Why Do I Sneeze A Noodle Out Of My Nose After Eating Chicken Noodle Soup

How come my nose started to run when I was eating hot soup?

When a person gets a runny nose after eating certain foods, particularly spicy foods, it’s not likely due to allergies. Instead, these symptoms are likely due to a form of non-allergic rhinitis called "gustatory rhinitis". While the symptoms of food allergies can include a runny nose, people who experience gustatory rhinitis do not experience other symptoms such as hives, nausea, or trouble breathing.

Just about any kind of food can cause gustatory rhinitis; spicy foods are the most common, including chili peppers, horseradish, black pepper and onion. Most people who experience gustatory rhinitis will have symptoms of clear, thin nasal discharge(the “sniffles”) almost immediately after eating the trigger food. Sneezing and watery eyes may occur, but usually there is no itching of the eyes, nose or mouth. The symptoms usually go away within a few minutes once the person stops eating the trigger food.

If it bothers you very often then you can get a nasal spray which will help treat and stop the symptoms. You will need to ask your doctor more about that.

Why is chicken soup the most generic treatment for colds?

It doesn't stop or cure a common cold.  Colds just run their course.  What Chicken soup does is make you feel better.  According to Mayo Clinic, it can help reduce inflammation, helps move mucus through your nose, which relieves congestion and limits re-exposure.  Chicken soup: Can it cure a cold?Other research suggests it might do some other tings that reduce symptoms, but no one seems to be claiming that it cures it.  The New York Times***I know one of my favorite cures when I'm sick is a Hot Toddy with about half the booze as normal.  It also doesn't cure anything, but the mix of honey, cheap whiskey, and lemon tea works as well as nyquil and without the hallucinations.  You want to keep the booze to just enough to relax your muscles.  If you get drunk while you're sick, you'll feel worse.

Why does soup help when your sick?

It is gentle on the digestive system, replenishes body fluids, the warm steam can help congestion and mostly its a comfort food.

What can i take/eat for a stuffy nose?

It depends on why your nose is blocked.
Do you have a cold or a virus?
Is it something you are allergic to that has caused hay-fever type reactions, itchy eyelids, runny nose, sneezing, blocked nose?
First massage the skull each side of your eyes where you will find a rounded depression.
This is just near the the outer edge of both your eye sockets.
Press firmly with your first two fingertips ON EACH HAND and rub in a circular motion in the depression.
Do this for a few minutes at least.
Then massage just below the inner edge of both your lower eye sockets,
You will find the tips of your second finger will fit comfortably in this area and you can apply firm pressure and use a circular motion again.
Next using firm pressure massage in a circular motion where the crease is between both your nostrils and your cheeks.
Then using your two first fingers, with the second finger in top position, massage the groove between your ears and the end of your jawbone.
This helps to stimulate blood flow in the area so your eustachian tubes that connect your nose to your ears can drain any excess fluid better.
Then try eating a hot chili meal, or very hot curry, or if you can enjoy it eat some hot chili with food.
This will make your nose run and it has high vitamin C content so it will help you if you have a cold.
If you can get some Eucalyptus or Menthol sweets to suck on, that can help also.
In Australia we have a product called Vick's Vaporub and it has a very good effect if you rub it on your chest so the fumes from the Eucalyptus rise up from your body heat and you breathe it in while you are sleeping.
A small amount is usually inserted in the nostrils before going to bed, as it helps dislodge the thick mucous that blocks your nose at night.
If you cannot get Vicks Vaporub where you live, try to get some Eucalyptus oil and put a small amount onto some tissue and tie it into the corner of a handkerchief so you can regularly take a sniff of the eucalyptus to help clear your nostrils.

What food can I eat after sinus surgery? It should not be spicy or hot food.

Hello!!!I hope your surgery went well!! There's no need to worry about a change in diet for long, as after the second day following your surgery, you can resume your old diet.However some foods I would recommend are: warm porridge (it should be warm not hot), mashed potato/yam/cauliflower/sweet potato/pumpkin is also a good one, steamed vegetables ( they should be soft so it doesn’t strain any muscles), low fat Greek yogurt is good just as long as you don’t have too much as it can be strong, and warmed up fruits (like apples, pears, berries, etc.).Making your food warm and soft will relax your muscles, allowing you to eat them without causing harm to your sinuses. You can add butter to the mashed potato if you want, but you don’t have to. Make sure that the food isn’t too hot before eating it. If you burn or strain your sinuses, it will cause a lot of damage.If your looking for sweet foods, chocolate isn’t a very good one. You can still eat it, but you don’t want just that. It can strain your sinuses when eating, or become sticky and make you have to wash your mouth out, which would ultimately affect your sinuses. You could try low fat ice cream, low fat sorbet, warm fruit, and mashed fruit in general.Also, drinking lots of water will keep you hydrated as well as keep your mouth from feeling dry. A dry mouth can strain your sinuses as well as irritate them, so just keep drinking water.Different surgeries have different outcomes though, so it would be best to ask your doctor or surgeon as well. You could write a list of foods that were recommended and then show it to them to see if they agree.As someone who hasn’t had this surgery I don’t know exactly what it feels like or exactly what will hurt your sinuses or not. I just got recommended this question and thought that I could use the knowledge I had to try help. A family member of mine has had this surgery and these are some of the foods they ate, so that is my credibility.I hope this answered your question!! Thanks for reading,Bye!!!

