Why Do I Let Him Keep Breaking My Heart

Why does this leo keep breaking my heart??

A leo guy broke my heart(im an aqaurius) about a year ago he recntly contacted me and said sorry for the way he treated me, he was immature and stupid. How he needed to talk to me cause hes changed and he knows he messed up. He wanted to start over not from where we left off and he wanted me to give him another chance to be my friend. THEN 2wks later he starts dating a taurus girl. I didnt even know she was his type... but more power to them... im just really confused??? It all jus seems really wierd!

He keeps breaking my heart?

You are letting him rule you in this.....this time, text him and tell him its not that you want him to be with you all the time, but your either together, or your not....and there is no need to be 'broken up' for him to enjoy his summer!

If he really is 'commited' to you, he will come running as soon as he is sure you mean it.....and if not, you need to ask yourself why your still hanging on, cause he will repeat this over and over....summer or not!

You are not a toy he can put away for the summer!

Why cant you be out with him AND his friends once in a while!

Its time for you to be hard to get, dont text except to let him know exactly how you feel......ONCE.....then do nothing, no matter how much you want to!

You will find out soon enough what is really going on!

If he doesnt will hurt, but at least you will know for sure!


How do I let go of a guy who keeps breaking my heart?

Oh, honey.Heartbreak sucks.Getting over a guy who breaks your heart is a time-consuming process and it’s not going to happen immediately. But the first step is to sit with some friends, watch sappy romance movies, eat pizza, popcorn, and ice cream with those friends and just allow yourself to cry.And then erase him from contact. Erase him from your phone, block him on social media and just make it impossible for him to contact you. That’s going to be hard, but necessary. Most importantly, make it impossible for you to contact him.Remind yourself, leave notes in your room if necessary, but remind yourself of the things he does that hurt so very much.And soon you’ll go an hour without thinking about him, then two, then three, then half the day. And before you know it, you’ll go a whole day. And if you just live your life for you there will come that one bright, clear day when you’ll see or hear something and you’ll realize that you can’t remember the last time you thought about him.And then, my dear, that’s a day to celebrate yourself.But learn from it, broken hearts suck but they are great teachers.

Why did he break my heart?

Instead of focusing on why he broke your heart - to which there is really no answer, excpet he did not truly love you and only wanted to use you for his own pleasure - you should focus on the qualities you have and what you can truly offer a real man. You should also focus on the type of man you want in your life. Someone who is honest, caring, kind and compassionate. It takes time and don't let the cutie pie or bad boy get to you. BE STRONG!

you sound like the kind of woman who treats her partner with respect, love and kindness and are willing to give all of yourself to the relationship. These are all good things for you because is says a lot about the kind of relationship your looking for - one based upon trust, respect, honesty and true love.

Many guys only see women as a conquest, another notch in their belt, they do not care about the womans feelings and are always looking for the next woman to bed - it makes them feel powerful and cool, and in reality they are weak, pitiful and slime bags.

So, don't cry for or over him, he is a loser. Hold your head up, vow to take your time and find a really great man to be with, don't rush into anything, take time to discover who you relly are and what you truly want in a relationship. Remember his is the one who will eventually be alone and hurting because he will never have what you will have - true love.

Best of luck and cry to feel better but not for him or over him, he is not worth it.


Why is my Pisces man breaking my heart so bad?

Sorry sweetheart ;(

Pisceans and Librans are very similar as far as zodiac traits. Both are easygoing, romantic, and idealistic. However they think differently. Pisces goes with feelings and Libra goes with logic. Libra relate more on what is on top of the surface. Pisces relate best to what is deep beneath the surface. I will translate Water into Air or Piscean to Libran or explain this the best way I can.

You were perfection in his eyes but he did not feel the connection he needed. He was not lying when he said you are special. He was probably thinking long term and knew both of you were not right for each other. He may of been happy, but there was likely something missing that he craved in a relationship. Pisces just like the other 2 water signs want a special connection.You cannot change who you are. Pisceans adapt themselves to people and do not try to adapt others to fit them. He would not ask you to change, he accepts you for how you are.

When he said "there would never be another woman that could compare to you and that you basically set the bar too high for anyone else to ever bring him satisfaction and happiness like you did." he is just being melodramatic. He needed to break your heart in a way that was less hurtful as possible. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you, but he had to. Pisceans are secretive and are not upfront. We are not known for logic, we go with a feeling erasing all logic. The scary part is we can be correct more often than we should

In a nutshell, you are great, but not what he was looking for in his heart. I do not believe even he knows, but it is likely his built-in-Piscean-instinct kicked in before his conscious mind did. Sounds illogical but there are times when Pisces "feel" something and react without knowing why. Piscean intuition takes over and our conscious minds are the last to know. Pisceans are the closest to being psychic than any other zodiac signs.

