Why Do I Keep Hearing A Noise That Isn

Why do I hear a ringing noise in my ear?

It could be a number of things. It could be just an ear infection, it could be an actual sound you’re experiencing, or it could be tinnitus.Tinnitus is the medical term for a noise which is heard in the head or ears, but which does not come from an outside source. We often describe it as a ‘ringing in the ears’, but it can be described in many other ways, such as a buzzing or hissing sound, waves, ​or crickets.It can be faint or loud, occasional or constant, steady or pulsing, and range from not bothersome to very annoying. It is often most noticeable at night or in quiet surroundings, and can be more of a problems when you are tired or stressed.If you want to know more about it, this website has some REALLY useful info!

I keep hearing tapping noise in my room?

Good question. You'll want to rule out natural causes for this tapping. Do you have glass items in your room? Knickknacks, drinking glasses, etc? If so, is it possible you had a mild earth tremor and didn't notice it? (The US geological survey website should be able to show you if there was a quake in your area.) If your walls are concrete, then you probably are in a basement room which would rule out someone walking on the floor causing things to rattle together.

If that is not the case, is it possible that the sound was coming from outside your room? I sometimes hear sounds that seem to come from inside my apartment when they actually originate outside (like a lawn mower or children laughing). In my case, the sounds will come through my balcony door and bounce off a wall so I hear them in the dining room.

Do you have a cat? A mouse? A beetle flying through your room? Any of these could cause the noise if you also have glass items in your room for them to bump into.

If you can absolutely rule out all of those possibilities, you still might not have anything to be concerned about. If it happens again or if other things start to happen, then you might want to consider investigating further.

Why do I keep hearing this ticking noise ?

Before you ask, no I don’t have a clock in my room or near my room. My mom once had a clock in our hallway but she moved it to the living room, which my room isn’t even that close to our living room. I’m a 14 year old female just a few days ago I started to hear this ticking noise that sounded like a watch ticking, and I don’t even own a watch, I’ve searched my room and I’ve found nothing. Sometimes the ticking can be very faint but can’t be very strong and up close like it’s right next to me. But most of the time it’s faint but still can be heard easily if I don’t move, and when I try and move around to hear it, the ticking stops. So this just proves that it’s not coming from an actual clock. It just started happening but it’s very weird and strange, any ideas on what this could be or am I just actually hearing things.

I keep hearing noises downstairs?

It could just be your mind playing tricks on you, but I don't see how a fishtank filter would sound like footsteps. See if you can make out words in the mumbling. You could also be paranoid too. See how old your house is. Sewe if anyone else has had this happen in your house. I f other people have had this happen, then you probably aren't imagining things. Also, if you really want proof try to get a cheap EMF detector somewhere

When I'm alone in the house, I keep hearing noises. There's no one at home but me. I also keep having nightmares of me being killed. How do I get rid of these paranoid thoughts?

It's probably an entity. Is your home haunted? Did this happen too you all of a sudden? Being haunted by thoughts of yourself being murdered is demonic attacks. Have you used a Ouija board? You must be EXTREMELY carefull and I know from experience its NOT A GOOD IDEA too summon up certain spirits they will attach too you and plague you torment you and make life miserable. Find the herb Sage. Opening every window walk through every inch of the home room too room. If you're scared have a friend you trust to be with you. Malevolent spirits are very intelegent beings. They have been around a few thousand years. Give or take. I'm suggesting sage. You might have to do it a couple of times. If that doesnt work. Find a Pastor who is familiar with demons and spiritual problems. If that doesn't work. See if spending a few days away from home. If it follows you. You are probably cursed. I don't know what your situation is. But keep your head up. Time will tell you. And eventually you can beat the nightmares.

Why do i keep hearing a doors slamming noise upstairs?.....i'm kinda scared!?

I'm 16 and my parents recently bought a house that was built in 1908 (as a summer home) and its a beautiful 2 story house, it has the old farm house wood trim and huge windows and antique chandeliers....but every time i'm home alone i hear what sounds like a door slamming sound upstairs, i tested it the last time i was home alone.....i opened all the doors upstairs and went down to the living room and waited for it the slam so after about a half hour i herd a slam and darted upstairs.....but when i got there all the doors where still opened just the way i left really creeping me out what it happening????

Why do I hear a constant beeping in my head?

The fact that sounds can be accurately recalled from memory and played in the head is a remarkable function of the human brain.Like all brain functions, it works better for some people than for others, and is affected in many different ways by many factors.The most common cause of temporary damage to brain function is lack of sleep. Stress also causes problems, as does poor diet, dehydration, exhaustion, and over-stimulation.When your brain and/or sensory systems are suffering from any of the above, they can almost literally mis-fire. Some people see flashing lights, some get migraines, some hear sudden noises, some lose their balance or get clumsy and drop things.As a musician I’m often subjected to continuous sound for long periods of time - several hours mixing in the studio, rehearsing for a full day, and so on. The over-stimulation of my hearing can cause me to experiences weird effects like sudden recall of the sound of a drum, or a loud vocal.I’ve often ended up getting too little sleep, and when in the over-tired state where I’m trying to stay awake, I’ve heard what I can only describe as a sudden “shout” in my head that almost seems like a real shout right in my ear, it’s so loud and clear. It’s my exhausted auditory system mis-communicating with my brain.Try getting more sleep, drinking more water, eating a good diet, avoiding noisy environments for a while. If you’re stressed, find a way to reduce stress level - get a doctor to advise.

Why do I keep hearing a sound resembling loud, very low, slowed down purring in my right ear?

See a Doctor.It could be a type of tinnitus.It could be an inner ear infection causing pressure on the eardrum.It could be a problem with blood flow.The fact is, I’m guessing at the things I would think are possible causes if it happened to me, and I wouldn’t on Quora, I’d be in the waiting room. My hearing is very important to me, and I also know that whilst it could be over-reaction, there’s no harm in getting a possible infection checked out before it could become a more serious problem.