Why Do I Make Lists When Im Unhappy

I'm just so unhappy?

My life is good I would say but I'm just so bored. I have nothing that I like to do. Like no hobbys of anything. I'm 15 and I'm going to be a sophomore this year. I don't really have any friends and definitely none that go to my school. I'm just so bored with my life. I want to feel like I have a reason to be happy and wake up I. The morning but I don't. I'm always tired and upset and just so unhappy all the time. I want to be happy but I just don't know how to be.

What do I do when I'm in an unhappy relationship?

OK, Ive been with my bf for almost 3 years and for the past couple of months Ive been doubting our relationship. We are constantly arguing and we basically can't have a conversation without arguing. It's believe that it's both of our faults because you cant just blame a bad relationship on one person. But for the past like month or 2 Ive been wanting to end it because im not happy anymore. but he claims he is still happy, but is constantly getting mad at me for the littlest things. I haven't told him yet, because im too afraid to hurt him.
Also, I met this one kid that is real nice and we get along real well and he knows i have a bf, so he doesn't try anything but i think i might like him and i know he likes me, but he also lives in another state. I told my bf about him and he knows we talk but he doesn't know where he lives. Can someone please give me some advice please and thanks, i really appreciate it.

Why am I feeling unhappy for no reason?

It may be because of future or past stress. You might be thinking about something that happened or is about to happen and are unconsciously taking it on your mind. This happens sometimes with me too. Whenever I think about something bad that had happened or something that is about to happen which think I cannot comply with I guess stresses and get unhappy for some days I guess. It's quite natural and I don't think it's that bad. This happens to mostly self conscious people who are worried about how they act or respond in different circumstances. The thought that I can't do that makes one unhappy and he loses heart. The best thing to do in this regard is to find something to divert your mind from that thing which you yourself haven't found. It takes some time, days for my case, buy trust me this time WILL pass :). Everyone can find some happiness.

I am fat and unhappy!?

My name is John and I am 5’1 210 pounds. I am overweight and obviously know it. Girls don’t talk to me or bother to look at me like they used to. I can’t sleep sometimes at night due to caffeine or sugar. I am obviously suffering from weight issues. What are some good starts on how to drop weight?

I am unhappy with my boyfriend,but I love him?

I'm 18. We have been together for over a year, we live together, in his house. (Parent's basement) We wake up together, go to sleep together, everything. We have sex everyday more then once. We've had our fights.. trust me. And I do love him, I do. He tells me I'm his best friend & he'd do anything for me. But we're completely two different people.. he yells at me saying I'm flirting with his friends or other guys at stores when really I'm having common courtesy, all he wants to do is sit on his laptop ALL DAY EVERYDAY. He's obsessed with it. Like I wanna break it. He sits on Xbox 24-7, just wants to sit & watch movies forever... I can't do that. I wanna go out & drive or go for a walk. He gets mad at me & yells for me wanting to do my college work, I wanna get somewhere in life.. I feel like I lost patience & just can not hold on any longer.. But I can't break up with him but everyday I'm more and more up-happy.. I have to learn to love myself before being with him any longer.. but I feel like when we do go out we have a great time & those are the times holding me back from leaving.. but there's just so much I have to fix with myself right now .. I don't know what to do.. please help +10, Best answer, 5 stars.

Why do I feel so disconnected and unhappy? I'm weird and I'm sure people around me know this and this bothers me a lot.

Ironically, I struggled with the realization that I was “weird” when I was 19. I asked my older sister “ am I weird?” Being the straight shooter she was, she said yes. I was devastated. I always knew I was a little different, but weird! My life was over! Obviously this was and is not the case. I learned to embrace my differences (weirdness), you should too. There’s a saying that is cliché but it’s helped me so much, ‘Those who MATTER don’t mind, and those who DONT matter mind.” I’m sure you get the gist, but if someone is being rude to you because they can’t accept your awesomeness their opinions of you, etc. shouldn’t matter. It takes a while to adopt that mindset, but it makes such a difference on your life. There’s no real definition of weird and normal if you think about it. Even the definition of weird vs. normal varies from person to person. Here’s another quote I love, “Weird is a side effect of awesome.” Some artists are considered weird (Andy Warhol, several photographers, comedians, I could go on), scientists, creatives, writers, etc. Think about your favorite movies/books, I bet money most of them are weird af and they make millions because of it. Where would the world be without these weird creative people? It would be a freaking boring place, I’ll tell you that. I’m not sure how old you are but accepting yourself does get easier with age. Try to think about the positives of being ‘weird’(even better make a list to reflect on), to some your personality is like a breath of fresh air bc you’re not like everyone else, a sense of humor unlike those around you (a good thing!), appreciates beauty in things others overlook ( or appreciating anything others don’t pay attention to), see where I’m going with this? You have to be real and not negative with yourself when making this list/thinking. You can also ask a very kind and trusted person to help you point out the positives. The term weird is just a label, in the end, you are you and life is what you make of it. Weird or not. Best of luck :)

Why do I get angry when I am feeling sad?

