Why Do I Keep Twitching Randomly

Random Parts Of My Body Keep Twitching; What Does This Mean?

I had similar problems before. I read somewhere, I can't find it now, that nyquil or similar cough medicines can cause twitching. The ingridients in those medicines is what causes it, so check on those. I'd been taking nyquil everynight for quite awhile because I kept having problems, but after I read that that was what was causing the facial twitches, I stopped. After a week of no nyquil (or similar products) my eyes stopped twitching.

Body keeps randomly twitching?

There are numerous possible causes of muscle twitching. They include:

Diet deficiency
Drug overdose (caffeine)
Drug side effect (such as from diuretics, corticosteroids, or estrogens)
Twitches not caused by disease or disorders (benign twitches)
Often affecting the eyelids, calf, or thumb
Normal and quite common, often triggered by stress or anxiety
Come and go, and do not last for more than a few days

Nervous system conditions that can cause muscle twitching:

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS - Lou Gehrig's disease)
Damage to the nerve that leads to a muscle
Muscular dystrophy
Spinal muscular atrophy
Weak muscles (myopathy)

Symptoms that suggest a nervous system disorder include:

Loss of, or change in sensation
Loss of muscle size (wasting)

There is usually no treatment necessary for benign muscle twitching. Call your doctor if it gets worse, or doesn't stop in a reasonable time frame.

Why does my nose twitch randomly?

There are numerous possible causes of muscle twitching. They include:

Diet deficiency
Drug overdose (caffeine)
Drug side effect (such as from diuretics, corticosteroids, or estrogens)
Twitches not caused by disease or disorders (benign twitches)
Often affecting the eyelids, calf, or thumb
Normal and quite common, often triggered by stress or anxiety
Come and go, and do not last for more than a few days

Nervous system conditions that can cause muscle twitching:

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS - Lou Gehrig's disease)
Damage to the nerve that leads to a muscle
Muscular dystrophy
Spinal muscular atrophy
Weak muscles (myopathy)

Symptoms that suggest a nervous system disorder include:

Loss of, or change in sensation
Loss of muscle size (wasting)

There is usually no treatment necessary for benign muscle twitching. Call your doctor if it gets worse, or doesn't stop in a reasonable time frame.

Why does my left butt cheek keep twitching?

I get random spasms and twitches in random spots on my body. The spots will twitch on and off for about a week, then it's on to a new place. It's worse when I'm stressed out or when I haven't been getting enough sleep... I don't have any nervous disorders or anything, either...

I would say you should just make sure you're getting enough sleep. If you're stressed out about something, try to relax. Maybe meditate or something? Take some "chill out" time. If the twitching is seriously impairing your life, then see a doctor. Also if the twitching continues after you change positions, that may be a sign of a problem.

Chances are it's nothing serious. Muscles like to move -- sometimes without your consent.

Why does my foot sometimes randomly twitch?

Muscle twitching is also called muscle fasciculation. Twitching involves small muscle contractions in the body. Your muscles are made up of fibers that your nerves control. Stimulation or damage to a nerve may cause your muscle fibers to twitch.Most muscle twitches go unnoticed and aren’t cause for concern. In some cases, they may indicate a nervous system condition and you should see your doctor.Causes of muscle twitchingThere are various conditions that can cause muscle twitching. Minor muscle twitching is usually the result of less serious, lifestyle-related causes. More severe muscle twitching, however, is often the result of a serious condition.Common causes that are usually minorCommon causes of muscle twitching include the following:Twitching can occur after physical activity because lactic acid accumulates in the muscles used during exercise. It most often affects the arms, legs, and back.Muscle twitches caused by stress and anxiety are often called “nervous ticks.” They can affect any muscle in the body.Consuming too much caffeine and other stimulants can cause muscles in any part of the body to twitch.The nicotine found in cigarettes and other tobacco products can cause muscle twitching, especially in the legs.Muscle spasms can occur in the eyelid or the area around the eye when the eyelid or the surface of the eye is irritated.Adverse reactions to certain drugs, including corticosteroids and estrogen pills, can trigger muscle spasms. The twitching may affect the hands, arms, or legs.These common causes of muscle spasms are usually minor conditions that easily resolve. The twitching should subside after a couple of days.

Why dose my rabbit randomly twitch and jump?

im worried about my rabbit. when i take him out of his hutch and in my front room, he runs around a lot but a lot of the time he randomly twists and twitches his head and jumps in the air. it looks really strange and i think there is something wrong with him. is this normal?
he did hav a brother which he lived with since birth but unfortunately he died about 3 weeks before he started to do this.
also he has jumped out of my arms a lot while taking him out of his hutch and has hit his head off the wall or a near by object quite a lot from doing this.
is this anything to be worried about?

Why do my limbs randomly start twitching occasionally? Might it be a sign of some underlying condition?

It could be several things, and impossible to say without examination and tests.It could be (a fork of) epilepsy. And if it is, that is the underlying condition. Have it checked out.It could be an electrolyte imbalance. If you have for instance too much potassium in your blood, it might cause the symptoms. Have it checked out.And then there are some unlikely but nasty conditions that might cause it, leading to one simple advice:Have it checked out.

What does it mean if your butt is twitching?

Haha, people have muscle spasms all over their bodies, including the butt. I usually have spasms in my eyes, legs, or neck. It doesn't really mean a whole lot...If it is painful, stretching or gentle flexing of the muscle may help to relieve it. Spasms may be caused because a muscle is overused and tired, or if it has been held in the same position for an extended amount of time. The muscle may then force itself to contract.It is also thought that dehydration and depletion of electrolytes may lead to muscle cramps and spasms, so maybe take a drink of water every once in a while.

Why do I twitch in my sleep?

When people start to fall asleep and they do not do so right away, your body reacts to it. Your mind thinks because your breathing is slowing and your heart beats are slowing that you are dying so your brain sends a jolt through your body (electricity) to make your heart start. Your heart doesn't actually stop but your brain thinks it is.

I do this often, if you are twitching in your sleep ( not when falling to sleep ) most likely you muscles are in a relaxed state so it randomly twitches, this is also normal.

I on the other hand, shake in my sleep. I do not know what it is but if you also shake in your sleep, I've been doing so for years. Nothing bad has happened yet xD