Why Do I Occasionally Dream About An Ex Gf From Years Ago

I dream my ex at least once a week, it’s been almost 2 years from the breakup. What should I do?

Bring the act of dealing with the breakup into your conscious. Go out and make a new life. Get a new partner.There is this concept of lucid dreaming. Practitioners influence their ability to recognize they are dreaming while dreaming, additionally they frequently induce dreams and influence their content.They say to think about what you want to dream directly before initiating sleep. Now it seems to me that something psychologically stressful would entrench themselves there.My first girlfriend that I made love to and slept with was very difficult to get over. In my mind I created a persona of a non-person that I imagined sleeping with. They had no age, race, build or personality, only the feeling of them sleeping with me. It was the only way I was able to cope with falling asleep for five years.It can take considerable time to heal. Allow yourself that time.

Why do I have dreams about my ex even after 1 year?

I used to have dreams about my ex even when I wasn't thinking about her. It was nearly a year and a half since I seen her, what caused me to dream about her was the events that were taking place in my life. I was in a new relationship at the time and my self-conscious mind kept reliving happy moments with my ex, like meaningful conversations, trust, comfortability etc. Those were the things I lacked in my current relationship at the time. It wasn't because I missed my ex, it was because my self-conscious mind was trying to tell me something about my current relationship. So maybe that's what your self-conscious is doing. Depends on what the dream is exactly.

Do you still have dreams about your ex?

I do, but, I met my ex when I was 18. We moved in together pretty quick. About a year later we were offered an opportunity that we could not refuse and moved from Maryland to Missouri together. We stayed about 3 years and came back. We bought our first home together then got married when I was 27. The marriage didn’t last 2 years but we remained friends (really good friends) until I got pregnant with someone else’s kid. We were both pretty devestated. I think we always thought we would get back together. He has a large family and they took me in as one of their own. I am much closer to his family then my own. We basically grew up together, so yeah, I occasionally dream about him. He left the country (about 10 years ago) and I had a disastrous marriage with my babies father. We’re divorced now too.

A dream where I was chasing my ex? (10 points)?

Had the strangest dream last night. I had a dream where my ex girlfriend, that broke up with me almost two years ago, walked up to me and smiled at me, and hugged me. She then ran off, and I spent what felt like the rest of the night chasing after her. Through city streets, through buildings, I was constantly yelling for her to come back, but I don't remember if she did or not.
It is odd because a month ago, she contacted me after a year and a half of no contact, to tell me that she missed out friendship that we had. We were the best of friends before we broke up, but now she is dating someone else. I wonder if her relationship isn't going well?

Anyway, can anyone tell me what this means? 10 points goes to the person who gives the most detailed answer, as to what this dream could have meant and why I dreamed it now.

It has been 2 years since me and my ex-girlfriend broke up. Why do I still dream of her?

Becz u haven't fully moved on And its natural.We are human not machine where we have an delete button to erase memories.U dream of her becz u lived and loved her at some point of time. May be you still love her and wanted to be with her (unconsciously).Its very obvious for us to remember them or anybody else with whom once we had an emotional connect.So just enjoy your dream and live ur life.With time this will fade.

Why did I have a dream about my ex girlfriend's best friend?

I am a teenage in high school, and my girlfriend recently broke up with me, and this made me very sad. My girlfriend's best friend felt really bad for me, and wanted to cheer me up by taking me shopping. My ex girlfriend's best friend and I are good friends, and I had an odd dream about her. In my dream I saw my ex girlfriend topless, but for some reason she had no nipples. Her boobs were just round mounds with nothing. Anyways my ex girlfriend was also in the dream, but she didn't really do anything in it. My question to you guys is why did I have this dream about her? I mean I'm very sad my ex girlfriend broke up with me, and I miss her very much, yet I had this dream about seeing her best friend topless. Why is this?
Thank you for your help!!

Why do I still keep dreaming about my ex-girlfriend almost every night for 3 months? It’s been a year since we broke up and 6 months since we last had contact with each other.

I'm obviously not expert, but typically recurring dreams are about the things that your subconscious is dealing with. So your dreams are telling you that you're still hung up on her (assuming the dreams are about the times when you were still together), even if you somehow suppress it during the day. It sounds like you're trying to forget about her, and you feel like you definitely should be over her by now. That feeling of almost desperately not wanting to feel anything is a phase some people go through. The fact that it has been so long could be what's making you dream about her, because you're trying so hard to forget about her.Now it's about getting her out of your system- which could very well mean putting some time aside to think about your relationship and the course it took. Maybe you didn't get closure, maybe you did. Either way, it's probably time to stop pushing the subject somewhere deeper inside you so that it springs up in your subconscious, and time to lay it all out on the table instead.How do you really feel? No, how do you really feel? What even happened? What do you miss about her? Do you know why you guys didn't work out? Why are you so eager to get over her? Is this keeping you from moving on? Is it worth your time to keep thinking about her?Maybe writing it down will help, maybe sitting in a dark room and just confessing to no one will help. You probably just have to come to terms with your own emotions instead of trying to push them aside and force them to vanish. Embrace this feeling. Of missing someone. Because you won't always feel that way. And the next time you do find love again remember what this felt like, and hopefully you'll treasure what you have then even more.But before you can do that you have to have an honest conversation with yourself, get in touch with your feelings. Realize that this is holding you back, find out what you can learn from it, and don't be so hard on yourself. Sometimes it takes more time than you would like to admit to get over someone. That's perfectly alright. One day at a time, remember?Good luck :)