That is wonderful that you get angry easily when you are sad, because it is an improvement in emotion:1. Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love2. Passion3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness4. Positive Expectation/Belief5. Optimism6. Hopefulness7. Contentment8. Boredom9. Pessimism10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience11. Overwhelment12. Disappointment13. Doubt14. Worry15. Blame16. Discouragement17. Anger18. Revenge19. Hatred/Rage20. Jealousy21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/PowerlessnessThe point is to be as high on the list as possible. So as you feel sadness it’s very good to feel anger or blame. As long as you continue using your thoughts to go higher and not linger (that is especially good for others in your life). Do anything that makes you happy when you are feeling bad to go up the list and ideally be always at 7 or higher.And remember it’s natural to be inclined towards anger when you are sad, it is actually a sign of emotional wellness. You should be very proud of your upbringing.

If I'm unhappy and lonely when I'm alone, how could I become the source of my own happiness?

You’ve already taken the first step by asking how to become the source of your own happiness. That’s key. Most people think happiness comes from outside them - from another person, or things, or activities. To create happiness from within, you need to focus on what you’re grateful for. It can be a challenge to change your thinking from “woe is me” to “wow - I have endless blessings!” It takes practice and intentional willpower. You can focus on gratitude by meditating and putting your thoughts only on the things you have. Or you can write them out. I would sometimes vocally list all my blessings aloud while driving.Humans have a tendency to take our routine things for granted, and so our perspective can get bogged down with feelings of sadness or loneliness if our reality doesn’t match our wants or wishes. By choosing to acknowledge how many gifts and blessings we have, it helps us to reset that false perspective. Do you have shelter with a comfortable bed? Clean water to drink and shower in? Do you have enough to eat, a job to earn money, friends/family who love you? If you have any of these things, you are enormously rich. Every day, you should acknowledge even the tiniest of our daily gifts and thank the universe or God or whatever you believe in - for the riches of your life.The next step, is to then be a giver. When you’re alone, you can figure out ways to be generous. You can give time, money, or emotional support to your friends/family or a charity of your choice. This will give you a purpose, goals and wonderful things to anticipate. You can broaden this life approach even further, by focusing a bigger picture of what your life passion is and how you can use it to serve others. What activities make you happiest? How can you use that activity to give to others? By asking these questions and finding a path toward the answers, you’ll be creating enormous excitement about your own life.We ‘re each on this earth with a unique purpose. I wish you the best in finding yours and what will truly make your spirit sing.

I feel unhappy about my appearance.?

I feel unconfident towards my look. I'm fine with my weight, but not with my face, you know? I probably sound lame and wanting attention right now, but this is really how I feel.

I'm 13 year old. I have dark brown hair that gets all over the place (unless I straighten it, then it looks good). I have acne, braces, and glasses. I don't care about my braces since pretty much everyone has them, but everything else is an issue. I'm trying to get rid of my acne... school starts again in a month or so so I'm hoping to have it all gone by then. I've had glasses for six years, though, and they're so annoying! I hate my glasses so much. I don't want any glasses at all. I'm going to have to get new ones when school starts but I want to wear contacts. I was going to get them but I never got them in because the lady gave me the wrong directions and wouldn't let me do anything about it. My mom says I can only try to get them again if I can touch my pupil, but I don't want to. I don't think that helps anyway, since I'm technically not touching my eye when I'm inserting a contact in, does it?

Overall I just feel really ugly. I've felt this way for awhile. I'm really upset because I just want to be able to be confident about my looks. Do you have any tips?

I'm not happy with who I am as a person. How should I start over?

Running away will never make things better. You also don’t have to try and rebuild bridges, it’s likely the other person may not be ready to cross that river and will knock your attempts at a bridge straight into the ravine.Simply start being the person you want to be. Find time every evening to sit down and think through your day. Write a list of the positive interactions you had and take a moment to relive and enjoy them. Make it a habit to try and meet or exceed yesterday's list.Do not allow yourself to focus on negatives. If they happen, so be it but by focusing on the positive and working to be more positive every day, you’ll eventually leave no room for negative interaction.Don’t try and force your new, positive self onto people you feel you have wronged in the past. Just live your life. If they want to see you have changed, they will. If they want to dwell on the past, you’re better off without them in your life. Should they wish to repair the trust and friendship you once had that’s great, but they have to make the first move.