Why Do I Sometimes Think About Stuff And Then Suddenly Start Crying

Why do babies get scared for no reason and suddenly start crying like they are seeing a ghost or something? Is that normal in 1-3 months babies?

This is one question I can answer personally. My grandchild was in her mom tummy when allot of physical and emotional violence happened. Since the day she was born she has had night terrors. Something I'd never dealt with. Everything that happens to u pregnant happens the Same to your baby. They hear and feel it all ,also your bodies reactions ( like extra cortisol when the mom is upset ) cortisol is a hormone you might want to read about. You also have to consider babies have nightmares too . I haven't found a way to stop these night terrors but I've learned allot about how to deal with them. #1 never wake the baby up. Even though my first response was to wake her and calm her this isn't what happens. I've learned to make the hour before she sleeps a calming positive thinking hour( reading ,praying ,talking about all the happy thoughts she would have that night asleep). And if she had terrors that night I would talk to her about them the next day. Making her deal and think about the feelings she had and trying to explain to her what those feelings were and how we could change those bad dreams. Her talking about them seem to help the most. No matter how young we all need to express our feelings ( good and bad). I hope this has helped a bit. P.s. It could even be from her hearing a tv late at night with screaming andgunfire. So I try to be aware of the things around her going on especially when she's asleep.

Why do I cry easily all of a sudden?

Sounds like you have a history of repressing your emotions; you've probably reached your limit and so the softest of remarks can make you tear up or whatever. It may be a sign of depression, but are you having any other symptoms? Do you have many of these?
* Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" feelings
* Feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism
* Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and/or helplessness
* Irritability, restlessness
* Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex
* Fatigue and decreased energy
* Difficulty concentrating, remembering details and making decisions
* Insomnia, early–morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
* Overeating, or appetite loss
* Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
* Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment

Those are characteristic signs of depression taken from the NIMH website (link provided in sources)
There's no one cause for depression, sometimes it's from a chemical imbalance in the brain, other times traumatic events trigger it, family history of it, and many other factors influence its presence in an individual. If it's really affecting your life then you might want to seek a doctor's or therapist's help. It doesn't seem like it's really an intense form of it (if it even is depression) so you might get better after you reflect on what the root cause of your crying is. Why didn't you cry when your grandfather died? Were you close to him? What is this big mistake you made in the past? Did you cry over it when you made it? Did you apologize for it, and make peace with yourself over it? These questions may help you find the root of your problem.
Best of luck to you, and I hope the info I've provided helps.

Why do I suddenly feel so sad without any reason? I suddenly broke into tears and couldn’t stop crying. Is there any reason?

Before you diagnose yourself with something mental, pay attention to your sleep habits and your diet.There have been many times in the past year alone where I suddenly started feeling depressed and sad.I had no reason to be, it just came out of nowhere.Last time it happened, before I let myself fall into despair, I stared at the 24oz. of Pepsi I had just guzzled down at 8 in the morning, and the hot cup of coffee I had right after that.“Did I eat breakfast today?” I asked myself. “Nope!”So I slammed a bunch of chemicals into my body on an empty stomach and they shot straight to my brain.From there, I walked myself through it. “Okay. I feel incredibly deep in despair. I feel like I want to cry. I feel too weak to continue work. BUT I know that this is not a mental thing, it’s a physical thing, so I’m going to push through it. And I’m going to make sure I don’t drink that much caffeine at once anymore.”Last year I was EXTREMELY depressed. I was worried over money, my job, my bills, and my car breaking down. On and on!But I also realized that I had been staying up until 4–5am, only getting about 4 hours of sleep, and again, not having a very good diet.And I constantly had a damned screen in front of my face, mindlessly scrolling through politics and religion. That surely doesn’t help!In short, it’s not always, “You’re depressed, you need meds!” It can often (and I believe, more often than not) be our diet, both in what we feed our body and our mind.Before you go searching for internal reasons (there’s a bottomless pit of self-diagnosis in your head!), search for external thing.The reason this is important is because as soon as people determine it is something internal, they start to feel a lot more helpless and victimized by it–”It’s part of me.”That can lead to actual depression because now you feel trapped, stuck with something that hurts you.But if you figure out that it’s just a shitty choice you made for breakfast, it’s a whole lot easier to walk yourself through it and see the light on the other side, and you know it can be fixed and prevented in the future, so you don’t take it as hard.

Today I started crying for no reason...?

Actually, noone ever cries "for
no reason". There's always a
reason. Sometimes we don't
know the reason; sometimes
we do. Sometimes we need to let out
painful emotions that we're
having trouble getting in touch
with, that we don't quite
understand. Sometimes we find something
unrelated to our feelings and
use it as a trigger
(subconsciously) to let out
those feelings in tears.That's an advanced stage of
major depression.

Sometimes I just feel like bawling my eyes out, and I don't know why?

Sometimes, I'll just be like, sitting in my room, or talking with my friends, and I'm perfectly fine, and all of a sudden I just feel really upset, and I feel like bawling my eyes out, and I'm not sure why. Like, I always have little things that are going wrong, but they don't usually bother me, and I'm not one to cry, like, I don't cry very often, well, I didn't used to, but now I do.. it's weird. Why is it that, for no reason in particular I get really upset and feel like crying?

Is it normal to cry over imaginary things?

Yes it's normal, you just sound like a very emotional person who feels things deeply, people cry in movies and that's imaginary isn't it (that's not the same or as extreme but it is similar)

EDIT: Were you being sarcastic in your additional details? Anyway it seems that you need to express this to someone, friends or family maybe?

EDIT: Ok, so what I can gather from this whole thing is that you're very imaginative, that's a good thing, I understand where you're coming from, were about the same age