Why Do I Only Like Mean/uninterested Boys

Why would this guy stare at me constantly, but act uninterested when I try and talk to him, along with never making eye contact with me?

Ok, If he is staring at you constantly then he definitely likes you. Because the thing with us guys is that we always concentrates on the next best thing available. So if he is still staring you although there is the best thing available to him, then he definitely likes you. But he can not talk to you or make eye contact with you maybe because he is shy. Or he is afraid of the fact that if he try and talk to you about being friend with him then maybe you will reject him. So he is in dilemma. He can not make eye contact with you maybe because he saw you when you caught staring him at you. So he is ashamed that how would you think about him.Well its common thing with the guys, and also has happened to me.Maybe he will never be able to talk to you, because i never did.But the decision about that is on you, whether you like him or not.If you don't like him as he is then either tell him to not stare at you that it makes you feel awkward and insecure or stop thinking about neither you can help him nor he can help him, himself.Or if you like him then keep trying, he will eventually come out of the shyness.

Why does the Pisces suddenly act uninterested?

So there's this Pisces boy that I sorta like, at first it was going good we kept texting n stuff, at first it was quite consistent n with my past relationships I wanted to even it out since I mean I was always the first to start up the convo we texted n stuff. Well anyway after a while even though I made sure that it wasn't daily he told me he ALWAYS had to go cos he was with people. One time
I asked him something n he just ignored then when I talked to him on FB it took
Him forever to respond and the convo
Went no where. With the info I found out on his sign, birthday and well first and last name, I found we have a whole BUNCH in common. The same life path and even the same summer number. I've realized we like the same music and we both really enjoy helping people. I didn't even really get to know him enough to know exactly how much we have in common but Pisces and cancer is very similar. But then agn there is some things we don't have in common, I don't drink he does, he smokes pot I would NEVER touch drugs, he's flirtatious and engages in sexual activity, I never really act tht way. He got lots of the easier classes and I got put into honors. So I mean we have our differences to. But why do you think he just lost interest? Or was he jut playing games? I know he enjoys messing with people :/ like what's up? Cos they say Pisces lie and are deceitful n sometimes kinda drive away....

Why do most women only show interest in you when you act uninterested in them?

Being a woman I know.. That women love the attention they get.. It's like our system works that way … We crave to be desirable sometimes even under the cover of being independent , having a damn care attitude . we know what men really want.. For that matter.. Men too ( some men:p) know what we really want .. It's like a human need to be wanted and desired.Well off course some women might say we're doing this for ourselves..and this makes us happy but nothing makes us happier than being appreciated , people looking up to us and wanting to be us and wanting us.However, I also feel it's Ego which is taller than their Christian Louboutins …doing most of the thinking all the time. The need to look good be it how one dresses itself in clothing or in the achievements one has ..which kindles the desire of the other sex.Coming to the question , well women do love being chased.. It's like fodder for women ego.. I mean , my ego would be satisfied if I'd know there were a bunch of men out there wanting me ( not objectifying) and not having me ( I know it's a very very arrogant statement but yes it's the bitter truth ) .And when we're not being chasedAnd nothing satisfies it more than a little praise, knowing there are men who desire the sort woman I am ( and they'd kill to have me :p)It can all be coined to this :having a man who is good for a women's ego nor the feeling of having a women good for a man's ego. Because let me tell you my friend nothing feeds the ego better than this .

Why are gemini guys so MEAN?

Aww. That IS mean...

He probably does like you. Its likely hes afraid of commitment.

But, I've known a lot of nice Gemini guys. Moody yes, but kind all the same. Take for example, my brother. Very bi-polar, hes just like the guy you mentioned up above. But, when we really get down to it, he's very compassionate. Maybe its just because I'm his sister, but hes a really nice person. When people first meet him, they see this mean, moody person that has no heart. But, if you really know him, you see how nice of a person he is. He's always looking out for the people he loves, but rarely shows it

I think you need to ignore his horribleness, and see the good.


you could simply forget about him. There will be others. All I'm saying is you should try it out, if he doesn't seem to be getting any better, leave him

I called this guy, he acted uninterested, then he visits me the next day. I wasnt at work. Why did he do that?

there could be a number of reasons why he was acting shady when you called, but if he came to your job to see you ,he is definetly interested.