Why Do I Pee Yellowish

Is normal for a 3 month old to have yellow pee?

If she didn't take hardly any liquid in overnight, then she's not going to have very much to put out. The less liquid, the more concentrated the urine, which means the more yellow it is.

If you don't drink enough, your pee is really yellow too. If you drink a lot of water, then your pee is barely yellow at all because it's not concentrated in a small amount of liquid.

If it's just that one time because she didn't drink much overnight, don't worry about it. But if it's often really yellow, then she's not drinking enough. Nurse her more often and for longer periods. Make sure she's wetting at least 6 diapers in a 24-hour period. If she's doing that, then she's fine.

Why is my pee a yellow green color?

There could be some weird chemicals in the drink. If you have another of the "blue imported light" kind, and the same thing happens, than I wouldn't worry about it. In the mean time, however, make sure you drink plenty of water, as being dehydrated is the main cause of your pee being a yellowish, greenish color.

The only specific thing I can think of is to check the monster product you drank, and on the nutrition facts, see if it has an unusual amount of sodium. If it has a ton, that would have been dehydrating you. Of course, caffiene can also slightly have the same effect. Anyway, if it has a lot of sodium, make sure to drink water with it whenever you consume it in the future.

Why does my pee become really yellow after sex?

It doesn't. It is all in your mind.Perhaps you ignore looking at the little fella except when he has performed well? And therefore you don't look down or in the bowl except after sex?

Why is my hamster peeing a milky yellow liquid?

I held him a lot today (he climbed on my back and went in the hood of my sweatshirt! lol!) and then I let him sleep for a while, then I put him in his ball so that I could clean his tank. Shortly after I did I saw this milky yellowish white liquid in there! I also noticed he sneezes, only occasionally. I don't think he has wet tail because his tail area isn't damp and he isn't sick looking. He acts normally and is eating and drinking fine.

He's a male if this helps?


My hamsters pee was a creamy yellow?

she just peed on me and it was creamy yellowish. what could it be?? is it shes not drinking enough water? its in reach so idk.. and she has fresh food every other day... so....... yeah. she is a girl fancy bear hamster

Why is my pee yellow even after drinking a lot of water for the past few days?

I believe you must see a doctor, preferably a nephrologist.In the mean time, keep drinking lots of water.Also, if you can, have 3–4 glasses of lemon water everyday.But try and see a doctor please.

Why is my urine dark yellow in the morning?

In short, the concentration of solutes (crystals, impurities, waste products, etc.) is higher after you wake up, because the urine has been building in the bladder for 8+ hours without evacuation. Normally (during waking hours) urine is diluted by water you ingest and by frequent urination (which doesn’t allow solutes to build up in any single urination). However, when sleeping, you are not consuming water (concentrating urine solutes) and you are not urinating, which builds up both the volume of urine and what’s in the urine.

Why after urinating clear urine then the next time I pee yellow urine?

If you don't replenish the water that has been lost when you urinate, then that's when your urine color begins turning darker. Even if you drink plenty of water, after you urinate the first time and it's clear, you're losing water and hydration from the body. If you don't drink more water between the first time you urinate and the other couple times, your body becomes less and less hydrated. If you don't replenish it, then eventually your urine will be a dark yellow.
It's good to have your urine clear and keep your body adequately hydrated. Don't just do it at one time, then stop. Drink enough fluids throughout the day and your urine should stay a clear to light yellowish color. Whenever you get thirsty, drink plenty of water and fluids to keep clear urine.
Stay hydrated through the summer months and all through the year. This keeps infection down from the bladder and keeps your body energized and healthy, not to mention your urine clear. There's nothing to worry about and urine is a good way to tell how hydrated your body is. Hope this helps.

Why is urine more yellowish when taking antioxidant supplements?

most vitamins are water soluable, and any extra your body cant use goes into urine and that makes it very yellow, so you notice your vits are not really doing you much good. If a doctor didnt tell you to take vits for a specific reason, you are just flushing money down the toilet litteraly