I am not psychic, I just have a feeling being a Pisces myself and understanding a Piscean's minds that this was the reason he broke up with you.

How do I keep my heart from breaking? My 16 year old daughter is seeing a boy (6 mths now) who is not cherishing her. She will not allow me to offer support or guidance. I know she is confused and hurting but she won't admit it. What would you do?

Telling somebody they need to break up with their partner is actually a really great way to get them to hang on to that partner even harder. Especially if they’re a teenager! People are weird like that.Instead, work on cherishing your daughter yourself! Celebrate and compliment everything that is great about her. Be supportive of her as a person. Do fun things with her. Encourage her in her passions. Laugh at her jokes. Tell her she’s beautiful. Do all the things you think her boyfriend isn’t doing!Also, do what you can to encourage her to hang out with her other friends – maybe by asking about how her friends are, or offering to host a party or sleepover. If her boyfriend is really bad news, her friends will be an important support network for her, and she’ll be more willing to accept support from them than from you.The goal here isn’t to be passive aggressive. If she thinks you’re being judgmental, she’ll just get more defensive. The goal is to build up her self esteem and her support network. That will help her really believe that she deserves good treatment from her boyfriend, and then she will eventually decide on her own that she can do better.It might also help to get her watching shows or movies with healthy, loving relationships where the guy respects the girl and treats her well. Where is she getting her ideas about what a relationship is supposed to look like? Are you modeling a good relationship with your own significant other?

Why do I keep breaking up with my boyfriend? How can I let the past go and just be happy with him? Or should I let him go to avoid any more drama?

I think you know what you should do and I agree. Therapy or seek counseling. There are some underlaying issues that need to be addressed and you definitely need to seek help. If your part of a church, you can seek help from there. They have services that can help. If not, you may want to see a therapist. If you guys keep this yo-yo relationship going, it's eventually going to break.I have a friend who he and his girlfriend were constantly breaking up. She eventually kicked him out of his apartment and she won't let him back on. It's been a year. She lets him visit their daughter and that's it. She moved on and is with some other guy. My friend on the other hand, stalks her because he can't move on.Please do not become him. I had to block him on Facebook because he was so annoying. He had posting about how he missed his girlfriend and that he was sorry and he can't help himself from his habits or something like that. I can't remember because I've block most of it from my psyche.If you truly want to be together cover, go seek professional help. They will be able to coach you and get you back on track. I say that you go first for a few sessions and then see if he'll go to after that. I believe that relationship can work. It just will need some help. If the counselor tells you guys if you need to break up, then follow through with that advice.

Why do I keep letting him hurt me?!?

My ex-boyfriend Eduardo and I broke up about 7 months ago and he still manages to get me down.. We only dated for 8 months and about 2 weeks but he was the first guy I ever fell in love with and the first to ever really break my heart. When we first met he was 20 and I was 17, now he's 22 and I'm 18 going on 19. He was like my dream guy and I thought he was perfect but then he started to hurt my feelings a lot and cheat on me but made it up with countless I love you's and you're my everything blah blah blah. Then we broke up and about a month later he started to go out with another girl and he would practically rub it in my face he had a gf, yet he would still flirt with me and want me to treat him as if he were still my bf like sending certain pics. I felt stupid afterward but it showed me how quick he was to cheat. Then they broke up and he got with other girls. In between him dating other girls he would somehow end up getting me to be his fool again though =/
About a month or two ago I finally stopped talking to him and I thought I was doing pretty good without him in my life but then after only a month not speaking to him he talked to me first. I think maybe because he started to miss me. I wanted to just be friendly with him and not fall for him again in any way, but I failed.. We've only been talking again for 2 or 3 weeks and just last week he sweet talked me into sending him nude photos. Right after I felt used. Today we were texting and out of nowhere he texted me "I'm talking to my gf. stfu" and I was crushed. I should of known not to trust him! And why do I keep falling for him over and over knowing I'm going to get hurt. On top of that, other guys ask me out but I keep rejecting them leaving an opportunity open for him to ask me to be his girlfriend again. I don't know why I keep doing this! What if I already missed out on being with a good guy waiting on Eduardo.

Sorry if I'm just all over the place with this. I can't really think straight at all right now.

Would it break your heart seeing your boyfriend cry?

It breaks my heart to see any of my loved ones in pain. My husband is pretty macho, but from time to time he has broken down and I want so much to ease his pain when it happens. I want to erase the sorrow in his eyes and keep his heart from the pain that caused his tears.

Yes, it breaks my heart to see my love cry. Because I love him.