Why Do I Still Think Of Him Who Is This Guy

Why do I still think about my ex?

I broke up with my ex over a year ago. Afterwards he lied to me and used me for sex when I was hoping we could reconcile things but I then discovered he had already got another girlfriend and tried to cover it up for months denying it when I questioned him about it.

I met a guy in November and started dating him January; our relationship has its ups and downs but I love him a lot and think he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

But I still think about my ex I used to think about him constantly and dream about him all the time although I never dream about my current boyfriend.

Lately I don't think about him so much but I still get it in my head to call him sometimes. This guy was horrible to me and treated me like dirt and sometimes I only wish to call him so I can put myself back in his head and cause him some of the pain he caused me however stupid that sounds.

The things that happened with my ex make it hard for me to trust my boyfriend and I get so paranoid and panicky about him cheating on me sometimes although he swears he would never do that.

My boyfriend loves me but he says I don't know how to be happy. When I think about my ex now I don't feel the pain I felt before I don't really feel anything but I do still think about him. Does this mean I'm over him or not and if I'm not will I ever be?

Do guys still think about their ex-girlfriends?

I broke up with my ex-boyfriend a while ago, but do men get over their exs sooner then women? I have a busy schedule but he keeps coming into my mind. and I know my ex is a busy person, but do men think like that or have any feelings like that? Things still remind me of him is it the same for men?

Should I tell a guy I still think of him if he's rejected me twice already?

Just let it go.. If you bring it up again you're gonna look desperate and it'll come off as annoying and he's not going to want to talk to you anymore cause you won't drop it. I don't care if it's been a year don't bring it up again. You already put yourself out there, he knows you like him. So just leave it at that. If its meant to be he'll come forward as tell you. But other than that just let it go. No sense in making yourself sad over someone who doesn't want you, there is other people who will.

Im still thinking about him after ONE YEAR!?

I loved him. He loved me. We broke up because of wrong timing and because I was getting too attached. We decided to do no contact. Its been one year... I think about him every day, I can't look at another guy unless they have some of the traits he had. I compare every guy to him. I haven't been in another relationship since.
I want him to return... I don't know if he will anymore because its been one year. Im scared to make contact... Im scared of rejection.
I still love him... I have no idea what he's doing with his life now. Why can't I move on? :(

Why do i still think about my ex-boyfriend sometimes?

i am so over him.. i've been with my current boyfriend for almost a year and a half now. i am in love.. but recently i've been thinking about my ex alot. it just seems so random. he wasn't even a good boyfriend to me.. the whole relationship was a joke.. why am i thinking about him so much? everything has been reminding me of him lately. what can i do to make it stop!?

Why am I still thinking about my ex girlfriend every day, when we broke up 3 years ago?

This is tough. I have a friend who broke up with his girlfriend, and found himself missing her 2–3 years later.After the break up, he didn’t date. He focused on his health and finances. It wasn’t the right time for a serious relationship, he said.Most people will have periods like this where they are completely self-sufficient.But eventually, he started feeling lonely. He wanted someone to be with. And because he hadn’t been dating, he was a bit rusty and insecure. He didn’t have any options.Stomaching the uncertainty of dating new people is often hard. So instead, people wonder about their odds of working it out with their ex, where even if it wasn’t perfect, at least it was familiar.Instead of meeting new people, he found himself dwelling on his ex-girlfriend and wondering if there could still be something there.That line of thinking leads to poor decision making. It’s why people sleep with exes & compromise standards/ values to date a mediocre acquaintance with a nice resume. There’s comfort in familiarity.Other possible scenarios:She dumped you, and that rejection still stings.Your current relationship isn’t as good as the previous one, and that’s been weighing on your mind.You still follow her on social media. That will keep an open wound from healing far longer than necessary.