learned about what your subconscious mind is telling you about a particular emotion.Ignore the subject matter of the dream for a moment (who is in it, where it's taking place), and consider what the feeling of the dreams are. For instance, is the feeling fear, sadness, or joy? Perhaps the feeling of the dreams is fear. Write out some things you fear in your everyday life- and even some things you think you should fear, but don't. Often but not always, the dream is pointing to the latter to get you to become aware of your fears so that you can dispel them through waking action. I used the example of joy above, and perhaps you're wondering why it would be a concern of your subconscious mind that you experience joy in your dreams. A reasonable interpretation for this would be that perhaps you are unable to see the joy in your life or in a particular situation, and the dream may be giving you advice on how to find joy in whatever circumstance is currently important to both your waking (conscious) and subconscious minds.An interesting thing to notice with recurring or similarly themed dreams is whether they become more and more intense with the same ideas and feelings. The rise in intensity is an attempt of your subconscious to get your attention, because you perhaps weren't paying attention the first time.

Why do I keep having the same dreams?

Dreams are caused by fear, worry, stress, or inner thoughts that come from your subconscious mind. If you keep having the same dream, it means your subconscious is trying to tell you something. Maybe it is a fear that you are afraid of but don't like to acknowledge when conscious. Have you been talking about this to close friends or family? Also, this could be from when you think about your ex's, watching television shows, or social problems.

Why do i keep having dreams about the same girl? read plz?

I have been having these about her for a little over a year and have them not to often but not to little i get them at an average rate. Ive had dozens in the last year. I just had one last night And its really bugging me now because after every time i have one i feel like this surge of so much attraction to her but then i feel like **** at the same time because nothing in the dream actually happened and she is probably a bit to good for me. The only reason I'm asking is because i keep having these dreams about her and though the simple obvious answer would be i like her but what is causingmeto like her it's something i can't answer. I have actually been trying to hate her now because i know it would be hard to get with her i think but i don't know anything really right now. She is just on the top of my head right now, why do these dreams cause me to like her sooooo much after having them like i can't stop thinking about her? In normal days i don't think about her at all nor do i care but i don't understand how dreams can have such a dramatic effect on you the whole day. I'm also 16.5 yrs old going into 11th grade.

I keep having dreams about lockjaw, what does it mean?

Francis probably is right in thinking this dream is related to stress. I suspect you are also clenching your jaw muscles in your sleep, or grinding your teeth, which is called bruxism. I'll attach a website with some good info. Meanwhile, you may get some relief through relaxation exercises.

Looking at your experience as a dream, my first thought was that lockjaw might symbolize the feeling that you aren't allowed to open your mouth; that is, not allowed to say anything. But you seem to have a different feeling, with your mouth unable to close. So perhaps the issue you face is one of not being able to refuse something. Metaphorically, are you being force fed something you want to block out? Perhaps there is a class, meeting or event that occurs weekly that you really would like to shut out. Obviously, that would cause stress. But once you recognize what that is with your conscious mind, the dreams should stop.

Why do I keep having the same dream and the same emotions in that dream?

There is a situation which is still lingering in your waking life, it is a new emotion you have never felt before and you cannot understand how to express in the waking life, so it keeps coming up in the same dream, to enable you to comprehend the emotion. Until you understand yourself and overcome this feeling, it will continue to appear in your dreams as a means of healing.

Why do I keep having the same reccurring dreams?

Dreams come in many forms and with many different causalities. If a dream seems to be occurring, as if in real time, it may actually be a prophetic one. However, if the dream keeps re-occurring and is more symbolic, then you are actually trying to tell yourself something.  The type of dreams you have so far offered seem to be denial based anxiety ones. All are generated by certain subconscious aspects.  To have them repeated so often suggests a very deep anxiety that needs to be addressed. Which I suspect is most likely connected to the grieving process.   You have offered two dreams that suggest denial in them. Those are #1 and #3. Both in which you deny that someone has passed away. Which means deep down you don't really want to accept that this has actually happened. Again part of your grieving process. Number 2 seems based more about anxiety. And may be about being afraid to fail. Or you may feel you chose the wrong career.  The types of dreams you are having are based on turmoil taking place deep within your subconscious.   And their may be many reasons for this.  Denial is a normal part of grieving and how to deal with it. This is not unusual under these circumstances and in time should go away. However, the length of time depends solely on you.

I keep having dreams where I am running for my life. What does this mean?

Last night I haf a dream that I was involved with some thugs and somehow I betrayed them. For the rest of the dream I was on the run, hiding in places etc. My problem is that It dawned on me that I have similar dreams often. I am always running from people that I don't know and they are always trying to kill me I always seem to outsmart them or come up with some kind of solution that saves my life.

I don't have a violent past with men and I am recently married and happy. I am not a former criminal or informant, however I am a veteran. Could someone enlighten me on what my dreams may mean.

I keep having dreams about someone killing me?

So I keep having the same dream of someone trying to kill me, they always get close to killing me but never really succeed. I don't know if this actually means anything? I can never see the killers face but I just know it's a male I keep dreaming this for a week now. Does this actually mean anything?

Why do i keep having dreams about changing school's?

Sorry for the other weird answers. Usually people in this category are sincere and helpful!

The first thing I would ask is whether there's been some upheaval or big change in your life this might represent.

Schools usually represent that you're learning a lesson but here the operative word is change and confusion, feeling out of place. A big switch, and you're longing for the way things were before.