Why Do I Subconsciously Hate Women

Why do women hate short men?

Women hate short men. It's beyond a general dislike or lack of preference thereof, women have a total disdain for short men in general, and they for the most part are totally unconscious of it. If a short man could be a fly on the wall and listen into some of the conversations that women have about short men, they would be more than depressed. Women are only COMPLETELY attracted to height, i.e. NBA players, Quarterbacks, the alpha male, the biggest, the strongest(so to speak) someone who can reach the top shelf, etc., this is where their feminine attraction lyes. It is then reasonable to assume that women, who have mostly nothing good to say about short men, hate them. It's as if they blame the short man, for being short, and since it's hard for them to get and keep the ideal male they desire, they seem to take it out on their shorter counterpart. Like I said, they seem to blame short men for being short, as if to say they WOULD BE date-able, had they grown tall, but since they didn't they just add towards the woman's total frustration with men overall. He gets none of the pleasure from being a man, but he bears the grunt of burden.

Confidence in a tall man is seen as healthy, at the very least reasonable, to the contrary, subconsciously, confidence in a short man is seen as "c o c kiness" or he is deemed an A-hol-E or have a 'short man complex'. Since the short man is already seen as "completely inadequate", his attempts at success through anyone other than himself or others like him are generally cut short. His needs and wants in life are seen as waste to the elite, more often times than not being considered unmoral, because he "wants what he can't have", naturally speaking.

Why are women subconsciously attracted to illusive, distant men?

Women want what they can't have, and then when they have it, they don't want it anymore. The more out of reach you seem, the more women are interested in you. When I am single, I never have women just flat out ask me to spend the night with them, but here I am practically engaged, and women frequently invite me over to their house for drinks or text me late at night when they know my girlfriend is out of town. I never go, but would these women make offers to me if I was single?

Psychologists say all women subconsciously hate men (and vice-versa)- is this true, and why or why not?

I bet it was a male Psychologist that originally came up with that theory!
I don't hate men. I think there are a lot of jerks out there that are men, but there are also a lot of jerks out there that are women! My first husband was an abusive twit, but I remarried after I finally left his sorry butt, and I think I'm with the greatest guy in the world! I don't think all women hate men subconsciously, we don't always understand men, and there are times they drive us crazy, but hate...That is such a strong word!

Why do I hate women so much?

Well, I've heard that your father/mother shapes how you will interact with members of the opposite sex in the future, so it's very likely that your negative feelings for women are due to your experiences with your mother. I'm not sure what you should do... if it gets really bad, you could always try to talk to a councilor or psychiatrist.

Otherwise, try to remember women who you did like (there has to be a few - even if you don't keep in touch anymore, try to remember how and why you liked them) and keep an open mind. I firmly believe that most people are good-hearted, and this applies to women as well. Also try to find a few nice female friends. I don't know where you get your current female friends from, but if they treat you badly (if *any* of your "friends" treat you badly, male or female) then they're not real friends, and you should lose them.

Keep in mind that if women don't "respect" men who don't respect them. If you treat anyone badly, they will return the favor. Common courtesy goes a long way. Try altering the behavior on your end and see if that helps a little. Oh, and I don't recommend going into a relationship until you've fixed this problem... because people also tend to be attracted to others who are like their father/mother, so you may be choosing girlfriends who are like your mother, subconsciously. (And this contributes to the negative feelings.)

Otherwise... good luck. You seem like a good person, and I'm glad to see that you're trying to change your outlook. :) I hope things get better for you. :)

Why do misogynists hate women?

Oh, this is so tangled, complicated, and ugly. But I believe that for heterosexual male misogynists (the vast majority) in Western countries, the key is resentment.A lot of male misogynists seem to believe that women claim (or at least accept) all kinds of special treatment and then get offended when they are not accorded full equality. Some male misogynists do not or cannot (and/or do not want to) see the cloud of male privilege that they live in, and resent women for calling it to their attention.Some male misogynists are or have been mistreated by their mothers, wives, or other women and ascribe the faults of those women more widely to all women.Some male misogynists are very focused on the economics of personal relationships, have an exaggerated fear of "gold diggers," and have a tendency to assume that most or all women are primarily venal, just looking for an affluent guy to support their shoe habit.[1]Some male misogynists are very susceptible to beautiful women, and they hate and fear women because they are aware of this weakness and the possibility that women might exploit it to the misogynists' disadvantage.Some male misogynists can't seem to get laid because of personality disorders or for some other reason, and this frustration fuels their resentment against all women, not just the ones they can't have. Of course the frustration and resentment combine to make them even less appealing to future desired partners, and the downward spiral continues.I think, basically, most male misogynists regard the world as a zero sum game, where they are in competition with women for scarce economic, professional, and social resources, and they fear/resent women because of the misogynists' own desire and weakness for them.  As with all privileges, those on the outside have a much clearer view of the privilege than those who enjoy the privilege, and so these men are hyperaware of the various social niceties that benefit women (like the custom of giving up one's seat on a bus to a pregnant woman), while remaining oblivious to the enormous privilege they enjoy as men in society. They are determined not to be taken advantage of, and it seems to them that the best way to do that is to remind themselves at every opportunity that women are not as good as men, and not to be trusted. [1] I'd like to state for the record that I support my own shoe habit, thank you very much.


Why do 99% of Women hate sarcasm, and what does it say about the person who is doing it.

Don't respond if your the 1% of women who likes sarcasm lol.


I hate women, is this normal?

Is it normal to hate women? I hate women now. Let's get something out of the way, no I am not a nice guy. I never really have been the nice guy type, I always tried to keep it more alpha male. But still I simply hate women.

For starters, there is one factor for me not getting girls. I am ugly. Yes I am ugly. Don't say "No your not ugly, you can find a girl who will like you". No, get in reality. I am ugly, I really can't get a girl.

I think in the future I will just go with another ugly girl, I mean, I have ugly girls tend to be a little more faithful.

No I will not dress nice, and try to fix my hair for women. What happened to girls want whats on the inside? Doesn't that defeat the purpose. I am still unattractive when I dress nice anyway. I think it has to do with my nose, it's a jew nose, but theirs more to it than that, I just am ugly.

I hate hot women the most. I don't mind having a conversation with an ugly girl, their usually more down to earth to talk to. I am working at a restaurant right now, I avoid all eye contact and conversation with hot women. I mean, it's not like they would treat me any different. I think attractive people man or woman tend to have an inflated ego, I guess that's why.

But in the end I think love and all relationships are pretty pointless in the end. Has a father or mother ever said they enjoy having their kids, and thought subconsciously everyday they enjoy having them. I doubt it, I'm sure they say they enjoy them, but I'm sure their is days when they think otherwise.

If you think about it, Love is just nature's way of tricking us into reproducing. So therefor, love is ultimately pointless. And since I am a man (and straight), and am obligated to love women, which is pointless, I hate women.

So give me your thoughts, and tell me, if anything, what I need to improve on.

Do I need to be fixed? Or am I just right?

Does every male inherit misogyny subconsciously? How can a man unlearn this subconscious misogyny?

No man inherits misogyny. He is conditioned since birth to feel superior to women, often by instances around him. But even that doesn't make him a misogynist. I guess you have used misogyny and chauvinism interchangeably. Sexist men do not hate women, they have just been brought up thinking (or acquired the thinking) that women are not equals. The solution? An open mind, willingness to accept equality and awareness. Once they understand and accept that they're wrong, they should learn and understand as much as they can about the opposite gender. And this works for female chauvinists and misandrists too.