What should not eat during cough and cold?

Trying an Altered Diet PlanConsume honey. When you have a cough, drink tea or warm lemon water with honey.Have soup.Eat pineapple.Avoid foods that cause inflammation.Eat more foods that reduce inflammation.Use cayenne pepper.Garlic. Nope, it's not the smell of garlic that scares away the bacteria and viruses that make you feel sick. ...Beef. If you want to boost your immune system, eat some beef. ...Sweet Potato. ...Turmeric. ...Dark Leafy Greens. ...Wild Salmon. ...Chicken Soup.

When you are having a cold, what kind of food or situation usually eases the pain to comfort you?

Colds are awful. When I was a kid in Indiana where it gets pretty damn cold in the winter, I would get at least one really bad snot cold every winter. I though my head would explode sometimes. I v8vidly remember how turning over to lay on my other side produced this vacuum feeling drainage that felt like my eyeball was going to implode.Then my mom would make me some chicken noodle soup. She was busy but never too busy to nurse us back to health. I never knew I wanted chicken soup until she brought it in with some oyster crackers and 7up. She would take my temperature and help me get the snot out of my tangled hair. I complained about that but she knew I was just being grouchy. All would be forgiven once her little girl wasn't suffer any anymore. Usually she would have some turpenhydrate on hand. For those who don't know turpenhydrate, lucky you but poor you. It was clear cough syrup that tasted absolutely awful. She gave me a dose and a 7up chaser. It worked really good too. Withing 15 or so minutes I could breathe out of both sides of my raw nose at the same time. Maybe it was the vicks mentholatim. Then I could sleep for a few hours until the procedure started over again.Colds last a few days. Mine usually stayed around for a week. My mom didn't send sick and contagious kids to school to feel like crap all day and infect the other kids.So fast forward a few decades and the only thing that's changed is cough syrup isn't clear its red or green or orange but still tastes awful and still works pretty good. (I think the brand Theraflu works best of course it tastes the worst) Not many people drink 7up anymore and Kleenex are allot easier on the nose but chicken soup with oyster crackers, clear, caffeine free fluids and rest are the basics.After a few days of rest and letting the immune system do its job a cold should be a memory. One of those memories that compels you to stay out of the spray when others sneeze. Anymore if somebody looks sick I automatically start breathing shallow breaths in hopes of not catching it. I still get one nasty snot cold every winter. My mom lives 500 miles away but I still call her to whine.

Can dogs eat spicy food?

Some can, though I don’t know enough to say they should.Story about big food failure on my part… my dog has joint stiffness now that he’s older - my vet recommended turmeric, and recommended that I make/give golden paste 2X a day in his food. (Google it if you’re interested.) Started him slow, ramped up to 1/4 t per meal (he’s 18.5 lbs). I’d add a little water to the paste, then mix it with his food. He seemed to like it and had no issues with it.About 2 weeks after we started I had a bad morning. Half asleep, I put together his breakfast, put it down on the floor and walked away. A couple minutes later I realized he wasn’t eating… I turned to look to see … he was sticking his tongue out and in, (like going “BLECH!) and standing about 4 feet away from his food. He stared at me. My general approach is to be conscious, but not get involved too quickly, so he doesn’t get spoiled or fussy. So I waited, and a minute later he was back, nose in bowl, chowing down.Wasn’t until several hours later I reached into the fridge and realized I’d switched jars…. instead of giving him the golden paste, I’d given him hot Thai spice that I’d put in an identical jar.Poor guy had a real surprise, but it didn’t slow him down much. He ate every bit and seemed to have no digestive problems as a result. But I changed jars on the Thai spice, and will never be so careless again!

If the sides of my face are tingling after eating something very spicy is it dangerous?

In my youth I would recklessly divulge in spicy foods- I had a friend who would import ghost peppers and let me use them, and another friend from Malaysia who would invite us over for curry (which was very spicy). While visiting my friend on one of those curry nights she and her husband (an American) told us about when she moved to the United States and started eating our cuisine. After about a week she realized that her lips no longer tingled and commented that she thought the tingling feeling was just part of eating. I had never really thought about it, but began realizing that my spicy foods had a similar effect on my face. As I grew older my careless consumption of spice caught up with me, and now any time I eat food that is even remotely spicy I get hiccups until about half an hour after I finish eating. I still enjoy it, but only when I am willing to deal with the hiccups.The tingling can be a normal reaction to spicy food, but you should be mindful if you begin exhibiting signs of an allergic reaction. If you have difficulty breathing, break out in hives, or begins swelling you may have a dangerous sensitivity to one or more of the ingredients in the dish.