Why Do I Puke When I Am Drinking

If you vomit when drinking, are you still drunk?

When you consume alcohol, it starts being absorbed into your body right away, (from your mouth, to your stomach, intestines, etc.). Remember, the job of your digestion system process is to try to absorb all of the nutrients from whatever you eat or drink...even alcohol. When your body starts processing alcohol, you will start to have a measurable Blood Alcohol Content, (BAC), and simply said, that results in intoxication or getting drunk.
Drinking alcoholic beverages with higher alcohol content and in larger quantities, will increase your BAC more rapidly. The more alcohol that your body absorbs, the higher your BAC will be. When your body fully metabolizes the alcohol in your system, (or fully processes and eliminates the alcohol), from your body, the BAC lessens.
If any alcohol has already been absorbed by your body, a BAC will be present until the alcohol is completely metabolized. Vomiting, will not change that. What vomiting will do, is prevent additional alcohol from being absorbed into your blood...your body can't process what isn't there...thus preventing the absorption of additional alcohol.
However, you should know that even if you vomit after consuming alcohol, if any of the alcohol you consumed was already in the process of your body's digestive system process, that alcohol, will not be vomited because it was already used up by your body and in the process of creating a Blood Alcohol Content...thus, intoxicating you. This process will take several minutes for you to actually "feel it," so, if alcohol has already been absorbed by your body, vomiting will not stop what has already been started and you can feel drunk later on after vomiting, even if you didn't feel drunk when you vomited.

Hope that helps answer your question!

Why do I feel like puking after drinking coffee?

You are most likely having an acidity issue. When you drink coffee then the acidity increases. When the acidity increases beyond a point then either it reflects in the form of pain or in the form of reflux.Reflux is one of the ways by which the acid is removed by vomiting.Actually there are many symptoms before this. Light headache, fullness of the stomach, slight pain, tiredness and feeling of uneasiness happen before the feeling of puking comes up.It is best to avoid coffee. At the same time work on clearing your acidity. Work on your fears, anger and irritability towards others. Meditate and calm yourself down.Do not take any antacid tablets. They only make the situation worse over time. Even if you are having discomfort work on reducing the acidity naturally.

Why do i feel like puking when i drink beer?

Your palate had become accustomed to it when you were drinking it more often. But since you've stopped drinking it regularly your body hasn't readjusted to it. Do you like the taste of beer? I would guess not since it seems to physically make you ill. Also do you haven any known food allergies? A few of my friends (two that have Celiacs disease, which is a wheat allergy, and one is allergic to one kind of hops sometimes used) physically get ill from drinking beer.

Why after drinking like 4 beers do i have to puke?

Too much liquid in your system too quickly. Stop binge drinking like that, people die from it. Not just imbibing alcohol either, some people have died from drinking too much water to fast. It bursts the blood vessels and cells in your body. Pounding beer is stupid college frat-boy behavior. Learn to enjoy the actual drinking of the beer and stop trying to kill yourself with silly antics. Getting drunk is all good, but seriously, take your time with it. Enjoy it, and don't give in to the peer pressure of "its what my buddies do". That **** is immature.

And to the broad who said "try reading the bible", what the hell is the Lord doing turning water into wine (an alcoholic beverage if you didn't know) if he doesn't want us to drink it???? Remember, a MAN wrote the bible, the Lord himself didn't. Its all good to believe the Lord guided some person to write the bible, but if you seriously believe that then you are the most gullible b***h around. Get off that sh*t, there is a place for that.

Why do you puke after eating bananas and drinking sprite?

I don't think there's a chemical reaction between the banana and Sprite like there is with Coke and Menthos. It's more like you just forced more food and liquid into your stomach at one time than it was designed to hold so your body is going to try to empty it out.

Your stomach is really only big enough to hold two cups of food or liquid. Beyond that your stomach has to stretch to accomodate what you are putting in it.

In the banana/Sprite challenge you are supposed to eat two bananas and quickly follow that with two cans or bottles of Sprite. The two bananas alone come close to two cups but then you quickly drink two to four cups of Sprite behind it. Plus the Sprite is full of gas and that gas gets released into your stomach along with the bananas and unless you are able to burp the gas out it is going to force it's way out of your stomach and take some banana with it.

How to drink vodka without wanting to puke?

I had that same problem with barcardi after it raped me... If you want to be able to drink it straight there is a few things you are going to have to do. For me what i did is i spent a night with a couple of friends and we were playing a slow drinking game. I basically just sipped on a slightly mixed bacardi all night and as the night went on it started tasting better. Now i can pound bacardi again but it doesnt taste great cause it is still hard liquor. Stick with vodka for one night dont mix you dont want your body getting confused with liquors. Another reason why you may be getting sick is the vodka itself. Believe it or not there is a big difference in good vodka and bad vodka. Im not saying going out and getting belvedeer but the rule of thumb is Never drink out of a vodka that comes in a plastic Handle of vodka that is 1.75 litre bottle. These brands include taaka kamchaka potters etc. Smirnoff red lable and Svedka are good priced liquor generally around 20 bucks for a handle. Hit up costco best prices and get the kirkland brand it is Grey Goose that is a good choice. Try to get vodka that is distilled at least 5 times. Could also be casue its flavored u gettin sick

Why do i puke everytime i drink alcohol?

Okay so i am 15 (dont lecture me) And i did not used to drink at all. or barely at all....Just recently i started drinking every weekend (dont worry im stopping now) I throw up everytime... I do mix hard liquor a lot, which is retarded, but last night i only had a tiny sip of rum and then downed half a mason jar of cinnamon whiskey. So i barely mixed. And i went to this party drunk with my friend, and i threw up 3 hours after drinking. And 2 weekend ago i had 7 shots of strong tequila with my aunt and step mom and i threw up the next morning after blacking out and not remembering anything, which is similar to a party i threw 3 weekends ago. That was probably the biggest mistake i have ever made (drinking) I mixed 3 mikes hard lemonades, 1 beer, 3 shots of tequila, 3 shots of vodka, 2 bottles of wine (I tend to drink more once im already drunk) And i got to drunk blacked out (possible rape.....long story) and I woke up in my dogs bed with my shirt up and started puking and it had blood in it, so i had to tell my mom i drank and she said i'd be okay.

So clearly you see why i have to stop, but i have a family history of alcoholism and liver problems on my dads side. So could that have something to with it? I have not drank more than 8 times in my life. So does it have to do with my liver not being able to take it, or the hard liquor that doesent sit well? Because before when i would drink like ***** stuff (4 lokos, tilt, mikes) i never got sick, im just really confused and will it stay like that for the rest of my life?

Oh and everytime i drink i usually consume the entire nights alcohol in an hour or hour and a half..which could also be the problem.

Why do I feel like throwing up after drinking coffee?

Coffee is acidic, and can cause gastro issues for people with sensitive stomachs or acid reflex. Make it weaker or decaf.

Why do I feel sick after drinking chocolate milk?

It seems whenever I drink chocolate milk, I feel as if I'm going to puke. Why do I keep drinking it? Well, before today I always thought it was something I ate. Now I think it may just be the milk. Could I be lactose intolerant? I never thought about it until now. :s