Why Do I Like School. .

Why do YOU like to go to school?

The main reason you're in school is to learn anyways. So might as well enjoy what's going on right? You're in their to be educated and to 'socialize' and that's it. People should be greatful that they're learning. Some kids in other countries don't get a chance to be taught to. So those taking it for granted really should consider themselves lucky. I like school because its fun. And I don't mind any subject at all. The thought of a great future coming my way motivates me to try and get better grades. :) I love school.

Why do people like school?

sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. Being in sixth year (last year of school in scotland) I have free periods and all the banter that goes on in the common room with other people of my age- imagine the fun that 60 seventeen year olds can have when all in one room - it's brilliant!
Then there's the fact that I enjoy learning, because I am a strange person. There's just something about that lightbulb moment you get when you've been struggling to understand something for ages, then suddenly it all just makes sense!
Also, as you get older you get to choose the subjects you take, so by the time you're in your last year, you should really only be doing things you want to do, so for me, no more maths or science... ever!

Sometimes school is the last thing I want to do though; homework, peer-pressure, petty arguments within social groupings, etc etc but probably by your asking why people like school you know first hand why people don't like it!!!
I hope this answers your question

Why do i feel like school is useless to me?

Relax! Part of the whole high school thing is just dealing with some **** until you graduate. Speaking from experience here- I didn't do the best in high school but i knew i was VERY interested in some things that were briefly presented within subjects, or things that weren't even presented in school. Now I'm in college and I have a high GPA because I am choosing what I want to study and I am doing it all on my own schedule. Many people probably won't say this but for me, high school was harder than college. You will get through it! Just keep reminding yourself that no matter what you do, even if you don't go to college, you aren't defined but your high school's definition of success. I'm definitely not. I hated and still hate how the educational system essentially works for high schools. I hope that helped. Good luck.

Teens: Do you like school?

I love school too. Nobody really understands, but it is my favourite place in the whole entire world. I love learning new things, and I find all the assignments really enjoyable, albeit stressful. I do love the socialization part of school - I mean all my friends are there and I love seeing them everyday. However, that's not my sole reason for going. In fact, one of my favourite classes is with none of my friends, I just love the subject matter and the teacher. I love the feeling you get when you are understanding what is going on and when you are completely engaged in the work. I love putting hours of work into an assignment then sitting back and thinking how good it turned out. I love spending time with my friends and making great relationships with teachers. I know most students think teachers are there to torture them, but a lot of them are actually pretty cool. I absolutely adore playing in the school bands and singing in the choir also. The school musical and other performances are the highlight of my year. Being a part of all the extra-curricular stuff just makes school so much better. Wow, this makes me sound so nerdy. Haha, in a way I am.I just love school and cannot stand weekends and holidays.