Why Do I Think Alot And Stress

If a person is under a lot of stress...?

i don't think so. it's never right to freak out on somebody just because your stressed. you should always handle things rationally & calmly. treat others the way you want to be treated!

& just a side note... the world doesn't revolve around one person. so you can tell whoever freaked on you to kiss your @$$ :)

Why do adults think that teenagers have no stress?

honestly, i don't know. adults seem to think that b/c we don't have full time jobs and don't have to pay the bill that we have it pretty easy but as we all know that is not true. I have to deal with basically everything you listed in the question. At my skool the drama is over the top and it never seems to stop. We have a lot of stress on us. Plus if your in high school the next coming weeks for the end of skool are even harder b/c of finals and for seniors worrying about failing. I understand where you are coming from. And i completely agree. Adults do not understand the stress we have on us.

Can stress make you physically sick?

Absolutely. You can even die.Stress is actually the #1 killer.In my 20’s I had a Doctor tell me that statistic. He added “if we could eliminate stress, 90% of disease would he gone”. Even if some person would say that 90% is too high of a number (because there are also definite environment factors; many types of pollution) and it's “just” 60 or 70% that is still a huge factor in illness. One can read many articles on health and they find there, that Doctors will tell you that relaxing from stress is vital. Dr. Oz, Dr. Axe, Dr. Mercola are good sources of information.I myself, almost died from what I'll call accumulated stress (in my 30’s) from others negativity and abuse toward me.In short, I recovered by healing my body through diet and exercise; I followed the Weston A. Price diet and still do, after 12 years. Naturally, one must work to find their own balance with what works for their own body. Look into the benefits of essential oils, herbs etcHowever, you absolutely cannot ignore your mind. Your body will not reach wellness without the mind. Why?Your mind is generating thoughts that cause, or alleviate, stress. One needs to look at and address incoherent beliefs. Beside incoherent beliefs, I also believe that spirituality cannot he ignored.I'm 55 yrs old now and I am in very good health. It's work that takes dedication of purpose, but Dont be afraid of the work. The alternative is sickness and ill health.Be assured that there are great rewards: emotional and physical, spiritual, as well as social, in caring for your own body. It's quite amazing. Anyone can live a better life if they want to.Work to eliminate all limiting beliefsPay attention to your own needs and body (this is not the same as selfishness) with food, rest, relaxation and mindfulnessLooking to the creator as a source for strength and support. (In this respect, I can recommend for many good articles on relationships, parenting, how to live a calmer life and on finding spirituality.)I wish you great success.

Men with girlfriends or wives-Do you feel you are under alot of stress to make a showing on Valentine's Day?

Nah, I'm always good about these kinda things.

I made a quick, fairly simple plan, and I'm going to do that. I'm surprising her at work (we met in college and live 2 hours away from each other, so she doesn't think I'm coming till friday), and taking her out to her favorite nice restaurant.

As for presents, I got her a rose that's dipped in gold (she'll like it), and I'm also sending her a dozen roses in the morning with a note saying that I wish I could have made it to see her, so she'll be extra surprised when I show up towards the end of her day at work. Then after dinner, I'm giving her a Tiffany's necklace that matches the earrings I got her for her birthday. She had mentioned wanting to buy it about a month and a half ago, but lost the ebay auction, and she didn't want to spend all that extra money to buy it from Tiffany's, so I know she'll like it.

Doing nice things for wives/girlfriends is actually really easy if you are a good listener and planner. I rarely feel pressure about it, but I also typically take care of everything 2-4 weeks in advance too.